Spike and Gabby 172 members · 57 stories
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Next holiday is Thanksgiving, which means a time for families to get together in the USA, share foods, have a feast, help the homeless at the nearby homeless shelters, watch the Thanksgiving parade, and best of all! THE TURKEY!

Artist: Chibi-Jen-Hen

No, that's a chicken. I ask for a turkey.

Artist: ViralJP.

Too much of a tur-duck-en! We're gonna get a lot of angry birds, let me tell you.

Scootaloo is an emu, not a chicken.

Ah yes, Thanksgiving. The time of family get-togethers, watching football, and so much food for the whole family. Aside from Christmas, it's one of my favorite holidays of the year. I've got to say that the Fam and I have much planned for those next few days.

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