Fixing the Finale 172 members · 186 stories
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I just noticed this fanart on Derpibooru and it made me think what if this was the final battle for Equestria. In this one, the real Grogar overheard what happened and wants to make his attack. However, he is insisted by a sorcerer known as Draven La Fay that he shouldn't do it do it alone. La Fay uses a spell that has him fuse with several other villains that include Tirek, Sombra, and the Storm King to create a creature known as Alastor that can wreak true havoc on it and even gives the new creature the Rainbow of Darkness to do such. The Moochick overheard the plan and warns Twilight that her Equestria will be under attack by this creature, and even mentions that it's time to use the Rainbow of Light in order to counter what it has. What he doesn't know is that its keeper has already been found and it happens to be Megan as she is called to help fight the battle. Nonetheless, here are the fanart that can pass for scenes of such battle, and it might even be a sneak peek for a fanfic I plan to do in the near future with the reimagined episodes I already did.

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