Quills and Sofas Speedwriting 345 members · 626 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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I have a suggestion (solely as a watcher of the group, not attempting to participate) because the labors of your recent event are pretty confusing. I don't know if the massive downhooves on your contest stories are something you intentionally did to exploit Fimfiction's voting system for the competition, or just a reaction by users of Fimfiction to seeing seventeen stories with the same title get posted all simultaneously. If it's the latter, it isn't clear why you would want to do something like this. Either way, it's a shame that most of your stories won't catch heat or have a chance at the feature box. :applejackunsure:

My suggestion is that you might want to clue potential readers in to what happened. Right now, each of your submissions has a link to the general stories folder, which doesn't provide any useful information apart from the fact that there is a folder at the bottom labeled "Special Event" that has the same name as the story. I think it would be better to change those links to the Kaleidoscope folder, and give the folder a short description of the event so readers can make sense of it. Alternatively, if you want to provide even more information and promote discussion from ponies interested in joining Q&SS, you could link to a group thread about the contest instead. As it is now, users who come to this group looking for answers are plunked into a folder with a hundred stories in it, which isn't very helpful.

I'm assuming the goals here would be to let potential readers know that the terrible ratio is not due to story quality (so they'll bother to read it), and to generate more interest in your events.

I apologize in advance if anything I wrote here came off pushy or rude; it was not intended that way. I just felt I needed to say something because I was confused and unable to find more information, and I suspect I'm not alone in that feel.

Out of everything I've received, believe me: this wasn't pushy or rude.

Group Admin

It's not pushy or rude. I agree that the link isn't ideal - it was part of the contest structure, and as such it was done before the folder in question existed. I think having it link to an explanation of the contest or a blog post or something similar would be a reasonable idea, if we ever decide to do something like this again. As is, it's probably too late to change people's opinion.

And while it is a shame that those stories won't get the attention they otherwise might deserve, that wasn't really the point of the contest. Like all our contests, it's about pushing ourselves to make stuff. Whether it gets heat or in the feature box or anything like that is secondary.

Syke Jr
Group Admin

It's a good suggestion but it's too late now. People aren't going to go back to them to read the explaination. We might, however, figure out an alternative solution involving an anthology fic with the full explanation like you said.

Thank you for your feedback, though I agree that it's too late to include an explanation for this contest at this point.
And you're all good! That was neither rude nor pushy.

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