Epic Adventure, High Fantasy, and Sci-Fi 323 members · 497 stories
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Group Admin

A fan of MLP:FIM since 2011, I write OC stories. Favorite pony is Starlight Glimmer.

I enjoy camping, shooting-sports, cross-country skiing, and trying new beers.

Hello, I'm a Brony with too much free time on his hands hooves. I'm a fan of Comics, comic book movies, dinosaurs, Fantasy Cartoons, Star Wars and fried foods.

Group Admin

Sweet. You're the first to join. Group's not fully operational yet but I'm working on it.


Group Admin

Once a slave to social work I am now a happy and less self hating diesel tech in training.

Greetings, all! I am Coyote the Magnificent! I love MLP, L. Sprague deCamp, Robert E. Howard, Robert A. Wilson, and many others of Fantastic genres (though I also read just about anything I can get my appendages on). I shall not otherwise burden you with a bio... :moustache:

I will acknowledge, however, that in my extreme cleverness, I was so excited about posting to this group that I did so in two folders before noting that a tale should only be posted once per week. :facehoof:

I am therefore a meek and penitent Coyote (relatively speaking), and shall endeavor to avoid repeating that error again. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

First off, welcome.


The same story can be posted in all folders it applies to, if that's what you mean. And you can post as many stories as you want in all applicable folders.

The "one-week" rule is meant to restrict a story or idea to one promotion a week, for those that want to advertise stories or ideas in the threads.

Ah. Okay, cool. I misunderstood my misunderstanding. :derpytongue2:

Group Admin

No problem. The goal is to follow the same rules as the SSPB, though geared more towards the group's specific interests.

Hi. I’ve been writing fiction on this site for since 2012, and though work and life in general has slowed my production of new stories of late, I hope this new group will grant me the opportunity of finding a fresh new audience eager to discuss ideas, writing and the meaning behind all this ponyness!

Group Admin

You've been on the site a while! Welcome.


Hello. I'm a girl who as you can probably guess from my name, loves high-fantasy and other related things. I can and will best your Lord of the Rings knowledge; I dare you to challenge me to trivia. I love my epic adventures in general, including other classic titles such as Wheel of Time. I seriously probably obsess far too much over them. But how much is too much? However much it is, I'm probably way over the threshold. :pinkiecrazy:
P.S: If you can't figure out what my name means, what the heck are you doing in a high-fantasy group?:raritywink:

Group Admin

Welcome aboard. Good to see you joined. Your kind of stuff is exactly what I had in mind when I created the group.

And I'm sure you could pulverize me in your areas of fantasy knowledge. Feel free to discuss and share those things in the forum. I'm hoping once things get off the ground that this will be a good place for it.

Yep. Im a fantasy nerd through and through.

P.S. I thoroughly am enjoying Princess Essentra. Its my kind of story. Straightforwardly high-fantasy.

Group Admin

Glad you like Princess. I'm actually dropping a new chapter in a moment.

Its very rare to run into that kind of long epic saga on this site. Mostly its more urban style, often with technology or romance, instead of good old medivial style fun.

Group Admin

Just curious... How far are you in the story?

Only like 17 chapters.

Group Admin

I know a few regular readers are in the "middle" of the story, that being what is published. I'm a "binge" watcher/reader--I didn't used to be but I used to also have to wait a month for a new anime video I wanted to come out--but I know some still have the patience to go steady. A lot to see on the site. Easy to lose interest when you run out of story and don't see anything new for a while.

My name is ArtistFire I have a disability called cerebral palsy. I love the art of writing


Group Admin

Ponies pulled me out of depression in 2014 and now I'm giving back to the community which helped me

Group Admin

Welcome. Hope you enjoy the group.

Well now, this seems like quite the fun gathering. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Gnarl, while not working at my day job of being a scion of evil and darkness I enjoy sitting down and putting to paper the ideas and thoughts that bounce around in my twisted mind. I one day dream of either writing and publishing a well-loved book/books or, if I'm feeling lucky or just plain crazy, a manga series.

If anyone needs a head to bounce their ideas off of go ahead and give me a PM, I don't mind helping others with their work or giving my thoughts and ideas to them. I have so many I honestly have no idea what to do with them all. :pinkiecrazy:

I wish you all an evil-day since good is overrated. :derpytongue2: But really, have a good day.

Another group has popped up. Alright, I guess I can chip in.

Name's Dragonborne, but I go by a host of other names due to frequenting other sites; Florarena, Foxy, Kitasatina... really, the Pleasant Commentator and Review Group's coined me as the One of Many Names because in my newb days, I could not settle for just one moniker. As for my vocation, I am an author favoring the (oft mature) grimdark, adventurous and sci-fi, with sides of comedy. I tend to gravitate to crossovers most of all, though; about 80% of my works are such, if I had to estimate. I also draw, and do commissions (I am considering broadening this into story and livestreaming, though I've yet to decide those parameters and pricing and such.)

When not doing those things, I game on.

If anybody has questions or wants help writing crossovers, you can ask me for help; I know a few hows and how-nots from walking that block a few times.

Group Admin

Welcome. Hope the group's fun for you.

Group Admin

Always glad for another. Welcome.

I know it's just another group but I really wanted a fresh group that catered to this brand of fiction.

Well Hi, I'm new to the group. I first became a Brony in late 2012, early 2013, thereabouts. I love epic stories, and am currently trying my hand at writing a few

Group Admin

Hopefully you can find a few epics here.


Thank you, already found a few

Hi. I probably should introduce myself.

