The Protagonist Discussion Group 23 members · 1 stories
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When we need to develop or get ideas for antagonists, this is where that discussion goes.

I just realized that, even if my plan to restrict the Entity's abilities works, the way I stated it leaves room for interpretation. For example, sure maybe it can't stop us from manipulating it, but maybe something else can. So: I'm going to do a little wordbuilding. Maybe I'm focusing too much on this, maybe not, but might as well experiment with what we can do, right?

- There is only one thing in the entire multiverse capable of revoking our ability to manipulate aspects of the world, and that is Twilence. The reason being that we are directly connected through her Eye, and she could completely silence us if she really wanted.
- Further, the reason we cannot have outside influences enter the world is not because of Word of God; rather, it is because some sort of device was activated somewhere in the world that prevents dimensional travel in or out. It's simply information we can't manipulate because it's already determined, instead of the Entity directly prohibiting us. The device wasn't always active, which still allows outside influences to have entered in the past, such as Pinkie's ship, Sigrún and Forge, and alien factions.
- There are no plans that depend on us manipulating the Entity to achieve some goal. This statement is absolute, even out in the multiverse.
- Anything that is aware of our existence can be able to read the comment section of the story. This does not allow them to follow links or be aware of anything besides the comment section. The only exception is Twilence, due to mastery of her Eye.
- The Entity is very silly and deserves to be tsked at condescendingly.

The Vil'cree's main goal is too prepare for the rise of their dark god Shel'gor by spreading their sludge and corruption across the planet and eventually snuffing out all light. They look for races to abduct
and inject with their sludge. Moonlight will burn them while sunlight just makes them angry. They typically make their home deep underground and in the bowels of The Creators Mega Cities.

Did we learn anything new about the Entity?


You know we're working on the assumption that the entity is 100% antagonistic how much do we actually know about it though? This is a genuine question as I'm not the cleverest person when it comes to figuring out subtle Clues and stuff

Besides the fact that the Entity really hates us? Nope.

Hold on guys, did you really do this?

I'm looking at the summary posted in the chapter 2 thread at the end.

The only entity able to influence/remove your ability to influence the story is Twilence? She who is able to follow the links out here, and read this? The same Twilence that apparently was driven insane at least once before by conflicting user-driven comments?

You are defining your current antagonist to be a god-tier, slightly insane, ultra powered creature that would give Jack Noir and Postal Mistress a run for their money? Like when they were both actually worried and stopped fighting near the end of the story?

** THAT ** is the level of power you are giving the antagonist here?

And on top of that, you are calling her silly and saying she needs to be tisk'd?

PLEASE, tell me I'm wrong before Twilence reads this post.

We’re referring to The Entity, not Twilence. Where did you get the idea that Twilence is the antagonist?

With regards to The Entity blocking some of the changes you were making. You also said that Twilence is the only entity able to do that.

The "obvious" conclusion: Twilence is suffering from multiple personality disorder (the story telling trope version, not the real world version), and there's a hidden antagonist side to her.

If I've understood other comments, Twilence was driven insane at one point from reading a discussion thread where people were arguing with each other; hence, her "Please play together nicely" view here.

Um... no. She was nearly driven insane, but she bounced back and is now one of the more important secondary protagonists in SotS. And we trust her. Implicitly. You wouldn't understand, but trust me when I say she is not our enemy.

Let me describe my reasoning. I made those statements originally because the Entity tried to stop us from being able to bring elements in from outside the universe. My first point was to prevent anything from removing our ability to influence the world, while staying consistent to our dependency on Twilence to be heard. The second point was to define how the Entity stopped us from bringing extra-universal people in, and make it so that it isn't inconsistent with what happened while still working in our favor. The third one was a preventative measure, the fourth one was for privacy, and the fifth was to insult the Entity in a childish way. I'm making efforts to very carefully word what I say so that it can't be misinterpereted in unfavorable ways.

Ok. So, re-reading, I see this:

- Further, the reason we cannot have outside influences enter the world is not because of Word of God; rather, it is because some sort of device was activated somewhere in the world that prevents dimensional travel in or out. It's simply information we can't manipulate because it's already determined, instead of the Entity directly prohibiting us. The device wasn't always active, which still allows outside influences to have entered in the past, such as Pinkie's ship, Sigrún and Forge, and alien factions.

So this is what you are saying The Entity did? Activated some device that prevents dimensional travel now that Pinkie's ship is here. This is what caused Sigrun to come not from another dimension, but some other world in this dimension.

Am I understanding this correctly?

Also, I've gotten far enough in SotS to see that Sage Pinkie is an occulus with The Eye. I take it Twilence is a Twilight-level occulus? ... you know, I wonder if some other Pinkie might make a good antagonist? Pinkie vs Pinkie, with the protagonist and her group as the proxy fight.

EDIT: Oh, yea:

I'm making efforts to very carefully word what I say so that it can't be misinterpereted in unfavorable ways.

