Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 100 members · 91 stories
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Here’s a little something, if it’s alright.

Mikey: Alright, we got the Ninjas, Team American Dragon, and the Hexsquad.

Amity: Hexsquad?

Mikey: Because you guys go to a place called Hexside, and your pretty much a squad so... Hexsquad.

Luz: Ooh, a team name, I love it.

Eda: I never thought of myself as a team player. (Pauses) oh what the heck! The titles up my alley anyway.

Hey, remember the plotline involving the villainess trio capturing Lao Si and putting him in a car about to be crushed in a junk yard. Maybe it could be the same one where the tooth fairy was almost crushed.

Well, I figured out how they get him. Kikimora arrives at his shop, since Lao wouldn't recognize her, and knocks him out with sleeping nettles mist, like she and Botcha did to the Hexsquad in For The Future.

Kikimora: Sleep tight, you old fool!

Group Admin

Hey, Luz can ask why the AM-Drag crew knew the Rainbooms.

Jake: Because their a rock band.

Luz: Wait, you girls have a band?!

Rainbow: Oh yeah. And we're awesome!

Spud: Ah got that right. These girls rock!

Haley: I listen to their songs all the time!

(Right before they sing)

Gus: Human music sung by actual humans?! This is the best day of my life!

Haley: Mine too!

Here's a song they sing for them...

Here's a small scene.

Luz caught Amity tapping her foot to the beat and gave her a knowing smirk.

The witchling blushed and looked away. "They're... good," she admitted, sheepishly.


Willow: Skara would love you girls.

Twilight: Who's Skara?

Gus: She a friend ours from Hexside, she's part of the bard track.

King: There's someone else who'd love you girls. Right, Eda?

Eda: (cleared her throat.) No comment.

Donnie: Who are you talking about?

Luz: Eda's "special friend", Raine Whispers.

King: Who also happens to be head witch of the bard coven.

Group Admin

Sounds good to use for the next chapter

And before they meet Lao Si, you could have the Hexsquad explain what type of magic they use, ending with the Twins giving Raph that turkey head and being thrown into water.

Uh, here's some of quotes for when the heroes battle the evil trio and save Lao Si at the junkyard in Jersey

One of them is an edited dialog from Red Tagg.

Chaplin's history with Abigail

Chaplin: Uh, hey Finn, long time no see?

Abigail Finn: YOU!!! (before she began shooting multiple laser blasts at Chaplin, who barely dodged each blast.)

Chaplin: I take it your still mad at me for that Bigfoot prank?

Abigail: Prank?! YOU RUINED ME! (She was about blast at him again when her guns were levitated out of her hands by April and Twilight.)

Chaplin: (hiding behind them) Thanks girls!

Karai: What was all that about?

Donnie: You two know each other?

Chaplin: Pretty much...

Abigail Finn: Indeed we do! Long ago, back when I was a senior at the University, this pretentious welp was an honor student.

Twilight: You were an honor student?!

Chaplin: At the age of 10. Try not to be jealous Donnie.

Donnie: Oh I'm not. In fact, I once plugged in a working lamp... when I was a baby. And I actually remember it!

(After he and Abigail explain their history.)

Dr Finn: My reputation was utterly shattered, all because of you and your twisted prank!

Luz: (to Chaplin,) Is that true?!

Spud: Low blow, dude.

Chaplin: Okay, pause and rewind, before you continue to make yourself the victim, doc, let me share my side of the story. (To the others,) Everything she said was true, but... it wasn't without justification. You see, during my honor student days, Ms Finn here always looked down on me and wrote me off as a dumb kid amateur, even when I wasn't showing off. Then one day, I asked her for help in building a special kind of drone and she agreed. But when we showed it to the whole campus, she took all the credit, claiming she did all the work, when in reality, I did most of it, and she had the gall to say I slacked off the job!

(Everyone gasped.)

Donnie: What was the invention?

Chaplin: Her sortie drones. They were originally my design. I had created them for helping injured animals from a far. But Finn here, weaponized them for her monster hunting ambitions. Once I discovered that, I decided to get even with her. And you all know the rest.

Gus: So she used you?!

Chaplin: Yep.

Fluttershy: And she turned an invention ment to help animals into a weapon to hurt inoccent creatures?! (to Dr Finn) YOU MONSTER!!!

Sunset: I'm surprised you're working with those, considering how obsessive you are to capture and prove those sorts of creatures.

Abigail Finn: I have no choice now. After I was arrested, all of my equipment and research had been confiscated. And my show was cancelled. Even my PhD has been revoked!

Sunset: Guess that makes you, Miss Abigail Finn, now.

Abigail Finn: I now have only one purpose in life: getting revenge on you and your friends.

Leo and Twilight vs Kikimora

Kikimora: Once I destroy you, your friends and this place for the Emperor, he'll finally see me for my worth.

Leo: Is that all you care about, impressing this Emperor Belos guy?

Kikimora: I'll do ANYTHING to be in Belos' good grace! To get the recognition I deserve!

