Equinox 84 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Group Admin

Been crazy busy with the move the past month, but I'm in the new place now and settling in.

Duvet and I have been chatting a lot about the introduction story of Equinox, which is called Night & Mare. We've put several hours of discussion and planning into how this story will go and what the main characters are going to be like. It's been challenging because this is where we really have to get serious and think about the small details of what we've made and introduce it to readers as an entirely fresh thing, not related to MLP. I'm pretty excited about it. I think we will have something truly special to show you.

Group Admin

Duvet and I have been having daily discussions through the week, working out the events of Night & Mare. It's going to be a pretty interesting story and definitely highlights just how different Equinox is from MLP. Will be good to introduce the world to these characters and setting.

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