Script Singer's Library 51 members · 198 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Mensonge Singer
Group Admin

Okay so I've just been mentally struggling lately but we're not going into detail... let's just say I'm having trouble with friends and failing school so I'm probably not gonna be working on stories as much till I'm caught up in classes. (but hey, I'm probably gonna do stuff anyway because I'm like that and so I don't go insane...) Soooo I suppose this is bye for now? *shrugs*

I don't care about your stories. I care about you! So you might not upload. Big deal! That ain't gonna deter my friendship! At least come here on the site often so you have friends!

Mensonge Singer
Group Admin

Yes but this site also keeps me sane. When I was off for the summer, I litterally almost lost my mind

Oooohhh. Oh, I thought you weren't going to visit the site because of your pressure. My bad.

You want a snoogie? It's like a snuggle and a noogie combined.

Mensonge Singer
Group Admin

Well its kinda both I dunno. I shouldn't be on because of how much I got on my plate

...wanna comfort snuggie? As a good luck symbol from me to you? Besides, I've head snuggling people is good for their health.

Mensonge Singer
Group Admin

It is and thatks,but I really should be getting back to my choir paper...

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