Leo: You're real pathetic, Kikimora, you know that?

Kikimora: What?! How dare you!

Twilight: He's right, Kiki! Eda told us all the evil things Belos has done. You're craving the approval of a tyrant!

Kikimora: Ha! The Owl Lady is fool! And anyone who believes her is a fool!

Leo: Oh, really? Luz told us how she once staged a kidnapping so you could go see your family. Only for you to throw them aside for a supposed promotion!

Kiki: My family was nothing more than an obstacle, and I'll get rid of any obstacle to get Belos' recognition.

Leo: Obstacles like the Golden Guard, your supposed teammate?

Twilight: Luz also told us how you tried to feed him to you're pet finger dragon!

Kiki: That brat is the biggest obsticle for the Emperor's approval!

Leo: Like I said, you're pathetic, Kiki!

Kikimora: I'll show you pathetic!

Luz vs Chang

"Booyakasha!" Luz came out of nowhere and jumped onto Chang, until the dragon lady threw her off. Just as she got up, Chang punched the human girl into a car.

"Foolish human!" Chang sneered. "Did you really think you could attack me?!"

Luz stood up and shot back, "I'd be careful if I were you! Because I'm training to be a witch!"

Chang just laughed. "You? A witch? Ha!" She scoffed. "You are just a weak, inferior human!"

"Inferior?!" Luz growled. "You think humans are inferior?!"

"I don't think," Chang stated. "You humans are inferior!"

"You're working with a human!" Luz pointed out.

"You mean Abigail Finn," Chang inquired. "She is only of use to me. As far as I am concerned, she's as much a lesser being to me as all humans. Though from what I've heard from Kikimora, you are an even lesser being!"

"Wow, Jake was right, you are the worst!" Luz snapped, before Chang smacked her to the ground and pinned her down.

"Pathetic human, who are you to define me?!" Chang replied haughtly. "You are nothing! And one more thing, how can you possibly be a witch, when you have no magic within you?"

Luz smirked as she took out a light glyph. "I'll show you..." and flashed the glyph in Chang's eyes.

"Argh!" Chang cried. Then Luz punched her in the face, making her get off. "I'll destroy you for that!" Chang spat a blast of fire at Luz, but the girl used an ice glyph to summon a wall of ice to block her attack.

Then Luz used a glyph combo to create a shroud of fog. Chang looked around but couldn't see Luz anywhere. Then she suddenly found herself wrapped in vines. When the fog cleared she saw that Luz had used a plant glyph. Chang broke free just as Luz used a fire glyph to send a blast at her, knocking her back. Chang spat jet of fire at Luz but the girl used an invisibility glyph and disappeared minutes before the fire hit her.

"Where are you, human?!" Chang demanded.

Luz reappeared behind her with a gasp, "Here I am!" And stuck a rocket glyph on her. Then Chang went blasting all over the junk yard, bouncing off scrap heaps. Then Luz used two more ice glyphs, one to launch her at Chang as she came toward her, and the other to make an ice bat which she smacked the dragon lady in the face with, knocking her down. Luz landed on her feet just as Chang stood up, now furious.

"You wretched human!" She snarled. "You will be sorry!"

"Not as sorry as you're gonna be, Chang," Luz rebuffed.

"And why do you say that?" Chang asked her.

"Because my girlfriend heard those nasty things you said about me," Luz explained. "And she does NOT appreciate me being insulted."

Before Chang could question that, she was punched away by an abomination fist. Then punched by a second one. Then punched into the second one by the first fist and the second fist grabbed Chang and smashed her down on the ground three times.

Chang looked up to see a glaring Amity, "Don't EVER slander my girlfriend!" The youngest Blight warned, before having the first fist grab Chang by the tail and swung her around before tossing her into the air.

Chang quickly caught herself with her wings and shot a blast of fire at the abomination fists, melting them. "I'll burn you both!"

"Excuse me, Chang?" Chang looked back and was punched down on top of a car by Harpy Eda.

"Nobody tells my kid she's nothing," the Owl lady glared.

Eda's head

"Don't worry, there's no way anyone's getting the drop on old mamma," Eda boasted.

Suddenly, Abigail appeared behind her with her energy sword. "That so?!" She said, giving a sharp swing.

Before Eda could even blink, her head was instantly sliced right off her neck and fell into a shocked Rarity's hands. The fashionista gave a horrored gasp when something unexpected happened.

"Ow!" Eda's head exclaimed. "Dang it, not again!"

Rarity shrieked and tossed Eda's head, which went soaring over to where Leo and Twilight were still fighting Kikimora and was caught by the turtle leader as he and Twilight looked in shock.

"Yeah, Luz pretty much had the same reaction," Eda said casually, before the two also screamed and Leo threw her head, bouncing it off Kikimora and knocking her down. "Strike one!" Eda cheered before she was caught by a wide eyed Raph. "Hello."

"You're creepy!" Raph tossed her head over to the Coven scout he had been fighting.

