My Final Pony Fantasy 9 members · 4 stories
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The Villains

Vs. Garland

Twilight: I won't let you have your way!

Rainbow Dash: Think you're tough enough to beat me?!

Applejack: You ain't knockin' this pony down, pardner.

Fluttershy: You big... BULLY!

Pinkie Pie: What kind of knight kidnaps princesses?

Rarity: Conflict can never tarnish true beauty.

Spike: Eh. I've faced worse.

Vs. the Emperor

Twilight: You have no right to call yourself a ruler.

Rainbow Dash: Like I'd bow to someone like you!

Applejack: Ah don't take kindly to bad guys like you.

Fluttershy: Your cruelty has no place here or anywhere.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, you're no fun!

Rarity: I can see only darkness in your heart.

Spike: Time to settle this again.

Vs. the Cloud of Darkness

Twilight: I am not afraid of you!

Rainbow Dash: Why not pick on someone your own size?

Applejack: You ain't pushin' the light away.

Fluttershy: Please... Please go away!

Pinkie Pie: Seriously, what's with the first-person plural? I know Princess Luna used to do that, but...

Rarity: No matter how beautiful you look, there is no denying your true nature.

Spike: I think you need to chill out.

Vs. Golbez

Twilight: Let's see what you've learned.

Rainbow Dash: Think you've changed for the better?

Applejack: How about we put your skills to the test?

Fluttershy: I wish this didn't have to happen.

Pinkie Pie: Allez cuisine!

Rarity: There should be some light within your heart...

Spike: Let's go, big boy!

Vs. Exdeath

Twilight: Equestria will never fall into the Void!

Rainbow Dash: Like I'd lose to a tree!

Applejack: Y'all are goin' down.

Fluttershy: I'd like to be a tree, but not one like you!

Pinkie Pie: Cool theme.

Rarity: Whatever tricks you have, they won't work on me!

Spike: Come on, you!

Vs. Kefka

Twilight: Magic should be used for good, not evil!

Rainbow Dash: Stop laughing and start fighting!

Applejack: You no-good snake in the grass...

Fluttershy: You... you MONSTER!!

Pinkie Pie: Ordinarily, I'd laugh. But you... You take your "jokes" too far!

Rarity: I see no beauty within you at all.

Spike: I'll never forgive you for what you did to my friend!

Vs. Sephiroth

Twilight: This one's for her...

Rainbow Dash: You? A hero? Yeah, right!

Applejack: It don't matter how strong you are, I'll still beat ya!

Fluttershy: *whimper*


Rarity: Why become one with the planet?

Spike: For Cloud... For Aerith!

Vs. Ultimecia

Twilight: What do you really hope to accomplish by compressing time?

Rainbow Dash: *laughs* Nice hair, lady!

Applejack: Why don't ya stop wastin' time?

Fluttershy: Can we, um, please talk?

Pinkie Pie: Rita Repulsa, is that you?!

Rarity: For goodness sake, please make yourself decent!

Spike: What's up with those eyes?

Vs. Kuja

Twilight: Life is precious, no matter what.

Rainbow Dash: Think you can keep up with me, pretty boy?

Applejack: You talk big, but can ya back it up?

Fluttershy: Why? Why do you take away so many lives?

Pinkie Pie: Oh, my gosh! I thought you were a girl at first!

Rarity: Showmanship is one thing, but taking delight in all the vile things you do... UGH!

Spike: C'mon, pretty boy!

Vs. Jecht

Twilight: Do you have any idea how much you've hurt your son?!

Rainbow Dash: Let's get this over with, jerk-face!

Applejack: You ain't makin' much of an impression on me.

Fluttershy: You... big... dumb... MEANIE!!

Pinkie Pie: Nope. Can't think of a word.

Rarity: I know someone's not winning a "Father of the Year" award anytime soon.

Spike: Geez. What a jerk.

Very nice. I wonder if any of these are foreshadowing anything plot wise at all, particularly with Golbez and Spike's line with Kefka. On a side note, I have to wonder who would be on the Chaos side representing 16 lately.

