Mega Crossovers 126 members · 39 stories
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Group Admin

Behold, a link. A link that goes to the (somewhat messy) TVTropes page about the mega crossover! (or, well, massive multiplayer crossover, but whatever.) I just spent a while digging through it and found some more stories for the group. Yay! ...I should probably get around to actually reading them sometime. Probably a good idea.

Does anyone have any other ideas where we might find MORE?

-GM, master of lentils.

I have a question. My one story is a crossover fanfic between Samurai Jack and Equestria girls. But two of my other stories that are crossovers between Samurai Jack and Swatkats/Samurai Jack and RWBY respectively are also part of the same timeline/universe, just on different sites. In the first chapter of each I even put a link to the two others. When I go back to updating them I will be updateing them together and there will even be some crossover action between the three stories themselves. Does this count as a Mega-crossover for the purposes of this group?

Group Admin

No, and for two reasons.

The first is that I only count four main franchises - Samurai Jack, EQG, Swatkats, RWBY. Five is the minimum number labeled on the group's main post.

The second is that the story must be a mega-crossover already when it's put in this group. Promises of 'future crossover' in a story that doesn't have it at the moment doesn't qualify.

However, if your little fimficiton story DOES eventually have five major franchises in it, feel free to add it then.

Hope this helps!

-GM, master of moxie.

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