My Final Pony Fantasy 9 members · 4 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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Group Admin

As the title of this thread suggests, this is a list of characters including some antagonists I will be including in my stories. Will be updated in sometime. I am open to suggestions, so please say whoever you think should be with or against Twilight and her friends. Thank you.

FF1 - Queen Chrysalis and the Changelings
FF2 - Cadence, Flurry Heart
FF3 - None
FF4 - Luna, Shining Armor, Cadence
FF5 - The Dazzlings, Octavia Melody, DJ Pon-3, Sandbar
FF6 - Discord
FF7 - Sunset Shimmer, Tirek
FF8 - Luna, Sunset Shimmer
FF9 - Trixie, Starlight Glimmer
FF10 - Tempest Shadow, Zecora
FF11 - The Pillars of Equestria, Stygian
FF12 - Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst
FF13 - Celestia, Luna
FF14 - The Young Six, Sunset Shimmer
FF15 - Sunset Shimmer, Tempest Shadow
FF16 - TBD

I'd also like to thank Omegamorph for some of these characters.

My pleasure. Got no clue on the others as of now, although the Student Six would be interesting to include for the MMO installments. Maybe Maud or the princesses for 13, given the themes of sisterhood. I think Starlight needs to go somewhere but I've got no clue where. Discord would also make a decent foil for Kefka.

Group Admin

Oh, but if I don't come up with some guests, then it'll just be the Mane 6 and Spike.

EDIT: Or just Twilight, Spike and whoever I have in mind.

Maybe have Starlight help with 7 and 12, also why not have some fan favorites like Octavia and Vinyl Scratch join for some other Final Fantasy after all FF5 has the bard class as one of the options. Reader's question, will you be including any of the Final Fantasy Tactics games (there are several)?

Group Admin

I'll think about it.

Thanks, just thought I'd bring up the idea as the job system would allow for far more diversity for guest characters.

I was thinking about the MMO installments and thinking the Student 6 might be good picks for FF11 and the Pillars of Friendship for FF14. Vice versa akso works.

Got just thinking and I am thinking that at the very least FF6 should have Discord help out for the final battle. He and Kefka act as good shadow archetypes for one another, plus they have the same voice actor over in Japan.

Group Admin

That's true...

See the Dazzlings asded recently. I'm still drawing a blank at where other villains could potentially be worked in. Mainly because they'd either have to share the spotlight with existing ones from Final Fantasy or be some side story. Tirek in his full power form does kind of scream "super boss" to me. With him in particular I would say it would have to be in some story where magic is plot point rather than just part of the battle system, such as with FF6. Sombra mostly has the theme of shadows and evil empires, which could work with a lot of stories really. Cozy...not sure. Any story that essentially acts as contrast to her philosophy I would say.

Okay, got some good ideas recently. I'm thinking Starburst could potentially come along with Starlight for FF12. I can also imagine Sombra allied with the Empire for FF15. For FF7, I'm thinking a weakened Tirek could act independently taking an interest in all the Mako he could absorb for om the Promised Lane. Maybe towards the end he could wreck havoc along with the Weapons ince getting to full power, basically act as another threat that's a mutual problem for Shinra and basically keeping everyone busy until everyone has to face Sephiroth at the end. Of course there's always the spin-offs to keep in mind as far as representation is concerned if nowhere else

Group Admin

I think you mean Sunburst.

Group Admin

It's alright.

Hadn't heard from you in a while, but cool to see some entries for 15 here. I can only imagine the sight of seeing the ponies cruising in the back of the Regalia.

Group Admin

Sorry... I've been having writer's block for sometime.

S'aright. Take your time.

Been communicating with another user on ideas for Final Fantasy 9 in particular. He was thinking of the Student 6 and Starlight taking a big part of that adventure along with Trixie. Particularly having Gallus have the most connection with Zidane and the Tantulus group while Silverstream has her own friendship with Garnet. Alongside Stiener, Starlight would be a bit apprehensive of Zidane feeling he'd be a bad influence on her students. We also talked about Ocellus having some bond with VIvi, particularly sympathizing with the Black Mages as being seen as tools as Chrystalis once did for the Changelings. I'll talk about this a bit in the quote suggestion topic as well.

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