My Little Lion King 67 members · 13 stories
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In all honesty, I have nothing against the film personally. I consider the second Lion King movie to be one of my favorites.

In recent days, though, I have taken note of the fact that the animation seems outdated in some ways. The differences in visualization compared to other installments of the franchise are also quite apparent, especially the difference in colors. In light of this, I’ve been interested in seeing the movie be re-animated by Disney’s feature animation division. Whether that’s possible is something I don’t know, but I do think that it can happen.

I’ve also been interested in seeing some certain points in the story be given modifications, such as the final moment between Kiara and Zira being modified into a duel between the two. That, and some scenes to address Kovu’s origins some, Zira’s relationship with Scar, and what caused her and the Outlanders to be banished.

With all that being a re-animating of the film something you guys wouldn’t mind seeing? And are there any points in the story that you believe could use either modifications or explorations?

if nothing in the story changes, I wouldn't mind.

7554919 As long as they do it IN animation, and NOT in "live action", like they did with the TLK remake, I'll give it a chance.

That’s actually what I personally had in mind. For the re-animated version to be hand-drawn animated.

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