"Boo!" Eda said and the scout screamed, throwing her head over to April, who also screamed and threw Eda's head to Trix, who did the same and tossed it to Donnie, who tossed it to Sunset, who threw it to Haley, who threw it to Casey, who threw it to Keno, who tossed it to Applejack, who threw it Rainbow, and she threw it to Jake.

"Yo! Nasty!" Jake threw Eda's head to Mikey and Spud, who began tossing the head to each other in a panic.

"Aaahhh, take it!"

"No you take it!"

"I don't want it, you take it!"

"You take it!"

Finally Spud threw Eda's head to Trixie as Eda said, "Wow, you're all easily freaked out." Trixie screamed and tossed Eda's head over to Pinkie.

Panicked, Pinkie bounced Eda's head from hand to hand like she was holding something hot. "Ew ew ew, disembodied head! Get away!" And she threw Eda's head to Abigail Finn.

Unlike everyone else however, Abigail looked more in disbelief than in terror. "What? This isn't possible! How are you still alive?!"

"Oh, well that's an excellent question," Eda replied. "Just bring me closer and I'll tell you." Abigail held her closer. "Closer... closer... there we go. So the reason for this is..." Then without warning, she blew a raspberry right in Abigail's face. The mad woman cried in disgust while Eda laughed. "That still cracks me up!"

"You disgusting little!" Abigail growled.

"Oh that's nothing compared to what's coming next, Dr Freakenstine!" Eda smirked.

"What are you implying?!" Abigail demanded, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and was punched in the face by Fluttershy, knocking her unconscious and making her toss Eda's head which the shy girl caught.

"That was for the Green Woman, you meanine!" Fluttershy yelled.

"Nice one, kid," Eda congratulated.

"Why thank you, Eda," Fluttershy smiled, before her eyes widened as she just realized that she was holding Eda's head.

Eda gave a dry look as she knew what was coming. "Scream and throw my head." And Fluttershy did just that. "And off I go." Eda mumbled dryly.

(After the fight)

"Also, DID YOUR HEAD COME OFF YOUR BODY?!" Donnie asked, totally freaked out.

Luz gave a nervous laugh. "Uh, yeah, forgot to mention. Eda can remove some of her body parts. Including her head. Yeah, I totally freaked when I found out too."

"Want me to show ya?" Eda asked mischievously.

"Oh no no, we believe you!" Sunset waved off immediately.

"We're good!" Jake added.

"Totally!" Rainbow said.

"Absolutely!" Rose agreed.

"You don't need show us more!" Leo said.

"We got the gist of it!" Karai stated.

"Don't ever do that again!" Raph said, still freaked out.

"Seriously," Trix agreed. "That was creepier than Fu pretending to be that pirate puppet!"

Group Admin

Not bad could be useful for the final fight between them

aria blaze + sonata dusk + adagio dazzle Fusion

Pic please

Can you use Banana B as a side antagonist?

Hey, I think I know how Chang finally frees the Dark Dragon from the temple. The trio vist an old Kraang lab where they find a kraang portal machine and decide to use it to open a portal and release the Dark Dragon, but Abigail double crosses Chang and Kiki before they can. (If you remember that pitch.)

However, when the heroes arrive, with help Rottwood, and defeat the villains, they accidentally cause the machine to activate and the Dark Dragon comes through the portal.

Dark Dragon: I... am... FREE!!!

Spud: Looks like things just went from bad to worse.

Raph: You think!

Group Admin

I believe so. Though refresh me

Aside from getting revenge, Chang also wants to free the Dark Dragon from the thousand year temple.

So, the trio try a few things to free him but are foiled by the heroes.

As for Abigail turning on Chang and Kiki, that idea is on page 3.
Here's the link: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/215488/equestria-ninja-girls-clan/thread/511218/magic-in-manhattan-ideas-and-quotes#comment/7826640

Group Admin

Ah right. Well we’ll see what to do right now I need to figure what the next chapter should focus on with the heroes

Do you know what would be really interesting? Let it be discovered that the Dark Dragon was actually Kavaxas' apprentice.

You could do that chapter of that mission for Fu, King, Spike, and Haley where they fight Bananas B, Yan Yan, and Olivia for a portal-opening dagger. I remember you said you interested in that. Since they briefly wined up in Amphibia and later Teen Titans Go.

If you need a refresher, the plotline is on page 1 of this thread.

And if you'd like to do that next, I've got some quotes for it.

Hey, maybe you could do the saving Lao Si chapter next.

Here's the plotline.

Kikimora arrives at Lao Si's shop, pretending to be a costumer, but Lao gets suspicious. When he asks for her name, Kiki knocks him out with sleeping nettles.

Lao Si: Pardon me, madam, but would you care to tell me your name?

Kikimora: Oh, yes, of course. But first... (She suddenly whipped around and threw a potion vile on the ground in front of the old dragon master, engulfing him in a mist.)

