The Eeveeverse 116 members · 8 stories
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While I can guess why nobody writes about someone that already had previous experience with being a Pokémon (e.g.: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon-verse participants, not necessarily one of its MCs), I had a different kind of thought once I saw a passing mention to Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha.

For those that do not have any knowledge of the series, I'll summarize the relevant bits: Yes, it's a magical girl anime as evident in the title, BUT the magical transformation trinket is actually a highly advanced magitech device with an artificial intelligence, the uses of which involve the device taking in the load of controlling the mana of the wielder for spells far faster/stronger/greater than what the user can cast - although the user being skilled in unassisted casting helps the power output; the device also provides a "Barrier Jacket" which is what they call the clothes they magically change into, being quite literally magical barriers shaped like clothes and armor depending on the user's design; each mage has a "Linker Core" which is a metaphysical organ that handles mana, which the device establishes a connection with so that the user may transfer energy into the device.

I guess you can see why the concept was compatible with the Eeveeverse.

There are interdimensional shenanigans going on - but you can shelve those as they are more part of the setting's background than what I'm trying to talk about.

So... Porygon. Or the Honedge line. Or Rotom if you must.

Heck, let's be utterly excessive and add all of them into a single possessable electronic object! (If you want to go the MGLN style of high-energy confrontations; seriously, the series draws heavy inspiration from mecha anime for the love of Asimov!)

Oh, that's another thing - it spawned a meme of "Befriending through superior firepower", where the antagonists are enemies only until the titular Nanoha blows them up and makes them her friends, after we get to see their character arcs and learn of their motivations and (usually quite emotive when not outright tragic) backstory.

But I was thinking of a more typical Magical Girl Filly thing by means of either a summoned Pokémon, or someone that is whichever Pokémon. Which is why I wondered about someone that has had previous experience with being a Pokémon, as it would skip at the least a chunk of the "how do I shoot web" learning curve previous to the magical-ing. For more... physically-inclined characters it could be powered by Aura instead, or you could pull a Meloetta and have a magic-based form and barriers and an Aura-based one - after all, Aegislash has the ability to do both things, and has Sacred Sword as a possible move.

What does everyone think? I doubt I'm going to use any of this. Here, at least.

EDIT: Also, why has nobody picked any of the "could pass as a native species if you don't speak" Pokémon yet? It could even be the wielder of the magical device, being helped to adapt to being a Pokémon with so much higher energy output than an average pony. I don't even mean the equine Pokémon, but pretty sure that Midnight Lycanroc can pass as a Diamond Dog, Blaziken looks right at home with the avian pirates, Incineroar can mingle with the rest of the bipedal cats, and depending on what else gets added to the fantasy hodgepodge you can swing more Pokémon in, for example.

As an aside, the world does have anthropomorphic Jackals, which are black and blue even.

I, for one, hadn't heard of it, before. Besides, I think that would work best as a non-canon spinoff than as an official part of the universe. It would most definitely benefit from not being shackled to the other fics in the canon verse.

That said, it does sound interesting. If you want to write it, let me know. I'd read it.

Group Admin

I also like the general concept, but I lack the required knowledge to do it justice.

Regarding the "if they just don't speak pokemon, some could pass" part, I'm honestly surprised that no one has tried that yet. (I am big hulking, mute cat. Please ignore me.) There's built in conflict for if they ever meet a summon of their new form.

One thing. I just remembered something that I wanted to ask but completely blanked about for some reason, relating to the speech thing. This one is directed more towards the Pokémon crossover crowd in general.

I get why the Eevees (and by extension Lucario) in the main Eeveeverse Canon cannot speak, as they are involved in an actual ploy with someone that is actually messing with their heads and actions...

But not everyone else has that excuse, as people that turn into Pokémon are actually still able to speak if I'm not mistaken - with one notable exception because that was not exactly the same transformation as the others, thanks to the kind of psychic shenaniganry being involved.

I understand when authors use a CYOA or similar point-based character creator, as there is usually a "lose the ability to speak human" disadvantage in exchange for more points, but most of the time just seems like an annoying hurdle to add for little gain. It's not like they are making a two-sided barrier like some of the other stories, where neither the humans/other understand the ponies, nor are they making much significan use of the ability to actually talk to the Pokémon non-telepathically - in general, as I understand that in the Eeveeverse they hear Pokémon as speaking Japanese, which makes it moot if they don't understand that.

Group Admin

That's very difficult to explain as every author has their own reasons for doing anything they do. It could be a complicated plot point, or something as simple as it wouldn't make as interesting a story. So long as it doesn't break the reader's immersion of the story, I'm fine with authors handwaving minor or irrelevant problems.

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