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The Storm Blades: Space Marine chapter.

Chapter Overview
The Storm Blades are a peculiar space marine who are strangely both loyal yet not fully loyal to the Imperium at the same time.chapter

The Storm Blades were originally founded during the 34th millennium around the 15th founding, before the Age of Apostasy.

They’re known for being fierce warriors and being rather anti-authoritarian, for they’re known for being near or at the center of several controversies involving the Inquisition, who they’ve grown to have a great dislike for, which borders on sheer hatred.

They were thought to be a descended from the Salamanders, but this has proven to not be the case, at least not entirely.

The truth of their founding was kept a closely guarded secret for just over two centuries.

The Storm Blades were the product of an experiment in mixing and/or slight tampering with the gene seed of some of the founding legions. Of all 1st founding chapters, theirs was a dangerous combination between the Space Wolves and Salamanders gene seed.

This is attributed to the fact that while being such fierce warriors, much like the Space Wolves, they’re also being known to show great compassion, and even caring on a personal level for civilians like the Salamanders.

This has gone so far that the Storm Blades have been known to fight with an unyielding savagery when defending or relieving population centers such as hive cities. They’ve even been known to go on nearly berserk rampages against enemies that have knowingly slaughtered civilians, especially if it’s the forces of chaos.

They don’t seem to have suffered from the Curse of the Wulfen like the Space Wolves, nor do they have coal like skin and red eyes of the Salamanders. This could be due to the two mutations seeming to cancel each other out to, resulting in neither happening to the space marines.

Home World.
Their home sub sector is found on the far eastern fringes of the galaxy.

It is a sub sector of five worlds. They are Elysium, Malthadrax, Kordia, Vexar, and Zanthium.
(See Worlds of Elysian Sub Sector for full details)

The main home world of the Storm Blades is the capital world of the Elysian sub sector. The sub sector gets its name from the capital planet’s name of Elysium, which is from an ancient Terran belief of a paradisiac afterlife.

Elysium is a rather large planet, being roughly a quarter the size of the planet Jupiter of the Sol System. And despite being so large, it’s a beautiful paradise world. The world is known for its great rolling plains and beautiful valleys. And while there are a number of major cities, much of the planet was left in its natural state.

The northern part of the main continent of Elysium Primaris, which is officially known as Elysium Norcaea but commonly known as the North Lands, is known for having fairly harsh winters, not quite the severity of icy death worlds, but harsh enough to breed a hardy people.

But Elysium is the world that the Storm Blades and their allied space marines draw their recruits from.

The sub sector is also not technically part of the Imperium of Man, but an allied sector that is willing to give aid to the Imperium, while the Imperium doesn’t have direct rule or authority over them.

Peoples of Elysium
The people of Elysium are generally divided into two main groups when it comes to culture and society, which are known as the Southern Elysians (or just Elysians) and the Nordians.

The Nords, or Nordians, as they’re more commonly by those of the Imperium who have interacted with them are the tough hardy people who inhabit the harsher lands of the North Lands. They live in large tribes, and mostly farm and hunt. But only a fool would dare to underestimate them as simple savages. (See Nordian War Hosts/Warbands for details)

While the Southern Elysians, who make up the majority of the population of Elysium, aren’t quite as fierce as their Nordic kin, they are a people of a steely resolve and deep commitment to their allies and people.

I just wanted to post a simpler overview, since I had come up with a lot more and didn't want this to seem like I was trying to write the next LotR book worth of words.

Please let me know what you guys think.

Kinda interesting that you've only gotten comments on the main Warhammer 40k page and not this one. (I just didn't feel copy/pasting the same comment for the same post)

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