Lao Si: Waahhh! What was that stuff and... why do I feel so... sleepy all of sudden...

Kikimora: That was a sleeping nettle potion, great for helping one fall asleep. (She chuckled darkly as Lao Si began to lose consciousness) Pleasant dreams, you old fool! (She sneered as Lao Si finally passed out.)

Later, Jake and his friends arrive at the Turtle Lair and tell them that Lao Si is missing. They arrive at the shop to investigate and Edric finds the sleeping nettles potion stain, while Pinkie finds a note which reads "we have your grandfather, come to the junkyard in Jersey to watch his demise." They quickly figure that it must have been Chang, Abigail, and Kikimora that got him and hurry to the junkyard to confront them.

Meanwhile, Lao Si wakes up, trapped under a spinx hair net, and locked inside an old car, with the terrible trio before him.

Chang: Hello, Lao Si, it's been quite some time.

Lao Si: Chang! (He tried to transform into his dragon form but soon realized that he couldn't.)

Chang: Do not bother trying transform, that net is made of spinx hair, rendering you powerless!

Lao Si: turned to see Kikimora.) You! You must be Kikimora?

Kikimora: Correct. I assume the Owl Lady and her brats told you about me?

Lao Si: That they did. But I have to say, you are much shorter than how I pictured you.

Kikimora: I'd hold that tongue of yours if you know what's good for you!

Abigail: You know Chang, I'm actually quite fascinated that hair from the legendary spinx can neutralize a dragon's abilities.

Lao Si: You are Abigail Finn! The self-proclaimed monster hunter!

Abigail Finn: That's THE Monster Hunter to you! Or I was until those Turtles and Rainbooms ruined me! If only we didn't have to annihilate you, I could've used you as proof that monsters exist.

Lao Si: People like you miss Finn are the reason why monsters remain hidden to the world. They only want to be left in peace.

Abigail Finn: And I want to cease being a laughing stock to the science community and the world in general! But we both can't have what we want now can we?

Lao Si says that he knows Chang wants revenge, but Chang says that revenge is only part of her true plan, which is to free her master, the Dark Dragon from the thousand year temple, much to Lao Si's shock. He says that's impossible as the temple can not be accessed for one thousand years. Chang says that is true, but with the arrival of Kikimora and the witches of the Boiling Isles had put her into perspective. She says that as a former member of the Dragon Council, she has the knowledge that temple exists in a pocket dimension. But after hearing Kiki's story, she realized that that dimensions like that could be reached through means of portals. She plans to find ways to create a portal to the temple and bring the Dark Dragon back so that both she and him can have revenge on the American Dragon.

Chang: But first, I'm going to devastate him emotionally by destroying his beloved dragon master.

???: Great plan, Chang. Except you forgot the part where we kick your butt! (The trio turned around to see Jake, his friends, the Ninjas, and the Hexsquad had arrived.

After some chat between the heroes and enemies, Chang has one of the Coven scouts switch on a crusher and it begins to crush the car Lao Si is trapped in.

Jake and Haley: Grandpa!

Chang: You are welcome to try and save him, American Dragon.

Kikimora: But you'll have to get past all of us to do it!

Abigail: Your move!

Chang also reveals that she stole a pendant that can summon the Dark Dragon's shadow demons for more backup.

So the heroes and villains battle it out. Jake, Haley, and Luz fight Chang. While Leo and Twilight battle Kikimora. Sunset, Rose, Eda, Rarity, and Fluttershy fight Abigail. While the others battle the scouts, the shadow demons, and the abomaton.

Chang tells Luz that she's nothing but an inferior human, which angers Luz, who points out that she's working with a human, but Chang says that Abigail Finn is only of use to her and that as far as she's concerned, she's just as much a lesser being as all humans, while saying is an even lesser being. Luz calls Chang the worst and gets knocked to the ground. She warns the dragon lady that she's a witch in training but Chang scoffs and says she is nothing. Then asks how can she be a witch when she has no magic within her and Luz uses her glyphs on Chang. Then she's attacked by Amity, furious at her slander to her girlfriend.

While she fights Abigail with Sunset, Eda, Rarity, and Fluttershy, Rose says that she's worse than their old teacher/principal, who was also obsessed with exposing magical creatures. Fluttershy is also still upset at what she tried to do to the green woman. Abigail rants that her reputation was in even more ruined since then, saying she even lost her PhD, which Sunset briefly taunts her over.

Karai and Shini defeat one of the scouts, Steve, who admits that they have good teamwork. They question why he's working for the bad guys, when he himself isn't, and he says that he wishes he wasn't working for the bad guys but is stuck. The two tell him it's never too late to join the good side.

Leo and Twilight battle Kikimora who says that after she defeats them and captures the Hexsquad, Emperor Belos will finally see her worth, Leo and Twilight tell her she's pathetic for craving the approval of a tyrant and recalling that Luz told them how she staged a kidnapping so she could see her family only for her to throw them away for a meaningless promotion.