Group Admin

The Heroes

Vs. the Warrior of Light

Twilight: The light shines upon all who know the true meaning of friendship.

Rainbow Dash: I'll prove to you I deserve the warmth of light.

Applejack: Let's do our best, pardner.

Fluttershy: You really are a kind soul.

Pinkie Pie: Woo-hoo. Sparring session!

Rarity: To bear such a burden.

Spike: Being a Warrior of Light sounds awesome!

Vs. Firion

Twilight: I can't believe we're doing this.

Rainbow Dash: Let's go this over with.

Applejack: All those fancy weapons do ya any good?

Fluttershy: Um... I-I don't know what to say...

Pinkie Pie: You got a lot of cool stuff.

Rarity: Are any of those items encrusted with jewels by any chance?

Spike: Oh, man. Why do we have to fight each other?

Vs. Luneth/Onion Knight

Twilight: Just as reckless as Rainbow Dash sometimes.

Rainbow Dash: Just try not to go overboard, okay?

Applejack: Don't go hurtin' yourself, ya hear?

Fluttershy: Let's be careful, alright?

Pinkie Pie: Wonder what kind of job you can get next?

Rarity: Please do be careful, young man.

Spike: Sparrin' session? Let's do this!

Vs. Cecil

Twilight: You and my brother could get along, I think.

Rainbow Dash: Light and dark against Rainbow Dash? Ha!

Applejack: Let's find out about yer real self.

Fluttershy: So much doubt.

Pinkie Pie: Hmm. Can't decide wheter I like your Dark Knight or Paladin appearance.

Rarity: Look inside your heart, Cecil Harvey.

Spike: I'll show you how strong I am.

Vs. Bartz

Twilight: Do you have to mimic everyone you meet?

Rainbow Dash: Someone who loves fun things? AWESOME!

Applejack: Do you miss your family?

Fluttershy: After this, can we do something nicer?

Pinkie Pie: *laughs* You're too funny, Bartz.

Rarity: My, such a free spirit.

Spike: Come and get me if you can, Bartz!

Vs. Terra

Twilight: Oh, Terra...

Rainbow Dash: I'm gonna regret this...

Applejack: Don't think of this as a fight, Terra.

Fluttershy: *sniffle*

Pinkie Pie: Ohh...

Rarity: You are no weapon, Terra.

Spike; No need to put yourself down all the time.

Vs. Cloud

Twilight: You know what happened wasn't your fault.

Rainbow Dash: Hit me with all ya got, Cloud!

Applejack: Think ya can beat me?

Fluttershy: Please... don't use that sword against me!

Pinkie Pie: OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG!

Rarity: You must find the answer to your questions by yourself.

Spike; *takes deep breath* Let's go, Cloud.

Vs. Squall

Twilight: Being a leader is a heavy burden.

Rainbow Dash: Show what you've learned, schoolboy!

Applejack: Well, Squall? I think you should be more open-minded.

Fluttershy: Um... You really should listen to your friends more.

Pinkie Pie: Don't you know how to smile?

Rarity: I wonder what else you wear besides that jacket?

Spike: That's a cool necklace.

Vs. Zidane

Twilight: Will you stop flirting with whatever woman crosses your path?!

Rainbow Dash: Think you're tough, huh?

Applejack: I can't stand thieves!

Fluttershy: You deserve to lead a better life.

Pinkie Pie: What's with the monkey tail?

Rarity: What made you become a thief?

Spike; You're a strange one, Zidane.

Vs. Tidus

Twilight: Why exactly does your friend sound like me?

Rainbow Dash: Blitzball sounds awesome!

Applejack: Did you ever make up with yer pa?

Fluttershy: You can't keep hurting forever.

Pinkie Pie: Let's have at it, Tidus!

Rarity: Let us dance.

Spike: Game on, Tidus!

Seeing some friction with Zidane, though quite a bit of empathy towards Terra and Cloud.

I know it's extra work and you don't gotta, but ever thought of doing some of these with the 012 or even NT additions, let alone other equestrian characters?

Group Admin

Good idea. Of course, I'll just be focusing on my current story, first and foremost.

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