My Little Lion King 67 members · 13 stories
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This is something I’ve thought about before, and I was wondering if you guys thought the same thing. In light of all the crimes he has committed in The Lion King (1994) and The Lion Guard, I personally think he is evil to the core. Why else would he be an undead fire head ghost from a volcano? I don’t really see any redeemable qualities that would categorize him as near pure evil.

But what do you all think?

While he does have a somewhat understandable motivation for his actions, it simply does not excuse all the terrible crimes he has committed throughout the franchise.

So, yeah, he's pretty much pure evil.

Let's ignore the fact no wild animal, but humans, is pure evil, I agree that Scar is pure evil since he's more of a manipulative, psychopathic monster than an animal.

Comment posted by A Man Undercover deleted Aug 24th, 2021

One of the biggest reasons as to why I consider Scar one of my favorite villains is that, even if he was shown to just be laying around in one scene depicting his time as king, he's a perfect alternate counterpoint and reflection of Simba. In this case, he's exactly what Simba would've become had he not grown respect for the Circle of Life or realized there's more to being king than having dominion over others.

He's a perfect alternate counterpoint and reflection of Kion too. A representation of what Kion would've become had he not used the roar wisely or understood what being leader of the Lion Guard was truly about.

So do you believe Scar is pure evil then? That’s what I’m asking about.

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