The Weirdos group :D 12 members · 1 stories
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This movie is a really great and awesome movie. The story is written greatly just like the show. The movie's plot is the Mane 6 Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all go on an epic adventure to save Equestria and I will not spoiler the rest so you cool people can watch it. Anyways it's an awesome movie with awesome animation ok wait can we talk about the animation.

Ok, I am a huge animation geek I want to work at Pixar when I grow up for Pete's sake I'm 17 now by the way. The animation in this movie is amazing. See the normal show uses flash which is great but this uses toon boom and it looks amazing. The charters pop with color and the backgrounds are great even if they are computer-animated. Everything about the animation is great the movements are great their emotions are really portrayed greatly in the animation. You can tell when a character is sad happy or mad and it looks so good.

But what about the music is great too. My favorite song in the movie is Time To Be Awesome its a song about rainbow dash trying to conventions a pirate bird yes I know ironic to go back to her pirate job.

Oh boy, now I got to explain ok long story short the mane 6 go to a cat to get help...Then the cat betrays them they fly somewhere and now they're on a pirate boat trying not to die by the ups bird on a pirate ship yes I know ridiculous but it's true this is really how the movie is.

Also, the movie is flipping dark does no one nodus this. Ok, so you have a bad guy.... girl...... pony oh screw it. You have a bad pony who is working for this evil king and he wants to make a storm to take over the world I think? I haven't seen this movie in a while so I'm doing all this review on memory so please correct me if I am wrong. So this evil pony has no horn who is so evil that you think wait this is a kids movie for kids right.......right. The evil pony talks evilly she extracts someone for messing with her and wait a minute this is reminding me of a charter from pop culture what's his name he has a deep voice and he breaths loudly through his helmet Darth no I know dark helmet yeah he was so funny in space balls witch is so much better than star wars. I will probably get killed for saying that but I don't care.

Oh right back to the review, Rember the pirate birds yeah in the first seen there in they threaten the pony pretty violently saying there going to clip their wings and scare them I was thinking holy crap this is a pg movie this is dark for mlp.

Anyway, I like the movie a lot you should see the movie the songs are great the story's great oh yeah the story. Ok, the story is they have to go and find hippogriffs just like in harry potter OH MY GOD!

Sorry got distracted anyways the movie great 9 out of 10 and that's just that is it the best movie I ever say no. But it's an awesome movie for weird people like me to do a full-on review on ok well no that's a joke haha. But yeah Really great movie 9 out of 10 ok bye this review probably doesn't make sense to the average joe by you know what I don't FLIP CARE WHOOOOOOO!

Review written by Jud. <-----that's my real name by the way

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