My Final Pony Fantasy 9 members · 4 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Group Admin

I'd like you to come up with any kind of scenario the ponies could get involved with for future installments.

For example, I'd have Rainbow Dash sneak into Don Corneo's mansion to help save Tifa. And she'd be dressed in black like in "Read It and Weep."

Honestly nothing comes to mind other than what I've mentioned, though I am interested in how interactions with Moogles will go down the line. Not to mention familiar species shared between the two franchises such as cocktrice, dragons, manticore, phoenix, etc.

Group Admin

That's alright.

It might just be me, but I'm noticing a trend of Twilight especially not liking Marlboros. I can imagine that being a running bit with her or the party as a whole. In fact, I can imagine something like this is generally her thoughts on them.

Also, one way or another we definitely need some voice actress gags when we get around to Rikku.

Group Admin

Oh yeah. And I'll let Pinkie Pie handle that.

Don't know if we'll ever do Advent Children, but something that came to mind is having G5 crossover with it instead of G4, mainly because of the common theme of having to cope with loss on both ends. Not just for named individuals but how the world has changed. Although that seems to be a common theme with a lot of other Final Fantasy follow-ups too.

Well I know we've got a ways more until FF5, but I've been starting to think lately on the fact that Gilgamesh is a reoccurring character that pops up all over the place. I could imagine him falling out of a portal into Equestria itself at least once and a general "You again?!" reaction whenever he shows up.

Group Admin

Pretty much.

Been playing a bit of the recent Thearhythm and just now remembered that FF12 has some of the Espers named after previous final bosses in the series. Figured That's likely to get a flinch out of the ponies, particularly with how personal Mateus made things. Not to mention noting the familiarity of the term Esper that go around.

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