The Protagonist Discussion Group 23 members · 1 stories
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This is where development of companions should go. These are characters who will stick with our protagonists as many steps of the way as they can, and are essentially protagonists themselves.

Current Concrete Information:

Jennifer Glasglow/Sigrún: A human woman who is the apprentice of a master wizard named Alex. She has a sense of wonder that causes her to hesitate at crucial moments, a crush on her mentor that she can’t fully acknowledge and doesn’t know how to deal with, a desire for recognition, and a fear of spiders. She knows of Stands because her mentor has one, and knows of and fears True Name magic. On her world, magic is rare, and she only knows a few basic spells as she doesn’t have the predisposition for it. Her mentor sends her on a quest to an ancient ruin to recover an artifact. When she gets there, she finds a pony-shaped idol. Upon touching it, her soul is sucked into it, turning her into a modular lich skeleton capable of swapping out and adding bones, with the idol as her phylactery/soul jar. This transformation into a lich also awakens her own Stand, Serket, unbeknownst to her. Serket has the ability to cure diseases and poisons, and can make things less dangerous, such as making a sword floppy and soft. The idol is sent to another world, where it merges with the bones of a long-dead unicorn named Sigrún. The unicorn’s old friend, another unicorn named Flowing Forge (more on him below) senses the life in her bones while mourning her. He takes them to his home, an abandoned bunker in the icy wastes, and sets them on a bed to recover. Upon her waking, he explains a bit of this to Jennifer and she takes the name Sigrún to both show respect for her new form, and to avoid True Name magic.

Her base form has the bones of a unicorn, and there are tiny pinpricks of flame in her eye sockets to represent pupils. The pony idol, which is about the size of a roll of toilet paper, sits in her ribcage where a heart would be, invisible to everyone but herself. Her Stand, Serket, resembles a mechanical cobalt blue scorpion, about the size of a human head. Despite being a scorpion, it is mostly smooth and lacks sharp bits like claws or a stinger.

Flowing Forge: A unicorn with a worn set of bulky power armor. The suit has metallic wings built in, so he’s often mistaken for an alicorn. He is incredibly lonely and afraid of loss, and gets a bit excited over unique or new mechanical things. He comes from a far-future, technologically advanced Equestria. His talent is to tinker with machinery, and he was also the bearer of Generosity on his world. A tragedy struck his nation as a violent and militaristic race on his planet declared war, leading to the deaths of many including the rest of the Element Bearers, and eventual mutual destruction by doomsday weapons. While in great emotional turmoil and fearing for his life, he escaped into the wilderness, and used a wishing amulet made by the late Sigrún, who was the Element of Magic, to escape his universe with her body before the weapons went off. At this point, he buries Sigrún and just goes about his business while trying desperately to forget the past, and survives without living for some time. He eventually realizes there may something to hope for when he encounters Jennifer. His ruined, custom made armor is all he has left of home, with an empty socket to contain his Element. He hid the Element of Generosity to avoid thinking about his home and friends. It was originally a work suit, but was modified to be more combat-capable once he became a Bearer. It feels like a second skin to him, and grants him the protection he needs to survive in the icy wastes. 

Under his armor, he has a steel gray coat, with flecks of black by his hooves. His mane and tail are short, and as orange as the flames of a forge. His cutie mark is a clockwork forge, and his magic color is a rusty red.

Alex (last name undefined): The mentor of Jennifer. She’s kind and bubbly but absent-minded, and has a habit of assuming things that are obvious to her are obvious to everyone. She has great magical talent, and a Stand of her own (yet to be defined.) She sent Jennifer to recover the artifact assuming it’s history was obvious enough for her to know not to touch it, and was shocked to find this was not the case. She is now determined to find a way to follow her student and rescue her (won’t come in until far later in the story.)

She is a human, with unusually pale skin, long ginger hair, and piercing blue eyes.

Unnamed Flora Machina: A Flora Machina that fused with the crashed Merodi ship that Pinkie and her crew arrived in. After merging with the computing systems and databanks of the ship, it gained sapience and decided to take on a plant-pony form when split from the ship. They are childlike and naive, due to having literally been born very recently. They can detach and reattach from the ship at will, and when they’re detached they have a plant-pony body.

The ship itself looks like a normal Merodi ship overgrown with plant matter. The plant matter, however, is grown in very strategic places. Hard wood covers the parts of the hull that had blown out, thin vines and roots specially engineered to be capable of conducting electricity take the place of lost wiring, leaves cover the surface of the ship to give energy to the biological parts of the ship that can’t be sustained from what remains of the reactor, and much more.

Zeta Wing: A mecha-plane pony. She’s a gritty survivor of the wastes. She comes from a Sentient colony that survived the war that destroyed the world, and she’s been raised on the tales of that war. She’s heard of the Flora Machina, though she only knows that they’re dangerous. She’s rather impulsive, though capable of being talked down.

She can shift between two states, a pony-sized fighter jet and a pony-shaped transformer mecha.

New Proposed Ideas:

So which are companions at this point?

