Sphinx 120 members · 32 stories
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A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Even though the Sphinx only appeared in the flashback sequence for Somnambula in “Daring Done?”, an idea for a story has recently been brewing in my head. In it, she returns as the main antagonist even after it’s been over a thousand years, with Daring Do and Somnambula being protagonists. However, because of the Sphinx not being given a voice in the episode, I haven’t been sure what female performer would be right for the part.

With all this new being said, what voice actress or just plain actress do you guys think would be perfect for the part of the Sphinx?

Other than that, what other heroic or villainous characters do you guys think would be a perfect fit for the story?

Crazy idea of mine: I choose Cate Blanchett as a voice actress for the Sphinx. Second option: Zoe Saldaña.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Zoe Saldana already took on the part of Captain Celaeno, remember?

Outside of that, I love the idea of Cate Blanchett taking on the part?


Zoe Saldana already took on the part of Captain Celaeno, remember?

Yeah, but who says she wouldn't take the role of another character? Tabitha St. Germain did a great job voicing both Rarity and Suri Polomare.

Deep inside, we both know Cate is a perfect villain character.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

That’s very true. Although, Saldana’s voice is incredibly recognizable.

I say she would figure out how to give her voice to a character like Sphinx. Here's an example about what I mean to say:

I don't know any voice actresses, and I couldn't find anyone who fits any of them.

One possibility is Murry Peters. It was hardly unusual for the hero and the villain of an MLP episode to be voiced by the same person.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


🤔I didn’t know she voiced Somnambula. A fascinating idea to have her voice both Somnambula and the Sphinx.

Thanks. You got to hand it to VAs; they spend a lot of time talking to themselves!

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

To change the subject...

I already came up with incorporating Caballeron and his henchponies as the secondary antagonists, but...what other characters do you guys think would fit perfectly into the story?

It would sound weird, but I'm thinking about Wind Rider.

How about Kimiko Glenn? Or, alternately, AJ Michalka?

Depends on the take on the Sphinx, really.

--Sweetie Belle

Potentially as tomb robbers. To contrast them from Daring's job as an archeologist, you could portray Caballeron in the style of Belzoni, who was notorious for plundering massive amounts of historical artefacts from Egyptian tombs.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

It’s a great idea.

But, what I was wanting to know is if you think there are other characters besides Daring Do, Caballeron, the Sphinx, and Somnambula that I should include in the story.

Comment posted by A Man Undercover deleted Jan 9th, 2022
A Man Undercover
Group Admin

What other heroic characters besides Somnambula do you guys think would fit perfectly in the story as an ally to Daring Do?


Bring along Twilight (archeology) and Starswirl (for similar reasons).

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

I love the idea of having Starswirl there. Ironically, I was planning on having the story take place during the events of the 2017 film, so I never planned on having the Main Six be involved.

Possibly swap Twiggles for Quibble.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Who's Twiggles?

Fan nickname for Twilight.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

What do you think of Stygian taking on the archaeology role in the story?

It works, considering books and research constitute his day job.

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