The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
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Poisoned Apple
Shown in: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

It looks like an ordinary, juicy apple. But trust me, it is anything but ordinary and juicy.

It was made by the Evil Queen to get rid of her stepdaughter Snow White. By using a regular apple and dipping it in her cauldron with a recipe known as 'The Sleeping Death', it became poisoned. When a person eats from it, they fall into a coma, making others believe that person is dead. Only with Love's First Kiss can the victim be awoken.

Good job so far, Dino!

Group Admin

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away... but that was definitely one apple to stay away from.

Though when we really think about it, how a 'kiss' can break a curse emanated from some concoction smothered on a seemingly harmless apple does sound extraordinary.

Group Admin

Have you also seen the one with the Witch that I added before the Apple?

Group Admin

You know what is truly ironic about this form. Queen Grimhilde wanted to dispose of Snow White under the presumption of being 'fairer' than her. And yet the one way she could get close enough to be rid of her is to sacrifice her own beauty into that of an ugly peddler woman of sorts thereby proving that beneath the vanity is a creature truly uglier on the inside.

Group Contributor

Right about that.

Group Admin

Of course, villains like Grimhilde are only the beginning. She may not be the 'best' Disney villain, but she 'was' the first of many villains to come.

Very true. We've also got the Coachman, Chernabog, Captain Hook, Maleficent, Cruella, Ursula, etc.

Group Admin

Yes, yes. I am aware of the line-up. All different villains in their own way. Some of whom didn't even need magic powers nor have world-conquest on their minds to be threatening. For some of the villains that we do see, some of whom are based off certain character traits we find all too real that we try to exaggerate it to the point where it can still be enjoyable for kids.

Group Admin

The Coachman
First appearance: Pinocchio (1940)

The mysterious owner of Pleasure Island.

A sinister being, the Coachman has got to be the most vile villain we've ever met. He lures disobedient children to his amusement park to turn them into donkeys and sell them, for profit, into slavery. The worst part is he knows how to get away with it without getting caught by the authorities.

He was the one who hired Honest John, Gideon and the Dazzlings to aid him in his plan, rewarding them handsomely for doing a good job.

At first sight, the Coachman may seem like a gentleman, but he is the complete opposite of the Blue Fairy: diabolical, sadistic and completely unredeemable. He also considers the boys' slavery as payment for their bad behavior. Despite his appearance, he's tough and intimidating to people who'd try to double cross him or get in his way. Armed with a whip, he orders a horde of dark-furred creatures that obey his every whim.

After a hard fight, Twilight and her friends, mostly Apple Bloom, Tender Taps and Pinocchio, managed to beat him. He fell from a cliff, leaving his fate a mystery.

Group Admin

I would actually be surprised if he survived that fall, and not landed on the rocks like that one guy in Guillermo Del Toro's movie. But if he's still alive... the one thing on his mind would be revenge on the ponies for supposedly ruining his life.

Oh yeah, the Coachman will get his revenge on the ponies, and I bet Maleficent will summon him in her army of villains the Mane Six defeated.

Group Admin

That would not surprise me. Least the ponies will only have to worry about that guy and not Monstro.

Group Contributor

very well said, Jiminy!

Group Admin

At the very least, the Pinocchio project from ages ago was able to shed some light on The Coachman to show just how dangerous he can be. Sure gave the ponies a run for their money.

Comment posted by Dinodisneylover1 deleted May 17th, 2023
Group Admin

First appearance: Fantasia/Night on Bald Mountain (1940)
Legendary origin: Greek mythology

Vicious vulture-like creatures with the upper body of a woman.

They're a sight to behold, but they're not as cute or sweet as bluebirds or sparrows. Harpies are some of the most ferocious monsters in mythology. They attack from the air with incredible strength and speed like that of a bird of prey. They mostly steal food from people's mouths and serve as agents of punishment to those who done bad in their lives by carrying their souls to the underworld. Immortal, born with powerful wings and armed with deadly talons, harpies are an excellent and dangerous addition to Chernabog's infernal army.

The appearance of the harpies sometimes vary from beautiful women to old hags, one thing stays the same, they are cruel and violent with the most horrifying shrieks ever heard. Another feature is their body odor. They reek of rotten meat, spreading the stench of death wherever they go.

