Darth Severus: Before the Legion 7 members · 0 stories
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Darth Severus
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Caelan Blake was on a shuttle to Korriban, ancient home of the Sith Order. He was once a slave, but was released in order to train as Sith. The other acolytes on the shuttle were worried if they were strong enough to become Sith, but Caelan felt nothing about it.

When the shuttle landed, the acolytes exited the shuttle and walked over to an overseer. The overseer seemed disgusted by the fact that all of them were former slaves, but spoke, "I hope you filth don't think you're special. if you let freedom go to your head, you'll be in for worse. I don't know why Darth Makona wants a slave as an apprentice, but she does. So consider yourselves lucky."

Caelan said nothing as the overseer spoke, listening to every word. As the other acolytes left, the Overseer said towards him, "You there, stop." before looking him over, "You seem different than the others, you radiate untapped potential..."

Caelan nodded, "As you say overseer. I've let go of my past. The Sith are absolute, and I harbor a great deal of respect and even admiration for them."

The overseer chuckled, "You remind me of myself at your age. Well, on to the trials. Darth Makona has special trials for every acolyte. Your first trial is to head into the Valley of the Dark Lords. Lord Cartha will explain the details when you meet her there."

Caelan nodded, "Yes overseer." before going out of the landing pad and into the blood red desert. "This is my only chance at freedom. If I die, I was too weak." clenching his fist as he remembered the incident that made the Sith aware of his Force-sensitivity. "I am not weak!" before shaking his anger away and heading to meet Lord Cartha.

Surprisingly, Lord Cartha turned out to be a Twi'lek, which was uncommon, as the Empire as a whole was strongly anti-alien. Lord Cartha saw him and walked over to him, "You must be that acolyte training to become Darth Makona's apprentice. You probably already know this, but my name is Lord Cartha. I'm a Sith scientist, studying the connection between the beasts that live here on Korriban. I hope the sight of a messy operating table doesn't disturb you?"

Caelan nodded, "The path to power is not for the weak at heart."

Cartha nodded, "That's exactly right. Now, your trial. A while ago, a mutant k'lor'slug escaped from me before I could dissect it and analyze it's brain. My apprentice Ffon saw where it went, talk to him and find the k'lor'slug and return to me with it's brain."

Caelan nodded, "Yes my lord." before walking over to the red skinned young male, who like Caelan, was a Sith Pureblood.

The pureblood scowled, "Looking for Lord Cartha's lost pet? Please, she's completely mental."

Caelan glared at him, but calmed down, "I don't care what you think of your master, just tell me where the k'lor'slug went."

Ffon grumbled, and said, "Look, I can make a deal with you. I can prove that all of this is a complete crock, if you bring me the brain before going to see Lord Cartha."

Caelan sighed, "I'll consider it, no promises though."

Ffon smiled lightly, "We both know what's right. The k'lor'slug fled to the Tomb of Marka Ragnos. It's massive and seems to have grown a second head, as if it were splitting into two new k'lor'slugs, but wasn't able to complete the process. I must admit, even I'm curious about such a creature."

Caelan nodded, "You and me both. It would be delightful to see how such a creature ticks. Well, I'll be off then." before heading deeper into the valley

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