Original Pairings 496 members · 718 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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The Red Parade
Group Admin


So as some of you may have noticed this group is alive again! If you're not aware of why it originally went down, all I'll say is the original owner deleted their account, and since they didn't make any other admins for this group it went into 404 limbo. I bugged Knighty about it and he agreed to transfer the group ownership to me so here we are!

I currently have no idea what I'm going to do with this group as I already founded another rare pairings group for my sitewide Pillars contest, but my primary motivations for getting the group un-404'd were so we could have records of previous contests like the May Pairings one. I don't know if that contest is going to happen again since the admin is again no longer around but we'll see where things go.

Until then keep crackshipping!

Huzzah! Glad to have the group back, even if PC's threads (such as contest results) are gone.

The Red Parade
Group Admin

If somebody could find those results using something like WayBackMachine I could definitely repost them

I will soon work on my crackship of Braeburn and Adagio

I actually didn't notice it was gone... How very observant of me. Good to have it back though!

Worth noting that it seems any stories they'd submitted, theirs or otherwise, are gone as well. The May Pairing Contest Winners folder is empty, but thankfully has the winning entries listed by name so I figure they shouldn't be too hard to find.

I wasn't aware that the group was gone... or even that PC deleted their account. I wonder why?

I forgot PRINCESS CADENCE was the founder of this group. Shame about all the drama that happened a couple of weeks ago.

They left a note on their blog before deleting their account.

The May contest results were indeed archived at The Wayback Machine.

Addendum since I was in hyperfocus mode before: I'm happy that you were on top of things and managed to get the group back online! :heart:

The Red Parade
Group Admin


Thanks, 2021 results are reposted. I'll see about last year's later.

I'm surprised to find this group again, I thought it is forever gone..... I was asking knighty myself if he can bring the group back and make me the owner, but he ignored my request. And only now, two years later, I find out that this group still exists, but I'm glad it does. PRlNCESS CADENCE deserves that her legacy is preserved.


It was me who archived this group in the WaybackMachine. Unfortunately, I had to find out that I made a mistake and forgot to archive the forum's front page, so that the archived threads cannot be accessed, unless someone has bookmarked the original threads. It was a very heavy time and my head was filled with rage over what was done to her and with desperate questions where the fandom is heading when something like this has become possible, while I frantically worked on archiving the group before PRlNCESS CADENCE's account is deleted..... Still, that I forgot to archive this one, important page is inexcusable. I should have done better.....

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