A funny scene during the fight is when Abigail get's the drop on Eda and cuts off her head, then everyone screams and tosses around before she ends up caught by Abigail who asks why she's still alive and Eda tricks her into holding her closer to blow a raspberry in her face, as well as distracting her so Fluttershy can knock her out with a punch.

Lao Si is about to be crushed when Trixie saves him using the magician's exit, then she frees him and he helps Jake defeat Chang. Then Eda, with her head back on, punches Chang, saying nobody tells her kid she's nothing. Seeing that the heroes are winning, Chang orders a retreat and the scouts use a smoke screen to escape.

Lao Si tells everyone that they really must stop Chang before she figures out a way to free the Dark Dragon.

Meanwhile, Steve asks just how Chang plans to make a portal to which she says that she already found a way and sent a friend of hers to retrieve the tool she needs, while a certain monkey breaks into the natrual history museum.

Bananas B: Yo yo, dawg! Bananas B is in the building!

That's the plotline for it. Which will lead to the dimension dagger mission with Fu, Spike, King, and Haley fighting Bananas B, Yan Yan, and Olivia.

Group Admin

Good to have this layed out



Here’s a little idea for the Dimensional Dagger Mission battle.

During the battle, one of the dimensions they visit is outside Luz’s house, in Gravesfield, in her home dimension. Only, none of the heroes, more specifically King, doesn’t notice, and they go back into the portal. But after they go back into the portal, Camila pops her head out the door as if she heard something, and just shrugs it off.

Basically, they found a way to Luz’s home, but never realised it.

So, what do you think?

Pretty good and cruelly ironic like how the show is.

Oh, I really hope that's in this story, cause that would be worth watching.

Yeah, when Jake does it, he does it with style.

Trixie saves Lao Si

Suddenly, Trixie appeared before him in a puff of smoke. "Fear not, Lao Si! For the Heroic and Nobel Trixie shall rescue you from being crushed!"

"I'm doomed," Lao Si deadpaned.

Trixie chuckled. "Oh ye of little faith." Then took out another smoke bomb. "Behold, the Magician's Exit!" And she threw it down, engulfing herself and the car in smoke.

When the smoke cleared, Lao Si was no longer in the car, but sitting right next to Trixie! Though he was still under the net.

The fight stopped, as everyone had witnessed the whole thing and stared in utter disbelief.

"Yo, whaaaa?" Jake gaped, while still locking claws with a shocked Chang.

"Impossible?!" Chang exclaimed.

"Did not see that coming," Luz said, as she and a surprised Amity looked like they were about to hit Chang with the ice bat and an abomination boxing glove.

"Yo, how'd she do that?" Trix asked aloud, having a scout in a headlock.

"Not a clue?" The scout shrugged.

"This day is full of surprises." Shini noted.

"No kidding," Pinkie popped up next to her.

"How the heck did you pull that off, Trixie?" Eda asked, her head laying on it's side.

Trixie looked back with a smirk. "A magician never reveals her secrets."

Guess... she's improving?

Hey, here's something for Chaplin to say when they face the trio, something that the Flash said in his first team up with Supergirl.

Chaplin: Okay, Terrible Trio, here's an idea: hows about you three step away from the nice old man and then we settle this like women.

(The heroes gave him odd looks, especially the female members of the group.)

Chaplin: What? There's more of you girls here, just stating the obvious.

Kikimora: Very drull, human!

Abigail: Wait... Chaplin Gomez?!

Group Admin

I remember that quote so well from the first crossover between Flash and Supergirl, and that was before they were on the same network

Here's a funny scene when the heroes are driving away/luring mutant Tibbles to the construction sight, based on a scene that happened in the Invader Zim episode when Grr's mind ended up in the base.

Meanwhile up ahead, April's high school bully, Tiffany, was standing next to a brand new sports car while talking on her phone.

"That's right, I just got this sweet ride," she said smugly, while her back was turned. "Can not wait to see the look on April and Buffy's faces when I drive up to school tomorrow. You should see it, it's way better than Buffy's car and so better than that patchwork junk heap I've seen April driving-"

As she turned around, the Party Wagon sped by, smashing past her new car, rear-ending it.

"Sorry!" Luz called.

But at that moment, Mutant Tibbles ran past, knocking the car into the air, which was then blasted by Stockman as he flew by, damaging it more. Then finally, Gavin's abomination stomped on it as it ran past, completely crushing it.

Tiffany dropped her phone as she stared with frozen shock at her now destroyed new car.

April, meanwhile, had seen everything through the Party Wagon's parascope. She smirked, "I almost feel sorry for you, Tiffany. Almost."

:rainbowlaugh: Now that's very classic!

Luz did something right with her driving.

I've figured that Fu, King, Spike, and Haley are searching the sewers for any sign of the Terrible Trio. While the others have branched off looking at other places in the city.

As Spike began sniffing around in his passageway, he bumped into something. He looked up and his eyes widened. In the shadows stood a large figure staring down at him with one big eye. Spike let out a scream, getting the others attention. They arrived just as the little dog was backing away.

