Fixing the Finale 172 members · 186 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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I think it was good. I am glad they did not go with the "subvert expectations" bullshit, i worried they will go overboard with the internet and pop culture references but they were tame.

The balloon escape Pony was funnier than I thought he'd be. Can't wait till they do an actual series.

I say it was an alright movie.

At first very neutral about the movie before I watched it, but I was positively surprised. Great characters, ponies doing cute pony things, great music and songs, great locations/graphics.
The biggest problem was pacing - way, waay too high, some big plot holes and the "M.A. Larson manouver" for the finale (what they did to Sunny).
Overall it was wholesome and enjoyable, but not as good as early G4 seasons, I had some warm, fuzzy vibes from 10 years ago.
Much better than S8+S9 for sure, and I'd say much better than G4 Movie.

I liked it a lot more then what I expected from those horrible trailers. 7/10 for me. Sprout and Hitch were my favorites.

Honestly, I completely disliked the MLP G5 film.

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