The Ex-Royal Sisters Group 80 members · 61 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Jade Dawn
Group Admin

I have taken some time to reorganize the story folder into THE FIRST GALACTIC EMPIAH!!!

*ahem* Sorry. Couldn't resist.

Anywho, what I've done is delete the "Main" story folder entirely and make three completely new categories. This number may be subject to change in the future, but this is where it stands as of now. No stories have been removed from the group. I've simply moved them into their new categories.

For convenience's sake, here is the full list of the new categories. The titles should be pretty self-explanatory, but here they are regardless.

Pre-Retirement: Stories about the sisters before their retirement.

Post-Retirement: Stories about the sisters after their retirement.

Alternate Universe: Stories that take place in alternate timelines and things of that nature. Only reserved for the more drastic of canon changes.

Please make a note of the new categories, and make sure to file any stories you may submit accordingly.

Thank you for the update!

Hey, people who begin their first group needs to start somewhere.

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