My Little Lion King 67 members · 13 stories
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Whether I’m the only one who thinks this is something I don’t know, contrast to those who think Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed lived after the events of “The Lion King”, I actually think that they died.

What I believe happened to them is that as they and the remaining hyenas attacked and killed Scar, the fire surrounded them all and they were engulfed by the flames. In short, they were burned to a crisp right before it started to raining. It would be highly unlikely that they’d be able to escape the fire, that’s for sure. It would also explain why so many characters have been saying Scar died in the fire despite him being attacked by the hyenas, because they obviously died in the fire too.

Does anyone besides me think this? Or at least have a similar theory?

They lived, but died later after the next generation was born.

It would make sense since the Hyenas were attacking Scar as the flames grew in heat, intensity, and power and surrounded them as they were doing so. Although, they may have survived since the flames didn't look like they lasted very long since the rain came to wash it away, so they may have managed to escape it. Also, in the second movie, when Nuka and Vitani were gathering fire from the elephant graveyard to hatch Zira's plan of causing a wildfire so Kovu would save Kiara as part of her plot to get Simba killed, Nuka made this comment.

"Man, this place has been awfully quiet since the hyenas ran off."

While I'm not gonna rule out the possibility that the Hyenas died in the flames with Scar as they were mauling him, at the same time, there is also a possibility that they managed to escape being burned alive. Of course, this is just how I see it since the hyenas attacking Scar, and the flames surrounding them and trapping them did at the end of the movie.


"Man, this place has been awfully quiet since the hyenas ran off."

I always thought Nuka was talking about the hyenas that already escaped before Scar died, really.
How do you know?

Hmm... now that you bring that up, some of the hyenas did run from Pride Rock during the fight. And, Shenzi, Banzi, and Ed were nowhere near the peak of Pride Rock when their clanmates were retreating...

Just a gut feeling. Also is it ever said who the parents of the hyena that Kion befriended were?

This is only another theory I have, but maybe...each of the hyenas had siblings. In this case, the hyenas in “The Lion Guard” are descendants of the trio, but not the children of them.

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