Bad Art 25 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

A lot of groups have threads for introducing yourself to the group, and I don't see why this group should be any different. Why don't you tell us about yourself and why you joined?

--Sweetie Belle

I can't draw and I'm colour blind too.

EarthBound Pwny here. Only slightly better at drawing than the average person.

My name is ArtistFire and I have a disability called cerebral palsy, join this group because I’m bad at drawing ponies.

I'm... not necessarily a bad artist, but I'm quite inconsistent. Sometimes I can draw something that doesn't look terrible.

I do enjoy image editing, however, and often fire up GIMP just to see what nonsense I can create.

I’m Mine Menace and I guess I’m here because “bad” is one of many words (none of them good) one could use to describe my art. I should also start using an actual color pallette but I just use a whiteboard now.

I'm just here.
I'm not relevant to this conversation.

I will do a piece every once and a while.

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