Not possible. Trust me. A good GM can corrupt ANY wish. :-)

Not quite. The unknown device activated after Forge's arrival, and the reason Sigrún is from inside the universe is because we were using 'world' ambiguously.

Not quite. I'm not sure what kind of oculus you're referring to, or what a 'Twilight-level' is supposed to be, but Sage Pinkie and Twilence are probably not those things. They are other, more specific things, which I regrettably cannot explain without spoilers. ...or maybe I can? I've already described a little... I dunno.

Not quite, I hope. By 'carefully wording,' I mean 'piling on an excessive amount of detail and clarification to decrease ambiguity.' With luck, the Entity will just give up and stop messing with us so we don't have to keep messing with it.


Also, I've gotten far enough in SotS to see that Sage Pinkie is an occulus with The Eye. I take it Twilence is a Twilight-level occulus?

No, Twilence is something else completely. An oculus is a kind of pony with seer-like (not Homestuck-related, I feel I should clarify) powers. As a Pinkie, Sage Pinkie's abilities are distinctly stronger and more useful to her than most.
What Twilence is... well, lets just say (for simplicity's sake) that she has direct access to our internet, and she can read the story. The whole story. Even the bits that aren't written yet. Please don't try to exploit that, it'll only end badly.

Actually I'm pretty sure in this scenario she can't actually read exactly what's going to happen she probably knows where GM wants to take this story but because of our influence she probably can't predict it

She was laughing at GM when he had to work out how to incorporate the latest season after it contradicted some of what he'd already written, because she already knew what had happened and he didn't. She refused to say anything prematurely, though.

The Entity has acted. He did, and I quote: "something to Yiyxa's cosmology that contradicts OM's second comment." I'm assuming this is Omni's second comment on the fourth chapter, not his second comment overall. For reference, it is this:

Well, we know Pinkie was the in the same junkyard, and that she was thrown clear across the ocean, so that wouldn't really work without major spatial manipulation. I was thinking more a fishing village of some kind, so maybe our group could get a boat or ship and head out in Pinkie's direction.

This seemed a little strange, so I decided to look up the definition of 'cosmology,' which goes like this: "the science of the origin and development of the universe." The Big Bang, for example.

So, with all this background information, I'd like to ask for help figuring out a contradiction that's only slightly inconvenient for us. I have absolutely no idea where to begin with this, and I'm hoping we'll get better results if we put our heads together.

I looked at Omni's second comment after the 24 hr warning was put up and this is the closest thing I could find to cosmology:

And finally: the Sentient colony on the moon only wants to spread into space; they aren't evil, and unless our heroes act with hostility, which they haven't so far, the colony won't be hostile or antagonistic. In fact, Sentients in general don't have any desire to cause conflict.

This was closest I could find.

Hmm. Well, on the off-chance Twilence actually meant astronomy... the only thing I can think of is that maybe the Sentients are on a different moon from the one we said. But we never actually specified which moon beyond "the closer, smaller one," so... basically, the Entity didn't do anything.

This is confusing.

*gasp* I think I found it.

As for Jen/Sigrún: in the universe of Yiyxa, in the same galaxy that contains Enviar, there's an average Earth with average humans somewhere. That is Jen's origin. Alex's origin, on the other hand, is extra-universal; he left his homeworld to find all the strange and wonderful artifacts hidden away in the multiverse. Also, his homeworld has Stand-capable people in it. When Alex entered Yiyxa, he encountered Jen, and decided she'd be a good traveling companion. So then they flew around in his ship a bit, and along the way Jen gained her Stand, and then they found a planet holding the artifact that now belongs to Jen. The rest is history: Jen teleported to Yiyxa and became Sigrún, and Alex is now looking for her.

I think this is the paragraph that Twilence is referring to.

...oh. Well, duh, of course. Now I feel stupid.

That's actually really easy to deal with, though. We can say that that average Earth isn't so average after all. It's exactly the same as usual, except the humans there are rainbow-colored!

Boom, problem solved.

What about the accent that is supposed to be over the u of Sigrun's name? I can't use that accent on my phone.
Edit: Then again we could say it's a spelling error.

Yeah, that's harmless, too. Even if it was intentional, Sigrun isn't Jen's real name, so name magic can't affect her.

True. On the topic of antagonists though:

"I am not letting an undead into Leviathan's Watch. I don't care how nice or reasonable you are, we have enough of a necromancer problem as it is. So go. Shoo. If you're part of some adventuring group, send the rest of them to the guild, you're not getting in."

One of the comments before the latest chapter mentioned how Leviathan's Watch could extend underground. If they have a necromancer problem I wonder how far they dug, considering the necromantic magic of a corrupted Mothrum.

I wonder if Sigrun can seize control of necromatically-animated bones?

Name magic could still be a risk: Sigrun may not be her name, but it is the name of her skeleton.

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