If Wishes Were Ponies . . . 189 members · 3 stories
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As we are now into the summer of 1992 what was happening around the world and how do we think a first contact situation would affect things? The biggest events I remember from 1992 was the United States Presidential Election and the Summer games in Barcelona, Spain.

I can see there being a different outcome in the United States Presidential Election because of past history. Typically when the USA is dealing with major events, unless the law states otherwise, they do not change who is in power. With first contact now going on and it happening almost one year before the election I cannot see why the President changing at this time.

As for the Olympics they probably only had a token appearance, probably only the diplomatic core appeared at the winter games. However I could see a larger presence at the summer games with the ponies and their allies showing some of the sports from their world as an exhibition.

What do you all see happening and how do you think it will all play out?

Sorry mate, I was born that year and therefor I cannot be of much help. But there was something about the L.A. Riots.

The 2000's would probably be more different than the 90's. The Soviets collapsed in '91, and if the ponies had appeared in Russia (and weren't experimented on) before Yeltzin's coup, then I can maybe see the Russians getting their shit together. But major timeline differences shouldn't be noticable until the early 2000's.

Who knows, 9/11 might not happen. Maybe it still does, but with a different name.

I do agree that thered be a diplomatic presence and maybe a special exhibition, and if conditions are right, maybe a special matchup. Archery IS a Olympic sport after-all.

As for other events/tragedies/notables, there is every possibility that things could go differently, or outright have compeltely different outcomes.

That being said, internal issues would most likely STAY internal, Equestria has no reason to interfere unless asked directly for assistance, and before that there would have to be plenty of political meetings and the like to deal with.

One good question to ask would be this however: How many political leaders that are 'in the know' about magic through their home countries would know the difference between 'technology' and actual magic?

Unless the President were to violate the Constitution the election would still occur must occur. In the summer of 1992 the campaigning would be in full swing having started in 1991 with the election in Nov 92 .. He or she shall be elected to a term of 4 years and can't serve more than 2 terms as president. Members of both the House and Senate also have fixed terms and must be reelected to office


I was talking about who would win the the election. During the 92 election we had George H. W. Bush vs. Bill Clinton vs. Ross Perot. I was talking about the fact that instead of Bill Clinton winning I would see Bush retaining the Presidency.

6951686 probably not American politics tends to also switch parties after a while. In 1992 we had 12yrs of Republican presidents but it wasn't impossible either. While late in the election cycle Magic would rapidly become part of the debate

If I remember correctly Clinton had the Electoral college votes but only 49% of the popular vote... it was a really close election


The thing is at this point I doubt the American population would want to “change the horse in the middle of the stream.” You have something major going on and changing administration wouldn’t fit how they reacted throughout history. I would definitely see a change in the 96 election but I do not see the Democrats taking the White House at this time. There would be just enough of the moderates that will keep the then current President.

6952035 AS with this last election who EVER carries the Electoral collage wins the presidency. Its been a point of contention several times through out the years.

6952038 You can play it how ever you wish for your story of course.. Lot depends on how the candidates handle the situation and how the public reacts. Have the wizards and witches been voting paying taxes in the US? If not that will be a point of contention getting them to pay taxes, getting them as voters


The first question should be is the American Government now aware of “Magic” and not it being advanced technology. The question still remains if the British wizards are paying their taxes as well and how long until they checked for compliance. That is going to be making things very interesting as the Ministry of Magic is brought into the fold.

My belief is that the ministry of Magic is not a practical form of government or at least not one modern day mundane society would be happy accepting being similar to parliament before the House of Commons was established with the Prime minister (ie Fudge) in the place of King Charles 2 (save the fact he is ‘elected’ by members of the house) - having just typed that I feel like there are parallels between the English civil war and cannon HP (at least in how part of the government broke away (ie the pure blood movement) from the ‘king’ (moderates, liberals or conservatives in charge of the time advocating either adopting more mundane practices and beliefs or wanting wizards to be more separated from the mundanes) due to disagreements in how the country was run)

Of course the fact we only see the law department, ‘mystery’ department, international relations department and sport and games with mention of a few others it is possible there is actually more to the wizarding government that half incomplete one shown in the books/film.

Still I think that in the long run the wizarding government would do better to become a department of the home office (like the revenue and customs office) than staying a separate governing body which would cause large issues on land board, laws, taxes and citizenship (can wizards seek asylum in the mundane government or vice a versa? Also what laws and agreements would there be on extradition?).

Major event, can’t help much there. I was born at the end of the year

The EU was founded that year. The Church of England allowed women to become priests. The Bosnian War begins.

Looking at the Wikipedia pages for 1992 & 1993 for both the world and the uk would be a good bet (like the fact I didn’t know the world trade centre was bombed in February 1993).most of the world events wouldn’t be effected though the ones in west Europe might be slightly different. The uk though would see a very large divergence being the focal point of the butterfly effect.

One thing I have to say no HP fic is complete in my opinion without Luna Lovegood involved in a large role in the plot, I hope she becomes close friends with the CMC herd (Harry,Hermione,Ginny,Sweetie Belle,Apple Bloom & Scootaloo) if not join he herd. Being a ravenclaw candidate I can see her being smart enough to fast track her way to moving ahead a year.

Ah yes that reminds me, the Dot Com crash happened in the 90's if memory serves correctly, and that came with its own upheavals and the like economically.


So maybe in this timeline England will not join the EU as they have more pressing internal matters going on.

Just as well, they want out of it right now


Nope that was in the 2000’s. the public internet is just in its infancy and has yet to become common place.

yeah, just checked that, 2000 was the year, damn that was awhile ago now

Actually, I'm not sure if this fits this question but what the hay...

We both know Vinyl loves her 'wubs', what would happen to the music industry on Earth with the Muggles getting exposed to Dubstep nearly a decade before it was 'officially' started?

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