Cinematic Adventures 248 members · 24 stories
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Well you all know the drill for these threads.

Group Admin

Just like with the first movie, we might consider trying to include some deleted material that didn't make it into the theatrical cut. Especially if they can give the girls some additional lines. To know what I mean, here's the link to the video:

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

And if you want to suggest deleted scenes or cut content for joining movies you can put them in this forum right here

How about during the final joust with the black knight Shining Armor can charge alongside Fred!

When they see Captain Cutler's Ghost (the one in the old time diving suit)
Pinkie Pie: Uh oh, the Cyclops! You think he's mad about us wrecking Shell City?
Shaggy: (nonchalantly as he's distracted) Oh, that's not a cyclops, that's Captain Cutler's Ghost.
Pinkie Pie: Wait, ghost? Wow, I knew those fish beat him up but I didn't think they'd kill him!
Shaggy: (realizes what he just said and saw) CAPTAIN CUTLER'S GHOST?!
Pinkie Pie: You said that already. (Shaggy grabs Pinkie and runs)

Shaggy: [Scooby, Shaggy and Pinkie Pie are surrounded by monsters] We have to remain calm.
[Scooby and Pinkie Screams]
[Scooby slaps him]
Shaggy: I needed that!
[Pinkie slaps him again]
Shaggy: I needed that too!
[Scooby and Pinkie both punch him]
Shaggy: You're pushing your luck you two!
Pinkie Pie: Sorry

One of my favorite funny scenes.

Definitely one of the funniest scenes :rainbowlaugh:

Pinkie, Shaggy and Scooby are sneaking through one of the buildings at the old mining town.
Window 1: Shaggy, Scooby and Pinkie creeping along back to back
Window 2: Shaggy carrying Pinkie and Scooby
Window 3: Scooby is carrying Shaggy, Pinkie is carrying a Skeleton Man

When they realise the Skeleton Man is there:
Pinkie: AAAAHH-*coff-coff* (Pulls out a tuning whistle, bows a High C - Harmonises with the whistle) đŸŽ¶AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH...!!đŸŽ”

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Velma and Daphne are being attacked in the Wickles Mansion.
Daphne is battling the Black Knight Ghost, Rainbow is trying to help by buzzing the no effect.
Rainbow: "Man what I wouldn't give for a can opener!"
Twilight and Velma are attempting to read from the Monster Maker book, tossing it to each other whilst dodging the Knight's attacks
Twilight finishes reading the book
Twilight: "Daphne! Rainbow! South, 13 inches from the meridian at an angle of 52 degrees! That's his weak point!"
Rainbow: "In Equish egghead!"
Velma runs up: "It means his weak point is right...HERE!"
Kicks him inna fork
Velma: "RUUUUUNN!"

Sorry? What's wrong with that?

What about it is wrong? Please tell me. If im not seeing the obvious, id like to know!
Just saying no to it without reason seems crude and dismissive.

1. It wouldn't support him because Fred is an adult and is way taller than Shining Armor.
2. If you had said, "Shining Armor should ride in a motorcycle along with Fred," then I'd totally agree with that.

oh. alright. Then I suggest the second option you said!

Now you're speaking my language dude. Shining Armor and Fred on motorcycles facing off against The Black Knight would be epic.

so when they get into exbhit mayabe fred or velema can explain the twilight and girls , spike shineing armor, candace and flurry about these three

Oh I was thinking Shining charging on all fours ALONGSIDE Fred's motorcycle. But ok.

Black Knight Ghost: " the round....tables..."


In the teaser trailer, it shows 5 windows with 5 different positions.

Window 1: Shaggy and Scooby creeping around with arms curved out.
Window 2: Shaggy and Scooby creeping along back to back.
Window 3: Shaggy carrying Scooby
Window 4: The Skeleton Man is carrying Shaggy carrying Scooby
Window 5: Scooby is carrying Shaggy carrying the Skeleton Man

Found some more deleted scenes.

When they start to eat the Cotton Candy Glog have Pinkie do this.

Time: 0:00-0:17
Similar to a Chestburster

Group Admin

Yeah... the Cotton Candy Glob is going to wish he was not brought to life to join the army of monsters.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin












Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed Mother and Daughter Heart to Heart Written by Tim Ribbert Proofread by Dramamaster829

As Mystery Inc. and the others rewired the circuits of the control panel, Cadence found Flurry Heart sitting alone near the door. She could detect the sad look upon her face. The elder Princess walked towards her daughter, sitting quietly beside her.

"Hey Flurry," She spoke softly. "Something the matter?"

Flurry merely shook her head and turned away.

