If Wishes Were Ponies . . . 189 members · 3 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Hello everyone, and sorry to be a nuisance,
It appears that someone (PegasuStorm) added Friendship is Optimal to the group, and as a part of the "Main Story".
I really don't feel it belongs here. Is this a common feeling, and should it be removed ?
Thank you,

In what way is IWWP part of the Optimalverse?
I'd be fine with kicking it.

Ok, just to clarify cause Internet, FiO and it's verse are a good read, the issue is that that world and IWWP doesn't connect at all.

I don't think it belongs here either.
FiO is one of my favorite verses of this Fandom...
But just because it's good, doesn't mean it has anything to do with "if Wishes were Ponies..."

And I've used inspiration form both fics, with some pretty loose connections. But on their own, they aren't actually connectrd.

If the person wants to create a IWWPs fic, but in the Optimal Verse, I'd definitely read that, but even then it should go into non-canon

Doesn't belong. FiO isn't even an HP fic.

Yea it unfortunately needs to be removed. I think the person who added it did it by mistake.

That was a mistake, I didn't mean to add anything to the group and am not even sure how it happened.

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