Epic Adventure, High Fantasy, and Sci-Fi 323 members · 497 stories
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In the magical realm of Equestria, peace can be found abundant.  Ruled under The Princess of Friendship, the land is kept in a harmonic state.

Though this state of tranquility suited many, some saw this as a sign to claim this docile nation for their own.  Many battles were fought, and the Equestrians were victorious in keeping their home. But, a new entity calling herself, 'The Ice Queen', has been making attempted strikes to claim the throne and kingdom.

With a team assembled by Princess Twilight Sparkle, four ponies were sent to cease this opposing force, ending their attacks once and for all.

This is a story I've been developing for years now and I'm finally presenting it, and what a time to present it, out just in time for the release of 'Final Fantasy 7 Remake' and my 7th anniversary since joining this site. ...I'm serious, April 10th.

This is a story about acceptance. Tempest Shadow, Shining Armor, and Flash Sentry will each be struggling with their own personal issue over the span of 15 planned chapters. Elements of Final Fantasy will be sprinkled throughout the chapters such as references and recurring characters (with two appearing in the first chapter).

But don't think that you need to know the Final Fantasy franchise in order to enjoy this. This story is made with the intent for people who are unfamiliar with the franchise in mind and resort to Final Fantasy as a means to move the story along. Think 'My Little Pony', and you dipped it into 'Final Fantasy'. Fans might find more enjoyment out of it, but everyone can follow along.

TFinal Filly Fantasy
Written as if it were meant for a Final Fantasy game, this is about four ponies tasked to reclaim Equestria's stolen magic as they struggle with their own personal issues.
Amereep · 66k words  ·  27  3 · 1k views

Remember, it's only the first chapter, and it's only a taste of how grand I'm making it. There's going to be mysteries, there's going to be laughs, but it's going to be a journey that everyone will enjoy.

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