The After Stories 113 members · 262 stories
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It came out shortly after the series finale, but I can't remember the title. All I remember was, Twilight was immortal, and I think it was the anniversary of one of the other's death or something.
And, she gets visited by Fluttershy, only it's not her. It's Discord who, unable to bear living in a world without Fluttershy, has like, turned himself into her, so that she would "live on".

Anybody know what story that was, or if it's still on the site?

Oho! What’s this? Could it be… this story you’re looking for?

With her last original friend now passed, how will Princess Twilight cope with eternity? An eternity with... her...
Ninjadeadbeard · 4.5k words  ·  661  7 · 12k views

Hope you’re looking for it cuz you liked it! :twilightsmile:

Thank you! :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

That is it! Huzzah!

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