Fluttercord Week 116 members · 98 stories
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The time has come again for another Fluttercord Week!

So that we avoid some confusion, I need to address that right now, I, BlueHeartTattoo, are hosting for this year due to some complications and scheduling issues with the original hosts. I am receiving a ton of help and advice from Zlayd-oodles and Geekcat5 as they are still involved in this, so we hope to give the best we can offer for this year's event. With that being said, we hope to get many submissions from our recurring and new participates as we love this community and this OTP so much!

Prompts for Art and Fanfiction Submissions:

Day 1- Cutie Mark Crusaders (Suggested by BlueHeartTattoo)

Thursday January 19th

We know from the comics that Discord is not only an honorary Cutie Mark Crusaders, but also brings Fluttershy and the three fillies onto many adventures. What new adventure will Discord bring to them or do Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle plan to bring Discord and Fluttershy together? Maybe both?

Day 2- Cuddles (Suggested by KiranaXavaro)

Friday January 20th

We always love the moments where the two lovebirds tend to be affectionate in a physical sense, the famous known that they love to cuddle! Draw or write a warm, touching scene with them cuddling!

Day 3- Inspiration (Suggested by NatalySweeneyArts)

Saturday January 21st

We all talk and blab on how much we love reading/watching fanfiction and admire fanart that focuses and glorifies Fluttercord, as they inspire us to be creative and make our own art and stories. But what is your favorite scene out of the stories? You can do one of the following: Draw a poster or scene from the fanfic or write a one-side short story inspired by your favorite fanart to show your love!

Day 4- Safe Place (Suggested by CocoLove2176)

Sunday January 22nd

We all know that Discord protects Fluttershy but sometimes discord needs protecting with his heart. Many things have hurt this poor draconequus-- let’s see how his and Fluttershy’s safe place is rather that’s a good tea party or just getting some comfort.

Create a piece on what you think their safe place looks like. It can even be discord being in a sad state being comforted by his dear fluttershy or even the other way around. But whatever you think that safe place is for them make it!

Day 5-Human and Ponies (Suggested by TheFVGuy)

Monday January 23rd

Everyone knows the magical world of Equestria, but what about the universe where humans inhabit? How would the Rainbooms react to meeting Discord? How will Fluttershy's human counterpart take the news of her ponyself in love with the Lord of Chaos? So much potential for this meeting! Write or draw to your hearts' content on your interpretation of this interaction between two worlds.

Day 6-Dance (Suggested by Cheerful9)

Tuesday January 24th

Ever since the Season 5 episode 'Make New Friends but Keep Discord', we have been dying for a chance to see Discord and Fluttershy on the dance floor. Take this chance to draw/write your interpretation on how that would go. Would it be at the next Grand Galloping Gala, their first date or even at the party?

Day 7- Free Day

Wednesday January 25th

Today is the day that you get to write or draw whatever themed Fluttercord masterpiece that your little heart wants! So go nuts! Have fun!

Prompts for PMV Submissions:

*The PMV prompts will be the same each year*

DAY ONE: Humorous/Funny

Thursday January 19th 2022

Let’s kick this off right by finding a silly, funny, fun, down right jolly song to make the most hilarious Fluttercord PMV ever made!

DAY TWO: Cute/Sweet

Friday January 20st 2021

Find a song out there that is just as cute and sweet as Fluttershy and Discord.

DAY THREE: Romantic/Beautiful

Saturday January 21st

Find the most romantic, the most beautiful, the most breathtaking song you’ve heard and use it to express the majestic love that is Fluttercord.

DAY FOUR: Tragic/Sad/Angst

Sunday January 22nd

Find the saddest, most angst-y song that you can think of and create the most feels-y Fluttercord PMV ever made.

DAY FIVE: Fluttercord reenactment of famous scenes

Monday January 23rd

Use the sound bite from your favorite TV show or movie and have Fluttershy and Discord play out the scene.

DAY SIX: Instrumental

Tuesday January 24th

Find an instrumental track in order to tell a Fluttercord story without words, just with the power of music itself.

DAY SEVEN: Friendship

Wednesday January 25th

Find a song that personifies the beautiful friendship that forms the base for this amazing ship.


Fimfiction page :

We can't wait to see your work!

Good luck!

Sometimes I feel bad for not being able of participate but I'll support any writers or artists that do participate in this in any way I can
#Fluttercord4ever #Fluttercordweek2023

This year, I'm going to write at least a couple of fics this year for Fluttercord Week this year instead, or maybe along with some art.

I'm so excited for this Fluttercord Week, and I hope I can be able to write my first fic this year (english isn't my first lenguaje, so I hope to finish it at time). #Fluttercordweek2023

I searched around but couldn't see. Is there a limit of writing only one story per prompt per day or can we write and submit multiple stories for one particular prompt?

Oooh! So excited!

Unfortunately, you can only do one per prompt.

As a point of interest, is kissing a form of cuddling? Bc I have an idea that involves a lot of kissing, but I’m not sure if that fits the prompt 🤔

Technicially it's not. But you can have them kissing while they cuddle, that's an exception

Hey another question!

How strict are the deadlines? I mean I get the stories have to be submitted on a particular day, but I’m a bit puzzled about the time differences. I mean, here in Europe we live a totally different time of day than the US, for example. So can I submit when it’s MY friday, or is there a universal time that has to be obeyed?

As long it's on your day, we can be forgiving. You can also submit sometime after the event if time is not in your favor or you need more time for your projects

Ok. Thank you! But it might be helpful to make the rules about the times known to all. There are bronies all over the globe, after all.

Comment posted by Comicizzum deleted Jan 21st, 2023

Will there be a folder for day 7 stories?

I just wanted to ask if there will be a folder for day 7? Because I have written a story for that day and I would like to upload it:)

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