"N-N-No... nothing's wrong," Flurry replied sadly.

All at once, she felt her mother's arm wrapped around her neck in the most comforting way. When little Flurry turned her head, she can see her mother's concern as plain as the muzzle upon her face.

"Come honey, you know you can tell me," Cadence reassured. "Is this about what happened back at the monster hive?"

Flurry nodded her head slowly, tears streamed from her eyes.

"All I wanted was to be just like Auntie Twilight," Flurry wept. "Brave... strong... the kind of pony who can save the day. But dad just treats me like I'm still a little baby. I mean I understand he's just worried about me, I do. It's just... I wish, even just once, he'd stop being so overprotective."

Cadence merely kissed her daughter on the forehead, granting her daughter the warmest smile.

"I get he can be overprotective sometimes, but that's only because he loves you," She spoke warmly. "One day, he'll see that you can care for yourself and be the great hero you are meant to be... because I know that's a fact."

And with that, she gave Flurry Heart another warm hug which made the little filly feel so much better that she returned the hug.

"Thanks mom," Flurry smiled, brushing her tears away.

"You're welcome honey," Cadence said, stroking her daughter's mane. "Now let's check on Scooby and Shaggy outside, poor dears must be cold."

"Yeah... I'd like that."

Group Admin

Didn't even take long to go over. But grammar wise, yeah... that needed some real work when I first saw it.

Group Admin

Very sweet moment

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin


Thanks both of you

Group Admin

How about this one?
Shaggy: I think we lost em. Guys, we made it.
Suddenly, a swirling entity appears from behind, whilst Pinkie Pie smelled something good:
Pinkie Pie: Ooh, what's that sweet smell?
The entity stood behind them and bantered:
Cotton Candy Glob: you should never have locked those locks...
Shaggy, Scooby-Doo, scrappy, pinkie and Flurry Heart slowly turned around and were shocked to see another monster:
Cotton Candy Glob: Now you're stuck in here with me... The Cotton Candy Glob.
They immediately perked up on that:
Group: Cotton... Candy... Glob?
They looked at each other with widened eyes:
Cotton Candy Glob: Yes.
Scrappy wondered and licked it, and realized what it was:
Scrappy: Hey, it is Cotton Candy!!!
Shaggy smirked, Scooby-Doo clapped his paws together in excitement, pinkie squealed in excitement, with flurry having a big grin:
Cotton Candy Glob: Huh?
Pinkie and Flurry: BONZAI!!!
They jumped straight at the monster and gobbled it.
Cotton Candy Glob: NO!! I'LL GIVE YOU CAVITIES!!
Pinkie Pie: TOTALLY WORTH IT!! *making gobble noises*

Group Admin

Hmm... we've seen tons of lines similar to this especially with the Cotton Candy Glob. It's definitely going to be tough to choose.

Great bonding moment.

Nice! Really great character building.

I got an idea but it might be a bit too much.

Maybe during the scene at the villain bar, maybe have Flurry Heart bond a little with Old Man Wickles. Maybe he starts seeing her like a daughter or granddaughter he could have had if he hadn't been a villain.

Old Man Wickles: If I see those twerps, I'll tear their eyes out of their skulls! Make them eat the one eye while watching themselves eat it with the other eye! HAHAHA!
(sees Flurry looking scared. He deflates a little and turns away. Scooby and Shaggy walk off.)
Flurry: I don't think you mean that.
Old Man Wickles: Like fun I don't. They caught me and put me behind bars. I'd be sitting pretty if it weren't for them.
Flurry: So, you didn't do the bad things that the Black Knight did?
Old Man Wickles (says nothing.)
Flurry: Is it really Mystery Inc you're angry with? Or is it someone else?
Old Man Wickles: What do you want me to say, that I was wrong? I know that! So what? It doesn't change anything.
Flurry: I don't think so. You still have your life, your freedom, and a chance to be a better person than you were before. I know you have a lot of conflicted feelings towards them for what happened before, but I think if you reached out, Mystery Inc. might help. Maybe what you really need is someone to help you through it. Maybe what you really need are some friends.
Old Man Wickles: (actually considers it, but sighs) ...Nah. As far as the world cares I'm just an ex-con who put on a mask and became a monster.
Flurry: You may have been a man in a mask, but deep down, I don't think you're a monster. (kisses him on the cheek)

Then during the climactic battle, we notice a Frankenstein monster that wasn't with the other monsters before. Suddenly, Frankenstein attacks the other monsters and starts helping Mystery Inc and the ponies. The other monsters subdue him and unmask him to reveal Old Man Wickles.