Group Contributor

They're definitely not like Mai Valentine's Harpy Ladies

Most defiantly not.

Group Admin

Well, Mai's harpies are also quite deadly and also represent the mythological harpy perfectly.

Group Contributor

Yes but Mai’s are more appeasing to look at in my opinion

Group Admin

They are a sight to behold.:twilightblush:

Group Admin

Funny enough, 'Fantasia' was one of the earliest features in Walt Disney's Animation Studios line-up that managed to get away with full-frontal nudity. Not just with the harpies, but the Centaurettes. Of course, this was way back before restrictions came into play to appeal to families who'd bring children for these motion picture events. And Disney has been very careful over the years (Except for that one instance in 'The Rescuers', but that's another story).

Now cutting away from that, there's no doubt the Harpies are very dangerous beings. They may look human, but their behavior is much like birds. They need to eat in order to survive, and like stalking field mice, when they see prey walking about on the grounds, they'll do what it takes to snatch them up to satisfy their own hunger or if they have 'babies' to feed them (I wouldn't know much about harpies, but I'd assume if they're like birds they'd have nestlings to feed too).

And I may not know this 'Mai Valentine' but I assume she's a talented artist... unless it's actually a guy, then the mistake in gender is on me.

Group Admin

Mai Valentine is a character from Yu-gi-oh!. The Harpy Ladies are her signature monsters in her card deck.

Group Admin

Ah that's right, I forgot all about her. But now that you bring her up... she 'does' use the Harpy Ladies often whenever she duels. She's definitely not a player to trifle with.

Group Admin

I know. And Harpy Lady is one of my favorite monsters. I have one in my card set.

Group Admin

The fire women were completely nude too. I think the harpies ( and perhaps the fire women) were the only characters shown with nipples while others had just breasts without nipples.

Group Admin

Actually, that's a keen detail to note and I nearly forgot about the fire women. We don't really get that with Disney these days, but times have changed since then (And besides, the last thing Disney wants is any more controversy than it already has to deal with now).

I was more of a Dark Magician fan myself, though I've grown accustomed to Dark Magician Girl's appearances...

Random Guy: He likes her because she's hot.


*Clears throat* Anyways, I also like my share of dragons too... Blue Eyes White Dragon being one of them. Course, Yu-Gi-Oh has changed so much over the years and especially in terms of gameplay I barely keep track of what else they threw into the fray.

Group Admin

1. Ah, that's because some people are too sensitive or overreacting too much.

2. I actually have a Dark Magician deck and a Blue Eyes deck (including the Ultimate Dragon). I also have the five Exodia cards and the Egyptian Gods. One of my pals created a musician monster deck for me based on this deck but with some changes and a Joey deck too. We usually play for fun and rather stick with the original rules instead of those hand trap cards and other stuff.

Group Admin

Don't even get me started on the A.I. fuss that started a strike today (Now that's quite a reaction). Expect a longer wait on those movies just because Hollywood wants to make scans of a bunch of celebrities instead of relying on raw talent anymore. Next thing you know, all those science-fiction movies will come true and nobody will ever have to do a lick of work again. And not just in the acting community either.

Group Contributor


I mostly buy packs if they're starter decks of the characters from the first series or GX. It's how I was able to get some of the better cards, like Exodia, the God Cards, even some of Yugi, Joey, or Kaiba's cards that were mostly used in Battle City or Kaiba's Grand Prix tournament and so rare regular booster packs don't always have them. Any decks and packs pertaining to the current season I don't go for because the dueling system and cards have drastically changed in card affects and all that.

In fact I got the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon Card from an issue of Shonen Jumps' manga volumes I used to buy at local stores years ago

Group Admin

Anyways... all talk of Yu-Gi-Oh cards aside, the Harpies are almost like those ladies you would dread sharing a toxic relationship with. They look like the most divine women on the planet, but they are as vicious as birds, they'll take what you hold value and use it against you and tear limb from limb. And I would know about a toxic relationship, I've been in one and she was a nightmare.

Group Admin

That's a very unique and interesting metaphor.

Group Admin

And there's plenty more where that came from. I never go for ordinary. What you see is what you get.

Group Admin

First appearance: Fantasia/Night on Bald Mountain (1940)

A giant demon that emerged from the depths of the earth. His name is Slavic for "Black God".