King: Spike, what's wrong?

Spike: That! (pointed at the figure.)

Haley: (quickly transformed into her dragon form and took a fighting stance.) Hi-yah!

Figure: Haley?

Haley: Huh, Stan?

Fu: Stan? Stan Lipkowski? That you?

Figure: Hey, Fu Dog, long time no see! (The figure came into the light, revealing himself as a one eyed troll covered in long purple hair. He was also dressed in janitor clothes.

King: Wait, Fu, Haley, you know this guy?

Fu: Yep. King and Spike, meet my old buddy, Stan the sewer troll.

Stan: Hi there, sorry for spooking yah, Spike.

Spike: Uh, no problem.

Haley: And I met him when Jake let him into our house to protect him from the sunlight. And got busted by mom for letting a strange magical creature in the house.

Fu: So, how yah been, Stan? And what's with the janitor look?

Stan: Oh, I work as a night custodian at the Natural History Museum. Which is actually why I'm looking for Jake.

Haley: For what?

Stan: (began as a brief flashback acured,) Well yah see, I was doing my shift when I heard a strange noise. So I went to see what it was when I spotted the darnest sight. A monkey creeping around.

Fu: (did a double take) A monkey? Did this monkey have black fur and dressed in yellow hip hop swag?

Stan: Hmm? You know, come to think of it, yes he was. Hey, you and Haley alright? You look like you saw a ghost.

(The dog and dragon girl had looks of shock and horror on their faces.)

Haley: Oh no...

Fu: Stan, what was the monkey doing?

Stan: Well I overheard him saying to himself 'Yo, gotta find dat dagger for Chiggity Chang'! And that's when I remembered hearing about counselor Chang escaping so I figured I'd better tell Jake and then I ran into you and you know the rest.

Fu: Stan, you no idea how right you are to tell Jake! He's up topside round Bleaker Street! Yah can catch him there and book it, man!

Stan: Right! On it! Nice seeing you again, Fu Dog! (And the troll ran down a tunnel.)

Fu: (then took off in another direction.) Come on, guys, we gotta get to the museum, pronto!

Spike: (as he and the others followed.) Why?

King: What for?

Fu: Cause I know exactly who that monkey is and who he's working for.

Haley: And so do I!

Spike: You do?

King: Who is he?

Fu: (with hatred.) Bananas B!

Group Admin

Nice opening

April And Willow

(After facing Baxter, Boscha, the Glandus Trio, and mutant Tibbles.)

Meanwhile, Willow sat alone, staring down at the burn mark she had received after taking that hit from Boscha in order to bait her.

"Willow?" The witchling looked up to see April standing before her. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, hey, April," Willow greeted, flashing a fake smile. "I'm just fine," she insisted before wincing. "Well, except for this burn mark."

"Emira said she'll heal you next after she's done with Rainbow," April told her.

"That's great," Willow smiled, but then she looked away and muttered to herself, "If only all hurts were easy to heal."

April however heard her and said, "Willow, something's bothering you. And I don't need my psychic powers to know that." She sat next to Willow. "Look, whatever it is, you can tell me."

Willow stayed silent for a moment before she finally spoke, "I wanted to show Boscha that I'm not weak!"

"Well, you certainly did that," April noted. "But why would she think that of you?"

"Since I was a little girl, I wasn't alway the best at magic, so I couldn't keep up as fast as the other kids," Willow explain. "And when I started the abomination track at Hexside, no matter how much I studied, I just wasn't good at it. So all my classmates labeled me weak, talentless, and called me Half-A-Witch Willow. Especially Boscha! Even before Heside, she was always petty and mean to me. That's why I insisted on fighting her. So I could show her that I'm not the weak little Half-A-Witch she can push around anymore!" Then she sighed. "But after the way I humiliated her, she'll probably pick on me more than ever now."

April looked at her in sympathy before she said, "You know, Willow, I've been labeled weak too."

"You have?" Willow asked in surprise. "By who?"

"Karai and Shini," April answered. "I met Karai back when she was working for Shredder. She pretended to be my friend and tried to kidnap me. When I tried to fight her, she easily kicked my butt. When we fought a second time, even though I put up more of fight, she still had me beat. And when she lured me, Leo, and Raph into a trap, she knocked me out in one kick. Since then, she thought of me as a weakling."

"Whoa," Willow gasped.

"As for Shini, we met on the night me and the Rainbooms all became kunouichi. She also easily kicked my butt and also stole my tanto. When me and the Turtles tracked her down, Karai had us both fight for my tanto and even with my psychic powers, Shini still beat me, and even called me a silly red bird."

"A silly red bird?" Willow raised a brow.

"Because I was frail and clumsy," April said. "After that, I started to think... that I really was weak. But Splinter helped me overcome my doubts and even taught me an advanced move, the Dragon Tail, which came in handy later."

"How so?" Willow asked.