The Masked Figure: What are you doing?! Why are you helping Mystery Inc?! They sent you to prison! They ruined your life!
Old Man Wickles: No they didn't, I did! I dressed up as the Black Knight! I ran that art forging scheme! I kidnapped Professor Hyde White! I'm through being mad at everyone else for my own mistakes! I paid my debt to society and I got another chance! And I'm gonna prove once and for all, that I may have been a man in a mask, but I'm not a monster!

I got the idea because Peter Boyle, who plays Old Man Wickles, was the Monster in Young Frankenstein, and it gives a little more to his "redemption arc" than making a mining town amusement park that's secretly child labor.

hmm that might be very cool and you build off from it with something like a fund for the villian that msytry inc except the peratacyl ghost unmasked in the past that give them a second chance in socity

Group Admin

Hmm... perhaps there is a glimmer of potential in here somewhere. On one hand, it would provide an expansion of his character for this rendition of this project. It'll take much time to think about as we progress with the remainder of this project.

One of the hardest things for a parent, it to acknowledge their offspring is growing up and doesn't need to depend on them as much as they used to.

man when i become a dad i am not going to look forward to that part that for sure

Group Admin

It's not easy to acknowledge that our kids are growing up, if and when any of us decides to have children. We enjoyed those days when they were cute and innocent, oblivious to all the pain going on in the world. We tell them that there's no such thing as monsters, but the truth is that the real monsters are not so much we think are hiding in closets or under the beds, but the spirit in some human beings who are so broken in certain aspects that what they do is the stuff of monsters. We fear that when our kids do grow up and the empty nest syndrome takes place, we feel we are missing a vital part especially when we assume they're so grown up they won't need us anymore or we'd be lucky if they call us once in a while. That all we really want is that no matter what they do, where they go, or how they intend to tell their own stories, all we wish is to remain a part of their stories and not be cast aside.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin







Scooby-Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed Rainbow scolding Twilight Written by Tim Ribbert Proofread by Dramamaster829

Rainbow Dash stormed toward Twilight Sparkle, clearly unhappy over the fact the princess constantly scolded Flurry Heart, Spike, Scooby Doo, and Shaggy Rogers for making mistakes. And yet she herself won’t even admit to her own mistakes. Now Rainbow may be the brash one of the girls, but when she needed to point something out, she went out on it.

“Nice going egghead,” Rainbow spoke sarcastically.

“What? I had to tell them it was wrong to leave us and go off on their own!” Twilight argued.

But the rainbow-haired Pegasus was having none of it.

“You could’ve at least let them tell you ‘why’ they did it!”

“I’m trying to keep us all safe! Yet they’re making loads of mistakes, which only puts them in greater risk!”

Rainbow Dash glared toward the princess of friendship, the latter acting more stubbornly than Applejack. The princess came off acting like she has zero flaws, to which Rainbow knew wasn’t trust at all.

“That’s the problem, Twilight Sparkle!” She spoke sternly. “You scold them for making mistakes yet refuse to acknowledge your own flaws! Remember our adventure in Bikini Bottom, when Applejack, Rarity, and I didn’t give the CMC a chance thinking they could be in danger? Guess what? You’re acting the same way we did!

“Like it or not, Flurry Heart and Spike are growing up and you’re missing it! Unless you start seeing it now, and stop pretending you’re flawless, they’ll feel nothing like failures
 all the time. Think about it.”

And just like that, Rainbow left to rejoin the others at the monster hive. Twilight hung her head in shame. For the first time in her life, Twilight Sparkle didn’t know what to do. Not as a princess
 not as a friend
 or even an auntie.

Group Admin

Ah yes... just went over this little project earlier today after I had such a busy weekend.

Wow, I never thought Rainbow can talk down to Twilight like that.

You should read Friendship is Empathy by Trinary. Rainbow really lets Twilight have it in that one.

Group Admin

Did you not see Rainbow get all up in Twilight's face after Nightmare Moon made her return? She was literally accusing her of being a spy.

It's been a while since I saw that episode.

You know, since the villains are bringing costumes to life as real monsters, what if Chrysalis and Sombra brought costumes from Equestria?

Alongside the Scooby Doo monsters, they could face evil versions of Mare Do Well or the Power Ponies, or recreations of creatures like Flutterbat or Nightmare Moon.

Not to mention Flutterbat still scares me if I look directly at the screen

Group Admin

I mean it's not a 'terrible' suggestion. Especially with the Flutter Bat thing. But if that doesn't happen during this entire story, fans would be lucky if the effect was acknowledged again in another story.

The Cotton Candy Glob

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