Offprint 40 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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Group Admin

Howdy, y'all! This thread is an all purpose introduction space to introduce yourself and link to your profile on Offprint! I'll start us off :twilightsmile:

My name's Krickis, and I mostly use Offprint to mirror my pony content, though I have a few other stories posted there and might write more Deltarune fics there in the future. I'm excited for a site that's more appealing to use than AO3 or or and allows more than pony (though pony will always be my true love lol)

When I'm not writing, I'm a music lover and collector of vinyl records, and I record audiobooks under my professional name of Katie Bunn on YouTube. Find me on Offprint here!

I'm Edboii! I hope to use Offprint as a learning tool in writing original fiction, as well as a way to expand my fanfiction repertoire into other fandoms.

I'm hyped about the similarities with fimfic and the layout of the site, since I really don't like the way Ao3 and FanfictionDotNet look.

Uuuhhh I'm also an amateur artist, I sometimes 3d model with catastrophic results, and I've dabbled in Unity C# and Godot GDscript coding.

This is my Offprint!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I'm Sweetie Belle, and I run half of fimfic! Well, I am an admin in a lot of its groups, anyways.

Right now, I'm just going to mirror my pony content, and post things there fimfiction won't allow me to. You can post poetry and original fiction, and the word limit was 750 words, not 1000 there, I think? Once groups are over there, I'll be involved in those, undoubtedly. And I do like Deltarune.

I do some art sometimes, too, but it's more taking sketches and inking them and coloring them or just coloring them, or tracing screenshots and such then original art most of the time. And I make group icons and banners a lot.

I've watched some tutorials on Godot. Haven't done anything yet.
Here's My Offprint!

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Hiya, I'm Techie! I've been using Offprint to both repost my best works from Fimfic, as well as post original fiction!

Recently, I've taken on the role as one of the developers of the site as well. My main contribution so far is making stuff scrollable, though I'm also working on making the site look more consistent as it updates! (Still don't know why the selection dropdowns are black even in a dark theme. I'm planning on setting up a personal test server so that I can see the changes in real-time before I push the update to the main site.)

Here's my Offprint profile!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Hadn't realised you'd started working on it as a developer, too. I'll hafta bug you for features!

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

maybe! I'm not familiar with the programming language the site itself is written in, so for now I've just been doing surface-level frontend tweaks with CSS.

It's a nice language! I've done more in C# tbh, because there's more tutorials available, but GDscript looks like a lot of fun!

Group Admin

Oh, you're here too!

I can’t make an account

Group Admin

To control site traffic in a closed alpha, meaning joining the site requires an invite code. You can get one by filling out this form, but the whole point of invite codes is to only add people little bits at a time. Usually you'll get your invite code within a few weeks. Once the site is in beta, it'll be an open beta, meaning anyone can sign up for the site without needing an invite code. Sorry for the delay, but it's the best way to moderate the site until it's on its feet :twilightsheepish:

I already did that with the form

Group Admin

Then you've done all you need to do, and you'll get an invite code whenever the moderation team is able to send them out :twilightsmile:

Ok, I understand

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