Alan Rickman 33 members · 1 stories
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A Man Undercover
Group Admin

As another way to dedicate Rickman in his memory, here is the full movie of “Help! I’m a Fish” in complete quality (and I know that after watching it on DVD):

This film was found available for free on YouTube.

You know what I always wondered about movies you can watch for free on YouTube. How come some you can easily find on YouTube, while others you can't?

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Good question. I wish I knew the answer to it, that’s for sure.

I mean, it can't be a case of quality since I managed to find Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie on there and that movie was really good (especially since it was based on a video game and we all know what video game movies are like). And it can't be because of copyrights and I fail to see the business side of allowing certain fils to be uploaded to YouTube for free. Oh well, I suppose we'll find out when we find out.

I mean, it can't be a case of quality since that, in spite of a fair share of movies you can watch on YouTube for free being stinkers, I managed to find Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie on there and that movie was really good (especially since it was based on a video game and we all know what video game movies are like). And it can't be because of copyrights and I fail to see the business side of allowing certain fils to be uploaded to YouTube for free. Oh well, I suppose we'll find out when we find out.

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