Well, the Element list looks like this right now:
Magic: Sigrun.
Generosity: Flowing Forge
Honesty: The Plant-Pony-Ship
Laughter: Probably Alex, if Winter can tell us her plan now.
Kindness: Undefined.
Loyalty: Undefined.
Would Zeta Wing fit into an Element?

We haven't really made her personality yet, have we? So depends on do we want her to be an element or not? I say lets make a personality first, then see if she will be an element.
EDIT: Nevermind on the personality bit, Blaster described one in the Main Question thread.

I could work on crafting a Stand for Alex. I’m thinking something powerful yet with a large ammount if uses such as Gold Experience. Is Alex a human or a pony though?

Until we know what Master Weavers plan is to get her into the story we should probably wait

I think she's a human.

So what's up with the plant pony?

Our heroes may have encountered a Merodi ship in the junkyard. This ship will have been found already been found by something else: a genetically engineered plant-being capable of merging with technology. These plant-beings are normally formless, though it'd choose to take on a pony form upon absorbing all the data the ship has to offer. Also, it'd get attacked by Zeta Wing because the latter thinks these plant-beings are very dangerous.

These things really do need a name. I'll call them Flora Machina until further notice. This specific Flora Machina also needs a name. It might either be nameless or have a technical classification, which may prompt our heroes to name it themselves.

Maybe Zeta Wing would fit into Loyalty?

So if Zeta is gonna confront the flora machina and flora machina can absorb technology, which would be bad for Zeta if she gets infested by the machina, does Zeta have weaponry that prevents that fro happening? Like a weapon that leaves no trace of an enemy, like a beam weapon from Gundam or a Forerunner guns from Halo. Probably not a flamethrower, because it may burn the plant part, but probably not the machine part. Thoughts?

A good start would be to not have any exposed circuitry, or to defend what is exposed. If that's not enough, then maybe Zeta has a special weapon that creates an explosive burst of flame centered around her.

Well since she comes from space she probably has most of the important bits plated due to the harshness of space and the things floating around up there. And if she can survive a reentry to the planet, she can survive the heat of the flames of her own weapons.


Due to her size, reentry isn't a big deal - she can easily shrug off the speed and the heat. Armor plating / covered everything is sorta a standard when designing something to work outside. Otherwise, dirt, sand, dust, humidity, and so on would ruin a machine far too quickly.

Maybe Zeta has nanites that make her highly resistant? They could be expensive to manufacture/ require some rare element but give her plenty of time to eliminate the threat before the flora machina can absorb her. Then the design can be a bit less tank-y. Though basically being able to explode is still cool.

... Doesn't Pinkie have something that can do that? A mask or whatnot? If so... Explosion Party!

The nanites seem like a good idea. Expensive but worth it. I propose for a situation where a Zeta doesn't have nanites, or if nanites aren't simply enough, that she has a full armor mode. From this:

to this

Obviously this is for special occasions as it has some drawbacks. It would Make Zeta a bigger target, less maneuverable, Can't turn to jet mode without purging the the armor, which is pretty fast to be fair, and is kinda bulky. It makes up by a lot more resistant to damage against tougher enemies, and with said purging, If she got no nanites or a particularly tech absorbing Machina touches the armor, she can purge it before it gets to the actual body. What do you guys think? Yay or nay?

Um... probably not. I imagine her fighting style is based around speed and maneuverability, and heavier armor would only hurt that.

So this nanotechnology stuff, what is the rare element that it's made from? Does it come from the moon or the planet?

Given how rare it is the element was probably native to the moon and was originally shipped down to the planets surface before the Great War.

We can make one up if we need to, give it whatever properties we need. Just have to remember to keep things balanced and not powergame too early.

I think it should either be light and strong or have high energy potential. Armor or power. Having it be only native to the moon would maybe allow for some better properties in exchange for rarity. Am I making sense?

I think the nanomachines should lean more towards power if they're meant as defense against flora machina. Like frying them before they can absorb.


Armor should not impede movement... if it does, it is bad armor design.

Armor can weigh you down and make you slower. It's knights are slower then a rogue or ranger.

While true, Knight armor doesn't make you all that much slower.

Training makes up for the extra weight, eliminating encumberance.

A better comparison would be a tank compared to a jet. One's sturdy and cumbersome, while one's fragile but maneuverable. A knight can learn to move despite his armor, but a tank can't improve itself. So do you want Zeta to be a tank, or a jet?

No, she can't be both. Increasing one's defense will often come at the cost of agility. Among other things, too; the more weight she has on her, the more energy she has to expend to move, which means she'd have less time per outing to do what she needs to do and less room for error. Also, if you suggest the armor isn't always active and only sometimes activates... that means she still has to carry the armor's weight the whole time, and whenever it isn't active, it's just dead weight. Given her occupations-- first having to patrol an entire moon to ensure no hostiles land on it, then having to frequently scout for materials for the Factory, all the while making frequent trips to and from the planet-- it makes much more sense for her to focus more on speed than defense.

What are we gonna name the plant pony?

So what I' hearing fro this is Rather than adding more armor for those special occasions Zeta should add more thrusters?

I've heard someone say Calla lily or maybe Lily. My vote is on Poppy.

I've suggested that we let our heroes name her.
Uh... sorta. I'm just saying 'she doesn't need more armor.'

