The 'Write an Episode' Challenge 41 members · 15 stories
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Group Admin

I did say I'd do something. Thought it'd be better to make this than spam TWG too much.

What I'd like to do, if we get enough people into this, that we do a sort of write-off. The way I'm thinking of this working is that everyone submits an entry to kick this challenge off, and writes for a month. Once done, everyone reads everyone's entries, and we have a vote to see which one wins. That way everyone gets to be a part of judging, everyone gets free reads and views, and everyone can sort of semi-review each other's attempts. Plus it means I can join in instead of sitting on my arse reading everyone else's stuff.

I'd be happy to put forward a steam game or something as a prize for first place.

Thoughts? We'd need at least a decent amount of folks to make this work, so if you're keen, do say so. Or this group can languish in obscurity, which, to be fair, would mean it'd be easy to admin.

Write-off has officially begun! It ends on the 18th of June, and if we get 5 separate competitors or more there's a prize of a steam game worth up to 30 pounds, courtesy of me.

Good luck and feel free to advertise this to your friends! The more the merrier.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Aye, write-off would be better than to go through hassle of getting judges. Much better to be less formal and this way we could repeat it if it proves by some chance popular enough. Gasp, maybe even do a two-parter challenge!

Group Admin

6865620 I'm tempted to agree, especially if (as I suspect) this ends up being a rather niche group. Why exclude the judges, after all?

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Would be like being designated driver on the free booze night. Very depressive.

Group Admin

6865627 Quite. And on the off chance nobody is interested...

We could always try it out ourselves then compare notes afterwards.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

That's the spirit. Doing it for science of fanfiction writing.

Group Admin

6865633 Absolutely.

Fuckin love science.

I'm still interested. It might take a bit to come up with an idea and all, but it sounds like a fun challenge.

Group Admin

6865640 I imagine. It'd have to fit inside of the tight word limit we have as well, so what idea you get would probably make a big difference.

And would this be a one - chapter ordeal, or can it be multiple, as long as the word limit is taken into account?

Group Admin

So long as the word limit and break rules were observed, yeah, I don't see a problem with chapters.

Group Admin

6865980 6865633 I've just put up a blog post advertising this on my end. I've said that if we get more than five folks interested, I'll put forward a steam game worth up to 30 quid for the winner by popular vote. Less than that and we can just keep the joys of science and experimentation as our rewards.

I was thinking that in terms of duration, 2-3 weeks would probably be fine? Thoughts?

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Sounds good. The lazy me though might get worried about two weeks for min 4k story when I still don't have clear idea.

I'd say minimum of three weeks is good, but at max maybe a month. Still slugging through ideas.

Group Admin

6867283 6867289 Well lets say 3 weeks then. I confess I don't really have a solid idea myself either but nothing a little research wouldn't fix.

I imagine that part of the challenge is, in fact, coming up with ideas. The showwriters likely don't have a big old list of stuff to draw from, or if they do it requires editing so heavy that it may as well just be a guideline.

I'll launch it tomorrow officially, to make sure that everyone with comments or questions gets a chance to ask them.

I'm definitely interested in this. I am confused over the "commercial breaks" though. Would these be like chapter or scene breaks for us?

Also, can you have more than one submission?

Group Admin

6868794 Either chapter breaks or a simple break (ie, a horizontal rule) in the story itself.

I'd recommend the horizontal rule, personally, just because it means you avoid having a chapter only 500ish words long.

I also frankly have no problem with more than one submission.

Okay. I'll let you know by Friday if I can do this challenge or not for sure (won't know my June schedule until then)

Group Admin

6868931 Coolio boi. Good luck!

Group Admin

6867283 6867289 6868931 Right ho folks, better kick this off officially before we all die of old age.

Today is the 28th of May, 2019. On the 18th of June we'll bring this little experiment to a close and we can compare notes.

Since there's so few of us I'm of a mind we keep this relatively informal. That said, if you folks advertise this challenge on your end and bring enough people in that we have five different authors entering, I'll make good on my word and throw up in 30 quid steam game as a prize (unless I win of course, in which case... I guess I treat myself).

On the 18th of June we'll take a look at what we've got. Hap rules regarding what that means internationally; as soon as the distant land of Tonga enters the 19th, the contest is officially ended. That's GMT+13 for those counting, by the way.

Good luck chaps! I've edited the OP to reflect that this has been officially launched.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Well there are seven people in the group so far so who know what might happen. Now, time to see what monstrosities we will create.

Group Admin

6869444 Woo boi

I already have a bright idea. I just have to do research to check how it should fit in show canon.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Lucky you. I only had some vague ideas that I am not happy with.

Group Admin

6869479 Research anyway! Research always helps.

If you have a favourite character, my bet would be to think of a story for them and work from there.

Considering how I've been out of the loop for basically the last two seasons, I guess I also need to brush up on my show canon knowledge, to see if it works with an idea that's been brewing for a bit.

Group Admin

Well, I'm at the first break past the intro, gents.

How's everyone else faring?

Group Admin

Well, i'm within the word limits, all the parameters have been met, and all that's left is a customary last-minute day of editing and I'm good to go.

I hope everyone else has been equally successful!

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

I wasn't able to write anything. Hope rest had better luck than me.

Group Admin

6892797 D :

Well, if you ever get an idea for it, it needn't be submitted for this 'contest' (which was always pretty informal anyway).

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Aye, that is the point of the group. I still am eager to read other stories also.

Group Admin

6892898 Well hopefully it won't just be me! That's far too much attention for a wee soul like myself.

Group Admin

Uh, so, had a few hiccups irl (and a few bruises) so I got delayed whilst editing. Story is being published now though!

Fashionably late isn't as cool in my opinion as being fashionably early, but I suppose it'll have to do.

Probably going to be the only entry, but that's fine; it was still very interesting and I've gotten a lot of anecdotal information that'll be useful in the future. Feels weird posting in such a long time. I'm rusty as balls.

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