My Little Lion King 67 members · 13 stories
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Original comment found here.

In Lion King, they built up the whole "Hakuna Matata" thing, then broke down why it didn't work in-universe. And yes, there are worries in life, and part of being an adult and being responsible is owning up and fixing those things. When Simba went back, he didn't know Scar killed Mufasa and thought he was responsible. And although he had made a grave mistake and although he wasn't flawless, he could that see Scar wasn't the rightful ruler of the Pridelands, something had to be done, and he alone was in a position to do it. So he owned up and did it.

But what does Disney market? Shirts with Mufasa's ghost's face on them saying "Remember who you are"? No. (And it's a shame; I think that'd sell pretty well.) They market Hakuna Matata--the concept which was torn down by the very movie that introduced it.

...yeah, this guy's right.

7370227 Yep, he is.
Disney has a major case of "Teh Stupids" these days.

Yeah, that really boils my piss. But, I guess the philosophy of living your life delusionally without cares and responsibilities is more marketable than manning up, acting like an adult and taking control of your life.

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