The Muppet Ponies 40 members · 1 stories
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Look back at your favorite movies with the Muppets and think of some scenes from them and how the ponies and such would react to or be involved in

The Muppet Show Backstage
Running Gag

Just then the phone rang, "Hey Fozzie, can you get that?" Kermit called.

"I'll get it, Kermit," The bear complied, as he talks into the phone. "Hello? The Muppet Show backstage." Before anyone knew it, a stream of water blasted from the phone, splashing Applejack and Rarity.

"What in tarnation?!" Applejack exclaimed.

"AH!! My mane!" Rarity wailed in despair.

"Who was it?" Kermit asked.

"The water department," Fozzie answered.

"What the hay?"

Statler and Waldorf

"Well, how'd ya like that song by those prairie dogs?"

"Well that's a song I can gopher."


Pinkie Pie: "I like them. They're funny!"

When Sunset Shimmer, or Miss Piggy, is leaving the room.

"Hey! Is breakfast over?"

"No. Why?"

"Because I think the bacon just ran out."

Group Admin

Funny. Imagine all the skits the girls could get in on with the Muppets during one of their shows

Ah yeah, actually that would be rather funny to imagine. There are so many skits to work with. Like the Swedish Chef bits. The closest to a crossover I've seen with that was combining some of his skits with Gordon Ramsay's time in 'Hell's Kitchen'.

You want to do a Muppet story?

Group Admin

Yeah Pinkie helping Chef in the kitchen, or doing a comedy duo with Fozzie. Rainbow doing daredevil stunts with Gonzo. Rarity and Miss Piggy doing a fashion show, with the two getting into squabbles about who is more fabulous. Even Twilight would try to help Kermit manage everyone. Plus imagine if Vinyl bringing her Wubs, and Octavia with her cello beats giving the Electric Mayhem a new musical melody.

Those are actually some rather rad ideas. Combining a bit of that classic rock the Electric Mayhem group are known for with the music that Vinyl has us thinking is the most popular as of this moment... I mean she's not completely off. Speaking of Gonzo, I will say one of the funniest bits with him especially with 'The Muppet Show' is whenever he tries to sound off on the horn... It ALWAYS goes wrong.

The movie Muppets From Space was the first Muppet movie I watched when I was a kid. It's how I got introduced to the Muppets and started following them.

Brick House Groovy

At the end of the song, Kermit nodded to everyone with satisfaction, "Ah, way to get down with your bad selves everybody," Kermit commented, when the magic portal appeared and Twilight and friends stepped through.

"Hey Kermit!" Twilight greeted the frog. "Hey Muppets!"

"Oh, hey Twilight!" The frog greeted the ponies and dragon. "You're just in time for breakfast."

Well hopefully for the ponies, this breakfast with the Muppets won't be as chaotic as a 'Pee-Wee Herman' breakfast. Not like the ponies would ever be in such a movie, but it's mainly just to prove a point.

Muppets From Space
Doing some time in the maze

Say Spike and Rizzo were thrown into the laboratory where they experiment with rats (and now they've included dragons).

Spike, Rizzo, and their new rat friends find themselves sitting before a man, in a lab coat, while holding a clipboard and a pen in front of him, "So you two are the new guys," The doctor began. "From this moment on, if I say you're hungry, you eat. If I say you're sleepy..."

"We eat?" Rizzo interrupted, much to the doctor's annoyance as he sets his board down.

"Well, well, well," The doctor began. "We got a funny boy here."

"Nice one, Rizzo," Spike scowled.

"Is that bad?" Rizzo asked.

"Very bad." Bubba confirmed.

"It looks like funny boy's going to the maze," The doctor declared. "Since we don't want funny boy to get lonely...'ll all do time in the maze."

The rats and Spike all groaned, "I'm sorry. I didn't know," Rizzo apologized.

"You'll be sorry if we're lucky to get out of here in one piece!" Spike snarled, before the doctor slammed his fist on the desk and pulled both dragon and rat up close to his face.

"See, no one's ever escaped from the maze, funny boy and dragon." He explained. "And even if you did, it's four feet to the ground, twelve feet to the door and four feet to the doorknob."

"That's 18 feet." Rizzo whimpered.

"Twenty." Spike and Bubba corrected.

"Funny thing about doorknobs: Rats can't turn them. No opposable thumb." The doctor taunted.

"Uh, what am I? Chopped liver?" Spike showed the doctor his claws, revealing his thumbs.

"Well, actually, I've got a special test in mind just for you little dragon," With that, the doctor let out an evil laugh.

A 'special test' for Spike... Oh man, the little guy is 'bucked'.

I don't like where this is going for Spike.

Who knows what grim fates would await for Spike? Perhaps the worst possible torture he could face is trying to resist every form of temptation they place in front of him. Like trying to convince Homer Simpson not to take a mug of beer even though it's fake.

