Season 9 never happened!! 94 members · 26 stories
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I'm taking up the gauntlet of rewriting things and need some help/opinions on what to keep discard.

how far should I rewind I want to redo shadow play a bit; maybe retcon a few things too. as well as recycle a few things like treehouse of harmony (and yes I'm keeping Harmonia) or the tree sprite. & the entire show ended in too much of hurry! it's like a story that takes seven years to write had its final chapters written in a single hour!

I want to revise the entire school arc. The "students" should never be even implied to succeed the mane 6. Their purpose is to take the lessons learned back to their homelands. The mane 6 should also not run the school (though they can certainly help set it up). The tree cannot be simply "destroyed", that's ridiclous. It has enough power to manhandle (treehandle?) most of the magic in the world at once. Discord couldn't destroy it when it was UNPOWERED, let alone with the elements. Let alone with the full power of the elements (at the end of S4). And he's (supposedly) much more powerful than Sombra. I want to completely scrap S9 except for Point of No Return, Going to Seed, and Common Ground, and do a PROPER ending. A correct ending for this show is to end in the present, with everyone looking optimistically toward the future, so people can imagine whatever they want.

Honestly going back to Wonderbolts Academy and making Spitfire a princess would be 10000x better than what S9 actually brought, lol. The last episode of the show was the single worst episode I have ever seen in ANY show. It was insulting and disgusting, and antithetical to the characters, the world, and the very premise of the show.

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