I am known as boxcat online and in a few groups I’m “boxcat: lord of the memes” because I’ve been collecting memes for over 15 years (as of this post I’m 17)

I am a fan of HIE and also I have recently created a story about one of my DND characters.

That’s probably where I should leave off unless anyone has questions.

I really like fantasy and sci-fi. I enjoy reading fantasy stuff like The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, I'm into comic books, cartoons and anime, video games, D&D, y'know, mostly just nerdy stuff in general.

Group Admin

Again, welcome.

I'm starting my first D&D campaign soon. 5th ed.

I got a 5e starter pack and was able to level up my character a little, but now I'm trying to find myself a larger group and play some better, more interesting campaigns.

Hello, name's Nailah. I can't recall exactly when I got into MLP, but it was sometime after 2013. I remember that Season Five was a new thing when I was just getting into MLP, and it wouldn't be until 2017 that I finally discovered Fimfiction, and decided to try my own hooves at it. I enjoy writing and reading and encouraging others. Favorite Pony: Rainbow Dash.

Group Admin

Welcome! Good to have you aboard.

Hello all. As per group requirement, I am a fan of fantasy, but I'm even more of a fan of mythology. Greek, Norse, Egyptian, Aztec, you name the pantheon, I've probably read a myth about them a some point. I blame Percy Jackson, personally. (Fun fact: Tolkien took a lot of his ideas from Norse Mythology, including the concepts of elves and dwarves. If it's good enough for Tolkien, it's good enough for me.) I also play D&D (charisma is best stat, fite me).

Group Admin

It's no requirement, but it helps! Hope you enjoy.

I'm nothing special, I'm just trying to get thoughts onto paper as effectively as I can. I like cars and I mostly keep to myself.

Group Admin

Hello, I'm Robipony. I'm not too sure any of my stories really qualify for this group, but I received an invitation so I thought I would check it out. :pinkiesmile:

Hello, I'm TheMysteryMuffin. Brony since Dec 2015/Jan 2016. I tend to write mystery and adventure stories. I have created two series; The Armada Trilogy and Equestria's Dark Universe. Favourite pony is Fluttershy and I like Autumn Blaze.

Group Admin

Just a guy who happens to love Sunset Shimmer so much, has a Female Bat Pony OC with the same name as me which is also a proud member of Princess Luna's Lunar Guards, has a HUGE list of favorite characters from MLP with the number thus far being 1,348. (it will go beyond that number again when more new characters are added, mainly Female Characters of course) and...................... Has gone through a lot of Transformations on both Deviantart and FIMFiction :3

I am Sanguine... the legendary Drunk Catbird.

I do a large amount of fantasy and science fiction writing, but mostly just fantasy here.

I'm happy to have been invited. I hope I can have a bit of fun here.

My name is Chemtest, and I’m relatively new on the scene. I became a brony completely by accident, watching Jackspeticeye play FNAF before deciding to turn around and see what my brother was doing on the other computer. What I saw was the beginning of Too Many Pinkie Pies, and it instantly caught my attention. Within a week of watching with my brother, I was a fan (and it was odd, considering he was the older one). From then until 2016, me and him just watched the show, sometimes inviting over friends to watch it as well. Then, I remember a website he pointed me to back in 14, a place where people could write stories. Now, back in 14 I didn’t have the best introduction to the site with ‘Puppet To Her Fame’ (which is still a good story) and gave up on it. I returned, however, and decided to read ‘Foal of the Forest’ (that entire series is great, I recommend it).

So, cut to early 2017, and I think about writing a story on my now account. I think to one pony I find interesting, and try my own hand at writing a story about Luna’s past. It sucked, to put it simply. I wrote three chapters and never any more, because it did suck. But, as I played New Vegas many months later, I came up with a better idea. Ulysses, I haven’t seen him in a story before. It was a popping idea, but one I wasn’t that good at. It got a lot more views and upvotes, but something just wasn’t clicking. Then came my next idea, because I had read a YHAY story, I decided to try my hand at it. It was a lot better in reception and likes than the others, but it just was a bit off, I didn’t feel inspired to write with it. Then, my magnum opis comes in the form of a Necromancer, and the story explodes with popularity. Then three more that rode on the waves of fame, followed up by another that exploded even more. However, after that, it would seem the explosions of fame had run dry, and the next few stories did nowhere near as good. I was left to come up with ideas, and ended up shortly coming up with what are my most highly rated stories with high views. ‘I Have A Rock’ which was a parody of the displaced genre (which I wrote, so I can poke fun at it) and ‘I Am The Villian’ a story that was over the top and is the only story to get featured. And ‘Then the Winged Hussars Arrived’ which was just pure fun. Now I’m at the same stage where my stories get much less traffic.

So, to sum it up. My rise was very rapid and sudden, but I have fallen. Now, I am lucky to get even one comment on a story, and it kills me considering the comments are what really keep me going. That is my story as so far, but it may change.

If you want, please do read my stories. They are all short so you don’t waste that much time. Many of my stories would fit within this group (but I don’t want to spam the group with them). So, please, come and leave a comment if you wish.

Pleasure to be here

— Chemtest.

Group Admin

Thanks very much for sharing. All of us have a story to tell, in life and on the page.

I like ponies. Ponies are good. I write stuff.


I'm SevenOfEleven, you might remember me from...
Oh wait, that didn't happen.

I write horror and adventure, and sometimes I combine the two.


I'm SevenOfEleven, you might remember me from...
Oh wait, that didn't happen.

You sure? I'm pretty sure I remember your face from somewhere... :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

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