Equestria Girls: It’s Showtime 75 members · 11 stories
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Group Admin

Date a full anthropomorphic fox-girl?

Or one of those “Little Bit-Beastly” Anime type foxy girls? Like this 👇

I’m kinda having a furry existential crisis here. Honestly, I love Rain Shine the way she is, and I don’t mind her in human form.

But sometimes, the topic of seeing an animal and a human, somewhere in between is kinda…mixed and confusing.

Like when you say pony girls, you automatically think of Equestria Girls like this:

(A magic girl with pony ears, tails, wings, but no horns?)

But other times, if we’re going for the anthropomorphic look, you think of them more like this:

Oh. My head.

Anime designs put my off, in my opinion. I know it's meant to be stylish, but the jerky character movements and lip-synching just don't flow right with me.
It's just me being used to watching fluid animated character movements, the whole squash-and-stretch deal, you know what I'm saying?

Your last image has brought this character to mind:

Group Admin

*Gawks at the anime furry character*

*Shakes out of it* I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What was the question?

Though I'm not picky about either, I might go with a full anthropomorphic fox-girl.

Honestly it would depend on who the person I was dating.

You should date someone by personality and not appearance

Group Admin


You should date someone by personality and not appearance


Group Admin

I’m just curious about the differences and the appeals in the designs.

On one hand, we’ve got a fully anthropomorphic hellhound and suddenly everyone’s drooling all over her.

On the other, we have this kind of hound girl.

I had a huge crush on Lola Bunny when I saw Space jam for the first time when I was a kid and Damn, she was a sex bomb! As for anime girls, my God, pick a number. But my biggest crush was Dark Magician Girl from Yu-Gi-Oh! and she was fine as hell, I even have her card! Now, Loona from Helluva Boss is a real badass and I love her so badly....Oh, my God, I AM a freak!!

Ideally the second unless I can magically change species. Lord knows I've had plenty crushes from Archie Sonic in particular.

I think I'm more into the “Little Bit-Beastly” Anime types than full fledged. Mostly because with human-like forms and a few animal-like features makes it look and easier to envision being with. Not saying looks are everything mind you.

Plus when I brought up on the concept with others in the past, they just started asking weirder questions about it. Like are they in constant heat, how would it look if you mated with them? Basically they ruined the concept by asking too many questions I immediately regretted asking them. That's the problem I deal with. I ask a certain question to some and they take it so over the top with more questions they take the fun out of it.

Group Admin

Not saying looks are everything mind you.


That's the problem I deal with. I ask a certain question to some and they take it so over the top with more questions they take the fun out of it.

I know right? I only want a straight answer. But some tried to make it a game of 100 questions, maybe more.

Does it matter, then again there are other types of this beasts that can make a meal outta you. so try to stay away from those types.

Me:(looks at Drama)"you Alright drama, you got distracted, didn't you"?.

If I’m being honest Phantom, I go with full fledged. I mean if you’re gonna give a gal animal parts, why not go all the way and make full anthropomorphic?

Group Admin

I'm not going to apologize for finding Loona attractive despite her bullying and angsty teen attitude.

Though that other lassie's pretty hot too. I recall this one anime where there was this cat girl from outer space who came down to Earth and was staying with this one dude.

Group Admin


I recall this one anime where there was this cat girl from outer space who came down to Earth and was staying with this one dude.

Cat Planet Cutie? I remember that anime.

Group Admin

I've only seen a few episodes, not the whole thing. But I'll admit it was pretty cute.

Group Admin

It was the compromise of how more than one girl can share the same boy they love. That's what I was interested in.

Group Admin

And that's where Harems come into play. Like that monster girl harem where the one guy shared a house with a few other girls who had obvious crushes on him for different reasons. There was a snake woman, a harpy, a mermaid, a ghost, a spider-chick, a living blob, and a Centaur with a pretty killer sword!

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