I suppose it'd be good to list what she can do, though. So... she can fly pretty fast, obviously. Definitely able to break the sound barrier. And even in robot mode, she can still use her thrusters to boost her movement or make otherwise impossible tight movements. She's generally very agile, and when not using her thrusters, is about as mobile as a trained stunt pegasus. She originally came with a machine gun and a few rockets, and later gained her blast ability and/or the nanomachines.

Actually, now that I think about it, maybe Zeta doesn't need to be an Element of Harmony, or even join our heroes' group. She's already been charged with acquiring materials for the Factory, and might not think she has time to join this strange bunch of people. Also, it's a little early in the story to be leaving the planet.

I vote for Poppy just for the potential chance of some saying poppycock.

Have all the thrusters

Zoom. Obviously for special occasions. What those are I don't know.
EDIT: made this before I saw Ponygood post so you can ignore it.

True, but if we did want her to join the party we can have the plant pony damage Zeta so she can't got to space and have to rely on Forge and friends to fix her up, which may be hard.

I'm of the opinion that we don't need this story to unfold too quickly. Interpret it however you want.


I've suggested that we let our heroes name her.

That could be what they decide to name her.

Actually, now that I think about it, maybe Zeta doesn't need to be an Element of Harmony, or even join our heroes' group. She's already been charged with acquiring materials for the Factory, and might not think she has time to join this strange bunch of people. Also, it's a little early in the story to be leaving the planet.

Maybe she joins them later because she feels a stronger loyalty to her own people for now.

Ok, fair enough.
I'll go with King's idea that she'll join later

I'm definitely for letting the heroes name the plant pony! I want to see what they come up with. Also, if/when they find out about us, I wouldn't really want to have controlled everything they've ever done here. I know I wouldn't like that.

Late night idea: Zeta Wing has head Vulcan lasers. Powered by whatever powers her, they're her last resort if her weapons get lost or destroyed. Benefits are if she can look at something, she can shoot it. Also acts as her guns when she is in fighter jet mode. Her description was vague enough that she can have this. What do you guys think?


Eye lasers lol

Though I would assume that since her forelegs transform into cannons (previous chapter), when they're retracted into her fuselage for plane mode, they may be the forward cannons.

Those of you that want ultra realistic robots and hate the transforming mechanic can't wrap your head around the idea of transforming mecha, note that this is an easy. The armor plates shift into an overlapping configuration in pony mode, and when the legs retract and the body streamlines (plates go long), the cannons move forward into where the chest area is, where two access ports can slide open to reveal the guns. Since the engines are on the wingtips, there's lots of room in the core for the [infinity reactor here] and other hardware. Do remember you got a high fantasy setting already (animated skeleton unicorn magic etc.) so there could be magitech involved.

Why a pony form? Well, other than giving us the pone quota for the website you're on right now, we also have the idea that this was intentional - the Creators wanted their machines to have a familiar form, so being able to transform into said form makes it easier to talk to, and then they can transform back into their optimal form (in this case, a very small scout jet) when they gotta go fast / gotta work hard.

Comment posted by guldringr deleted Jul 30th, 2019

I saw it. It is definitely interesting and while I'm hoping for Alex to find Siggy I'm not sure she will.

So what's Forge and Flower gonna do as Sigrun faces Ash? Explore the city, maybe fix some stuff, like Forge's golden power armor, or Flower just randomly absorbing more tech on the way?

Hey, just had a thought. (Possible spoilers for later in Songs of the Spheres) Pidge, as the Technician, originally made their first appearance in Yiyxa, but now that never happened. Is Pinkie still going to find them here?

I just bored, but I like to imagine this is how the Wing ponies fight

Late night idea time: Later on the story we get Ciervo from swampland as a companion. This gives as a Natural to have in the party of diverse creatures. Unlike all the other companions we have, which are vaguely pony shape, this one is not Pony shaped at all. He's huge and scary looking which is neat to explore. Like inner conflict between him the individual vs him the Beast. Besides if we're still doing the elements of Harmony thing, nobody said otherwise, why not represent the elements of Harmony by that former enemies of the Great War as fellow bearers. This could work with Ciervo because till this point he's just in a swamp. He won't be too out of place mostly because people maybe to busy gawking at Sigrun. Honestly I want to see a big Deer/Dog beast traveling with us that's not pony. We can work him in somehow.

Got someone to do the physical description of Ciervo which was neat.

It was like a bear, and from behind it was excusable to think that was exactly what it was, for the only oddity was its size and the wispy tendrils coming off the top of its head that were somewhat hard to see. But from the front, there was no mistaking the monster. The skin might as well not have existed, for its ribcage and spine were bare for the world to see, as if its sharpened digits had ripped a hole in the front out of a madness for blood. The bones of its neck led up to its skull, where it met a ghostly set of jaws that made up its toothy maw. If it ate something, [character] had no doubt he would be able to see it travel down the throat.
Additional things: He has digitigrade legs, a tail, is tall as two an a half men, and has no eyes
For personality: Only thing I got is he has issues from the him the Individual vs him the Beast conflict. Does anyone else give some basic personality traits?

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