Equinox 84 members · 0 stories
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There are many things which a lot of fantasy stories or sci fi stories have in common. Tropes, I guess. They are the formula behind the structure which determines the balance of power and progression of the story.

I'm rather proud of one particular aspect of the Equinox saga which I believe sets it apart from other epic stories. Yes, we have major powers that seem overwhelming to our protagonist race. In this, we have the Alcora and Wendigo, who fill that role. But there's something different here. Something that allows our humble ponies to exist within a story of tremendous stakes and power without advancing too quickly or becoming annihilated.

The secret... is Harmony.

Harmony is a force in this story. This force has key traits which create the balance of power which has lasted for over 145,000 years. Let's explore its traits.

1- Harmony is generated when virtuous ponies of the three tribes live together in unity.
2- Harmony cannot be voluntarily wielded by ponies. They aren't even aware of it.
3- Harmony is fatal to the Wendigo. It destroys them and their ships.
4- The Alcora desperately want Harmony in order to annihilate the Wendigo.
5- The Alcora cannot force ponies to generate Harmony. It is a byproduct of a healthy pony civilization.
6- The Alcora cannot artificially produce Harmony, though they have been trying to learn the secret since discovering ponies.

These facts together are what make the Equinox story unique. It puts ponies in a position of extreme value to the Alcora while placing the savage Wendigo in a compromised position. If the Wendigo attacked ponies too overtly, they would band together and create Harmony, which would destroy the Wendigo. If the Alcora enslaved ponies, Harmony would never be produced in the first place. The only solution for the Alcora is to allow ponies to just live their lives. This is why the ponies have existed on Equus for so many millennia despite being the centerpiece of conflict in the galactic theater.

Toss in the alicorn issue and you get some very spicy drama. Alicorns are born randomly to mortal ponies about once every 5000-7000 years. When an alicorn is around the age of 20-25 years old, they undergo a transformation which turns them into a creature of unimaginable power and destructive potential. They also forget most of their origin and cease caring about mortal ponies. This makes them an amoral force, as they don't care one way or another what happens as long as nothing is getting in their way or is being too annoying. Wild alicorns are the top tier power in the universe. They are balanced by the fact that they have no agenda and simply don't care about the concerns of others.

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