From his perch high upon Bald Mountain, Chernabog unfolds his wings and casts his dark shadow over the sleeping village. Born of nightmare and myth, he conjures writhing harpies and fiends, and calls the spirits of the restless dead to perform at his beckoning. His minions live and die at his whim, feeding the fire with their bones when he's wearied of their devotion.

He tried to get his hands on all the sheet music and use their mystic power to cover all of existence in everlasting darkness.

Chernabog is king of the darkness and no human or animal dares walk the night while he's abroad. His evil power stands against anything -- except the clean light of the sacred dawn. When the sweet notes of morning break over the mountain, the monster must crawl back into hiding, for against the purity of the day, his evil is helpless. But Chernabog is never gone, he merely waits for the coming of another night, and the chance to continue the eternal battle between light and dark.

When I first saw this monster, I was petrified.

Group Admin

This monster is definitely the stuff of nightmares. There's hardly any Disney creature like him since.

Group Admin

Enchanted Brooms
First appearance: Fantasia/The Sorcerer's Apprentice (1940)

Brooms brought to life by magic.

In an attempt to prove himself to be a great sorcerer and not do the chores, Mickey cast a spell on one so it could fetch water instead. But his plan backfires when he couldn't find the spell to make it stop. Cutting the broom to pieces is no option either, because it can multiply when destroyed. Luckily, his master, Yen Sid, managed to put a stop to this chaotic event.

Having a life of their own, the Brooms are hard workers. They can be used for anything: cleaning, washing, whatever kind of chore you can think of. They can even be used as guards or in combat if necessary.

I may be a cricket who rather does the chores by himself or help along with them, but I'm happy these guys exist if there's too much to do...just remember to make them stop before they flood your house.

Group Contributor

R.K Maroon of Maroon Cartoons Studios also got them, half the cast of Fantasia, and even Dumbo on loan from Disney. Where he has the brooms as part of the clean up crew on the film lots while a saxophone player plays the music from when the Broom first starts working

Group Admin

Ah yes, a 'Roger Rabbit' reference. I do recall that scene vividly. Good thing they work best with music.

Group Admin

Evil Trees
First appearance: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

Frightening-looking trees.

These monstrous trees are a perfect depiction of letting your imagination run amuck when you're afraid. Such was the case with Snow White, who had to run away from the Queen, that her fears created illusions in the dark forest.

But sometimes those illusions can become frighteningly real. These trees can be brought to life by dark forces and, when they do, they get a life of their own and chase after you.

Evil trees are not your average angry apple throwing trees. They're strong, can disguise themselves as regular trees, blow wind from their mouths and sometimes throw fruit or nuts at you from their branches.

A possible weakness for these creatures is light, maybe sunlight since they live in dark parts of the forest. Another could be fire.

Group Admin

To think they were initially just hallucinations, based on Snow White's inner fears in light of a frightening realization her own stepmother wants her dead. But were they mere illusions? That is quite a conundrum.

You think you’ve won? As long as darkness exists, I can never be destroyed. One day, darkness shall swallow everything… and then, everyone you know… everyone you love… will be snuffed out… like a light. This is far from over, Twilight Sparkle. I will be back… I’ll be stronger than before… and I will have… my… REVENGE!!!

Twilight and her friends must be strong to meet the great challenge that awaits them.

Group Admin

If they think this first encounter was tough, just wait until they eventually reach the second meeting (If and when that becomes a reality).

Group Admin

Scientific name: Tylosaurus Proriger
First appearance: Fantasia/The Rite of Spring (1940)

A large species of Mosasaur from the Late Cretaceous period.

Mosasaurs are the top predators of the sea and an even bigger threat than most land predators. Not as big as Mosasaurus, Tylosaurus was still big enough to prey on other marine wildlife, and it was able to drag land animals, flying reptiles and even dinosaurs into the depths. They also travel in groups to protect their young. Like most marine reptiles, they have to breath air from the surface which they can hold in for more than an hour.

It was believed that Tylosaurus had spikes along its spine until later discovery proved they had a smooth back.

It was wiped out along with the rest of the dinosaurs.

Group Admin

I was curious what kind of creature that was. But then I don't follow prehistoric facts as much as the next dinosaur fanatic. But this is some rather fascinating notes.

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