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Basically, you choose an original character you have and you answer the questions as if it's him speaking.

It's tough picking between my three Guardians of the Sun, but I finally picked Freedom Fighter from my longest and (In my opinion) best story: A Rather Large Adventure. Sorry, Noble Blade and Firestorm.

1. Name?

My name is Freedom Fighter.

2. Why do you have this name?

I picked this name for myself. I didn't have a name before that.

3. Single or taken?

Single. But I have my eye on a mare or two.

4. Any special abilities?

I have enhanced strength, I guess. Proficient in every weapon and close combat fighting. If you want real magical abilities, talk to the unicorn and pegasus I'm friends with. Not the earth pony.

5. Stop being a Mary Sue!

I am not a mary sue. Insist otherwise and I'll rip your face off. That right there made you sound like a mary sue. I could do without the input. (Looks at interviewer) Sorry. I talk to myself. He's a very fascinating person.

6. Eye color?

My eye color is red. Boring, isn't it?

7. Mane color?

You can't tell from the bodysuit I'm wearing, but my hair is black. What's left of it?

8. Who is your family?

My family?...Noble Blade and Firestorm are my family. My brothers in arms. I don't have a family. Or a community. Not anymore. Get off this topic, will you?

9. Do you have any pets?

I don't have any pets. He doesn't have any pets. Gee, thanks for the reiteration, me. My pleasure.

10. What do you not like?

I don't like other ponies. They seem so cheerful and happy for no banal reason at all. I try not to be around them as much.

11. What are your hobbies?

My hobbies include standing in corners having imaginary conversations with myself. I can confirm that.

12. Have you ever hurt anyone?

Have I ever hurt anyone? (Chuckles sadly) In more ways than you could possibly imagine.

13. Have you ever killed anyone?

I have killed more living creatures than any other pony on this continent. I'm a super soldier of Princess Celestia, for crying out loud!

14. What creature are you?

I'm a pony. Duh.

15. What are your worst habits?

My worst habits? If we were to start on that, it would take up the rest of the interview.

16. Who are your role models? Who do you look up to?

I look up to my fellow Guardians. And Princess Celestia. And the Mane Six. Those are my greatest assets. Or allies. Whichever.

17. Sexual orientation?

I'm straight, but some think I'm gay. Just because I don't have a girl yet, it doesn't mean!...Never mind.

18. Did you go to school?

I didn't go to school, but I was enrolled in the military.

19. Do you want to settle down someday? Have a family?

I want to settle down someday, but I don't have the capability to have a family. I was neutered. Move on. Now.

20. Do you have any fanboys/girls?

No. I don't. Our job as Guardians of the Sun is to be secret protectors of the land. That doesn't leave a lot of room for publicity. Only a few ponies know I even exist.

21. What do you fear?

I fear nothing. When I appear, it's everyone else who gets scared. But my friends mean so much to me. If they die, I will unleash Tartarus on any living creature who has hurt them.

22. What do you wear?

I wear a black armored bodysuit. As you can see, I wear half the Canterlot armory on it as well. I do not take it off for any reason. My identity is to be secret.

23. What is your favorite food?

Food does not tempt me anymore. Ever since I lost my tongue, taste has been irrelevant to me.

24. Am I annoying you?

Now that you asked that question, yes.

25. Well, it's not over yet!

Gee. How lucky I am.

26. Would you say you are upper class? Middle class? Poor?

I was relatively well off until I came to Princess Celestia's care, where I received all my funds from the government. I don't care about the money. Money is stupid.

27. Do you have any friends?

I have my the Mane Six. My two fellow Guardians. The princesses. That's enough, isn't it?

28. What are your thoughts on pie?

Pie is stupid. I can't taste food anymore. Lost my tongue, remember?

30. What would you say is your favorite drink?

Drink? I don't know, I've never sipped alcoho--wait a second, where's question 29? It's one less question we have to answer, you know. Scratch that, let's move on.

31. Do you have a special place?

My favorite place is any place where I'm alone. I don't have a standout location.

32. Do you have your eye on anyone at the moment? my eye on someone. Twilight. She's adorable. And Vinyl Scratch. She's hot. I'm not taken yet, but I want it to be either one of those two. I haven't decided.

33. That question was stupid, right?

Oh yeah? The question was stupid? You'restupid. Ooh, nice comeback, Freedom. Watch your tongue. Can't do that. Right. Forgot about that. Let's move on.

34. Would you rather swim in the ocean or in a lake?

A lake. What kind of question is this?

35. What do you look for in a future mate?

Huh. I dunno. Caring. Appreciative. Responsible. Hot.

36. Got any fetishes?

Manes. A good mane is an amazing thing. Spiked or straight, but always long. And vibrant colored eyes. And the ponies with a rebellious fighting spirit to them. But also the quiet ones. Noble Blade has Fluttershy already, but I was never interested in Fluttershy to begin with.

37. Are you a hybrid or a feral?

Hybrid? Or feral? I'm not a hybrid, except for my left arm, so I'm feral.

38. Do you like camping or sleeping indoors?

I don't care. I just want to sleep.

Anyone else: pass this on and do the challenge yourself!

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