"When Karai and Shini tried to destroy one of the Shredder's secret weapon stashes, they were beaten and captured by his mutant right hand, Tiger Claw. When we all fought, he overpowered both Leo and Karai. Just as he was about to finish them off, I used the Dragon Tail and kicked him right between the legs! After that, Karai and Shini apologized and thanked me for saving their lives and now we're all good friends. And they definitely don't think I'm weak anymore."

"Wow," Willow breathed.

"So if Boscha or anyone calls you weak, don't listen, because their wrong," April advised. "And after seeing you beat Boscha, stopping Bria from crushing us, and holding down Tibbles, I'd say your the strongest witch I've seen."

Willow smiled warmly before she suddenly wrapped April in a hug. "Thank you, April," she said, as the surprised red head returned the hug.

Group Admin

That is too sweet


Meanwhile, Fu, Spike, King, and Haley had made it to the museum. Haley shifted into her dragon form a flew the two dogs and little demon up onto the roof, where they found an open window.

Fu sniffed around the area and growl, "Oh he's here alright! I recognize that monkey smell anywhere!"

"So, what do you think he's looking for?" Spike wondered.

"Stan mentioned Bananas B was looking for a dagger, and I have a hunch on what kind," Fu took out a scroll. On it was a picture of a dagger with green blade.

"The Jade Dagger?" King read.

"Yep, it says here that the dagger has magical properties," Fu explained. "It can cut open holes in the fabric of space and time, or in other words, open portals to other worlds."

"So it's a dimension dagger?" Spike asked.

"Sure, if you wanna put it that way," Fu struggled.

"But why would something like that be here?" Haley asked.

"Because there's lots of daggers, knives, and swords made of jade on display here, so the Dragon Council thought it was the best place to hide it," Fu answered. "Like finding a needle in a haystack. But if Chang sent monkey boy to steal it..."

"She's gonna use the dagger to free the Dark Dragon!" Spike realized in shock.

"Well no way are we letting that happen!" King stated.

"Yeah, let's go get that monkey!" Haley declared.

"With pleasure," Fu grinned.

Soon, they had entered through the window and began sneaking around the museum, keeping an eye out for Bananas B.

"So, Fu," King spoke up. "Who exactly is this Bananas B?"

"Well to put it simply, he's Chang's animal guardian," Fu stated. "But he didn't start off that way. In fact, he was once Jake's temporary guardian. It started when I accidentally let my animal guardian licene expire... Again."

"Wait, animal guardians need licenses?" Spike asked in confusion.

"Pretty much," Fu went on. "So Jake was given a temporary new guardian, Bananas B. And he proved to be a better guardian to Jake than I ever was. But I could tell that monkey was out to steal my job permanently. However, when Jake's team fought Chang and a hord of sewer trolls, he abandoned Jake and joined Chang to save his own skin!"

"He did what?!" Spike gasped.

"That traitor!" King accused.

"You think that's bad?" Haley spoke up. "When me and my Dragon teacher, Sun Park, fought him and Chang in a potions shop, he poured Essence of Troll on my face! I was stuck with an ugly half troll face for a whole week!"

"Ehh!" Spike and King shuttered in disgust.

"No kinding," Fu added. "Her faced looked like her neck threw up on her."

Group Admin


Pretty good. But...

"That trader!" King accused.

I think you mean, Traitor.

I fixed some mistakes in the dialog.



How about during the final battle, Fluttershy could give Bananas B... the Stare.

Fluttershy: You swore to be a guardian to Jake. But you turned your back on him and joined that good-for-nothing dragon lady, just to save your own tail? You should be ashamed!

Bananas B: Now love, let’s just calm down.

Yan Yan and Olivia's entrance

Meanwhile, Bananas B had crept over to a room with a sign over it that read, Ancient Chinese weapons. H peeked into the room and looked around. Like Fu had mentioned to Haley, there were lots of jade-bladed weapons on display. There was also a security camera. Careful to avoid being seen, Bananas B jumped and climbed over the displays before he grabbed onto the camera's support pole attached to the wall. Holding on with his feet, he pulled out another camera and snapped a picture of the room. Then he took out the photo and slipped it over the security camera lens to make it look like nothing was going on.

"Easy as banana cream pie, yo!" Bananas B laughed before jumping down. Then pulled out a scroll that had a picture of the Jade Dagger. "Now which of these is d'em magic dagger?" He looked at each display until is found a dagger that matched the picture. "Bangers!" He ran over to the display and grabbed the dagger. "Got it! Chang will be pleased when I deliver the goods!"

"Not if we have anything to say and or do about it, banana breath!" Bananas B whipped around to see Fu, Haley, Spike, and King standing in the doorway.

"Fu Dog, long time no see," Bananas B greeted. "And Haley, ah see dat essence of Troll wore off on yah." He laughed.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna show you how much I appreciated that!" Haley glared.

Bananas B then noticed Spike and King, "I see you invited some friends."

"That's right," King confirmed.

"Now hand over that dagger, monkey boy!" Spike ordered.

