If Wishes Were Ponies . . . 189 members · 3 stories
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So no new stories in this AU? Nothing since the original year?

Dang. Come on you authors.

I've considered it, but all my ideas tend to go haring off into left field. For example: aliens, seeing how well first contact with the Equestrians went, reveal that they've been on earth for decades.

I think part of the issue is that there wasn't enough material to invite people to do their own stories, and while Harry potter vers does invite a lot of creating your own stories with how many possibilities you could create from it to make it more of a sandbox feel about it. Maybe if there had been a few more parallel universe like the Changeling arc and the Starlight Glimmer and the muguls , but they are rather quite restrain with what you can do with them with how they interact with the main story.

With the main plot of the entire series basically dealt with it becomes who do we deal with Starlight Glimmer and the Ellie plots? Unfortunately those two plots are far better as the B plots as if they take center stage it removes Harry from being a major player in the story.

I had an idea from his second year that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon going to Hogwarts for the second year. They would be a year behind the CMC and would be split up by the Sorting Hat, with Diamond Tiara being in Slytherin. She would have received the diary but with the chamber nullified I cannot think of what can be done with that plot line. My idea for this was to show that all ponies are not as light based as Dumbledore thinks and force Draco to grow up a little as Diamond knows how to play the field better.

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