Group Admin

imagine if Spike ate some of the Insta-Grow Pills like Animal did and the two let out a loud roar that scared Doc Hopper and his boys away.

Well, what would be more terrifying for Hopper? Seeing a baby-dragon thrice his normal size... Or if the ponies use his tendency for 'greed' to grow him back into that fierce, menacing beast that terrified the ponies (Even the Wonderbolts, though they won't say)?

Muppets From Space
The ponies reason for coming back to the Muppets world. Haha, I think I made a funny.


"Twilight! Our cutie marks are a flashin'!" Applejack exclaimed, as the ponies quickly rushed to the throne room, where they meet up with Spike, at the map, which was flashing before it showed them their next mission.

"Look! It's..." a ball of light was projected and it conjured up a moving image that shows their friend, Gonzo, who was twisting and turning in his sleep, before he frantically woke up with a start, accidentally knocking his friend, Rizzo out of his hammock and out of the window.

"NOOOOO!!!" Gonzo wailed desperately. "I don't want to be alone!"

"You're not alone," Rizzo replied.

"Huh? Wh-wh-who said that?" the mysterious whatever asked.

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe it's the rat who is HANGING OUT OF THE WINDOW!!!!"

With that, Gonzo quickly ran up to the window, to see his buddy holding onto the edge for dear life, "Rizzo?"

"No, it's Santa, but I forget my reindeers," the rat replied in sarcasm.

"HAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Pinkie Pie burst out laughing at the rat's sarcasm.

Hmm... Not bad, not bad at all. Granted it's been a while since I seen that flick, but yeah this could work a bit.

Does anyone remember this with Bert and Ernie?

Me too! It was funny!

Oh sure, I remember these scenes. It was an interesting creative choice to include those two as I guess 'narrators' or viewers' of the movie. Though I'm not sure if this was entirely necessary. You'd think they'd have had some side plot involving their own misadventures, sort of a 'Abbott and Costello' scenario. But for all intents and purposes, I'll admit they were slightly fun.

Featuring one of the famous singers: Gloria Estefan (She sang Turn the Beat Around)

Oh yeah I remember this part! One of my favorite moments from that feature.

Guest-star Rosie O'Donnell a.k.a. Terk from Disney's Tarzan

Muppets Most Wanted
Walter and Fuzzie finding out (FINALLY)

If the ponies and Spike were to take an adventure in this movie, then what differences would they make?

Group Admin

Ending Sesame Street Episode

Pinkie: Ooh, I always wanted to do this! (Clears throat) Sesame Street has been brought to you today by the Letters, M, L, P. And by the Number 4!

Twilight: Sesame Street is a production of The Children's Television Workshop!

Group Admin

Meeting Natasha

"Guys, look at this!" Pinkie cheered, as the girls and Spike hurried over.

"What is it, Pinkie?" Twilight asked in concern.

"I have found the most precious thing ever!" Pinkie began trying to save her excitement.

"More precious than Diamonds and Gold?" Rarity wondered.

"A hundred times more!"

"Well, don't leave us guessin'. What is it?" Applejack asked.

"Meet Baby Natasha!" Pinkie held up the little baby monster who babbled cutely.

"AWWWW!" The ponies cooed, as they surrounded her.

"She's so cute." Fluttershy cooed.

"Yeah, for a baby." Rainbow said trying to remain indifferent but failing, as she just wanted to hug her.

"She's absolutely adorable." Rarity nuzzled with the baby.

Spike got closer and Natasha jumped into his arms and hugged her, "Whoa! Quite a clinger." Spike said in surprise.

"Looks like some dragon's got an admirer." Twilight smiled.

Spike-Ah ha, ah ha, very funny.

Group Admin

Meeting the Count

As the ponies and Spike wandered Sesame Street, popping up was a vampire being.

Count: Aha!

Rainbow: Vampire!

Count: Wait-wait-wait! Don't be afraid. I am Count von Count.

Twilight: So you're a Count?

Rarity: Who loves to count?

Count: That's right. Watch. One, two, three, four, five, six little ponies! And one little dragon! Ha-ha-ha!

Cue lighting, surprising the gang.

Spike-Does that happen when you count?

Count-Yes, and i love it. Ha-ha-ha!

That's such a cute scene! I like it!

A Dark Crystal reference

“I can’t just spend the rest of my life as a ‘whatever’ you know?” Gonzo ranted. “I got to know who or what I am!”

“Well, for one thing, you’re no skeksis, that’s for sure!” Pinkie Pie commented. “You’re too cute and cuddly to be one them.”

“...what’s a skeksis?” Gonzo asked, unintentionally triggering scary flashbacks for Pinkie Pie and friends.

“You don’t want to know.”

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