"No chance, man," Bananas B rebuffed. "Chiggity Chang needs dis dagger to free the Dark Dragon, yo!"

"Then I guess we're doing this the hard way," Fu stated. "Cause in case you haven't noticed, there's four of us and one of you!"

"Guess again, dawg," Bananas B rebuked. "Ah had a hunch I might run into a bit of a jam, so I brought in some friends of me own. And one of them actually knows you, Fu Dog."

"Oh really?" Fu asked rhetorically.

"Really!" Came a female voice that made Fu double take.

"It can't be?!" He said in disbelief.

"It can be, and it is!" Everyone looked up to see a shadowy figure clinging to the corner of the wall ninja style. Then the figure jumped down, revealing it was a hairless female cat. "Hello, Fu Dog."

"Yan Yan!" Fu sneered.

"Miss Tinkles?!" Haley asked in surprise.

"Hello, Haley!" Haley gasped and turned around. Standing behind her was a little girl about her age with red hair in a ponytail.

"Olivia?!" Haley said in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

"Helping out my cat," Olivia answered. "Just like you're helping out that ugly dog of yours."

"Hey, I resent that!" Fu frowned.

"Uh, friend of yours?" Spike asked Haley.

"No way!" Haley glared. "That's Olivia Mears, my arch rival."

"I think you mean, your arch superior!" Olivia smirked.

"By the way, Haley, I got a surprise for you," Olivia said.

"What a coinky dink," Haley replied. "I've got a surprise for you!" And she transformed into her dragon form.

Olivia stared with wide eyes, "What a surprise!" Then she gave a sinister grin. "Now here's my surprise!" And she transformed into a light blue dragon!

"You're a dragon too?!" Haley exclaimed in utter shock.

"Well duh!" Olivia remarked. "How do you think I knew Miss Tinkles could talk this whole time?!"

"Well, didn't see that coming," Fu said, shocked himself.

"But, How?! When?! Why?! Huh?!" Haley stammered, before Olivia tackled her.

Group Admin

Definitely adds more to Olivia than just being some bratty girl

Fu: You guys get the dagger, I'll dance with this fiendish feline!

Spike: On it!

King: Kick her butt! (And the two chased after Bananas B.)

Yan Yan: And dance we shall, Fu Dog. (making combat poses.) For once again, we shall dance the sweet tango of battle!

Fu: After you, Miss Tinkles!

Group Admin

I copied all the parts from this chapter so far and edited them together

The plotline for that chapter is right here https://www.fimfiction.net/group/215488/equestria-ninja-girls-clan/thread/511218/magic-in-manhattan-ideas-and-quotes#comment/7804792

And here's a scene from when Olivia sets the Titans on fire. I've added to it.

Olivia frowned in deep annoyance before she suddenly smirked, as she'd just had an idea. "Hey, anybody wanna hear a knock knock joke?" She asked aloud.

"A knock knock joke?!" Beast Boy exclaimed.

"Yeah we do!" Cyborg said as he, Beast Boy, Raven, and Starfire crowded around the little dragon girl, while a battered and bruised Robin was dumped near her as Yan Yan was done using him for a bat.

"I love knock knock jokes," Raven said.

"I too wish to hear the jokes of knocking," Starfire smiled.

Olivia cleared her throat and spoke, "Knock knock?"

"Who's there?" Cyborg asked.


"Burning who?" Robin asked in confusion.

"Burning all of you!" In a split second, Olivia blasted them with her fire breath, setting them all on fire.

The Titans screamed and ran around like crazy. Yan Yan and Bananas B burst out laughing at the scene.

"Good one, Olivia," Yan Yan said through chuckles.

"Now that's what I call a real 'firey experience'!" Bananas joked.

"How 'bout you experience it, monkey!" Haley blew fire and set his tail a blaze.

Bananas B screamed and started blowing on his tail in an attempt to put out the fire.

Fu then noticed that Cyborg and Beast Boy had dropped the dagger, "The dagger! Grab it!" He lunged for it only for Yan Yan to swoop in and snatch it first.

"Too slow, Fu Dog!" She sneered and cut open another portal, then she, Olivia, and Bananas B made their escape.

"Oh no you don't!" Fu said. "Come on, guys!"

"Wait, what about them?" Spike pointed to the Titans.

"Aaahhh, stop drop roll stop drop roll stop drop roll!" Robin cried, rolling around on the floor, which only set the rest of the building on fire.

"Shouldn't we try to help or something?" King asked in concern.

"Ah don't worry, they'll be fine next episode," Fu assured them.

"Huh?" The three asked in confusion.

"Now let's go!" Fu quickly jumped into the portal.

Reluctantly, Spike, King, and Haley followed right as it closed. All while the Titans Tower went up in flames.

Aside Spike will turn into a dragon when they come out of a portal to Equestria, will Fu and King become dragons as well, or just Fu and Spike?

Uh, I'd think Fu, King, and Haley would stay the same. Only Spike would change.

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