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Much like Wanda, Sam, and even Bucky, Clint's still shaken from the events of Endgame even though he's finally back with his family.

Group Admin

Anyone would be shaken after those events. I mean he literally watched one of his closest allies purposely sacrifice herself for the fate of the universe. Sometimes I bet he wishes it was 'him' instead of 'her'.

Just watched the new episode of Hawkeye

The title of this episode "Echoes" is rather fitting since we got to see her childhood and her life before the event of Hawkeye as well her grudge toward Clint after he killed her father during his time as Ronin.

All the events of previous MCU movies really did took a toll on Clint cause when his hearing aids get broken (before it get fixed later on), he basically can't hear anything! He can't even hear the voice of his own younger son!

But hey! At least Clint and Kate are making progress on each other... I hope.

Cool car chase through

Uh oh.... look like Clint will be now dealing with Jack who got Ronin's sword!!!!

When they mentioned about Maya's Uncle, I had a feeling that I know who could be her uncle... 🤫

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Thus far it seems that 'Hawkeye' show is living up to the expectations of some of the fans. Including some of the rather interesting plot elements they incorporated thus far.

Group Contributor

Same. Clint and Kate are making some kind of progress in communicating

Group Admin

Definitely know a certain 'Eternal' who could truly help with the communication barrier given their own limitations.

Just watched the new episode of Hawkeye and this episode's title is rather ironic but not in a good way.

"Partners, Am I Right?"

Before we get to that…. I want to say…..


Unfortunately, it also lead to Plot-Mandated Friendship Failure cliches between Clint and Kate as he cut ties with her since he didn't want Kate to deal with a Black Widow assassin like Yelena but Kate seems upset about it.

I hope they reconcile with each other at next episode or finale one…. I like the bonding between them in this episode.

Although, according to source…. The next episode is said to break the Twitter and we know why…. Be prepared, boys! :rainbowdetermined2:

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Episode titles do have a sense of being ironic in a sense. This would not be the first time it has happened.

Group Contributor

Yeah, I hate that cliche as well. It is done to death in many movies and shows and it's rather tiring.

Group Admin

Well what else can anybody really do? Coming up with something original just doesn't come as easy as it used to be. Years prior, this plot element did not used to be some cliché that's become a rather reoccurring circumstance. I'd go as far to say as this has been going on even long before books were even invented.

Group Contributor

Yeah this was an intense episode, and can't wait to see how the next one goes

Group Admin

If this is as intense as it gets, then without a doubt of my mind the stakes only get higher the more episodes that emerge.

Watched the episode that some said it will break Twitter and they ain't kidding at all….



Oh? I like to mention that Kate's mother has been cahoots with Kingpin the entire time and she was the one who hired Yelena to kill Clint! Meaning that Jack was innocent the entire time! I think.

Sound like Maya's friend, Kazi may have played a role in her father's death after all.

And yes, we learned that Yelena was a victim of the Snap… which explains not only why Natasha was more grieving in Endgame but it also explains why she willing to sacrifice her life (beside wanting Clint to be reunited with his family).

OH MY FREAKING GOD!!!! I KNOW KINGPIN WOULD APPEAR IN THE SHOW BUT GODDAMN, IT WAS SO SURREAL!!!! Look like we might see Netflix MCU characters appearing in Marvel Studios-made project after all.


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Sounds to me like some folks in the studio have clearly lived up to the hype. And they succeeded with their recent episode.

Group Contributor

This is awesome news.

Yelena being a victim of the Blip, there were so many to consider were victims off screen or unmentioned, but I never thought she was one as well.

And Kingpin, I mostly know him from the 90s Spiderman cartoon as a recurring enemy to the wall crawler, but this time he's in a much bigger role.

Group Admin

Yeah it seems there had been more consequences than we can possibly fathom. This could definitely set some major changes for the MCU moving forward at this pace.

The last episode of Hawkeye!

Man! I can't believe I watched both Spider-Man: No Way Home and this episode of Hawkeye at same day! (Well, hours apart beside)

"So This Is Christmas?"

A great way to end this show with 2 Hawkeyes battle against Tracksuit Mafia!

For those who didn't watch MCU Netflix shows, you will understand why The Kingpin is so feared as he show his strength to Kate Bishop and none of arrows hurt him until the Too Dangerous one explodes him... through he survives.

After spending episodes of trying to kill Clint, Yelena learns from Clint that Natasha do talk about her a lot and how much she cares for her which causes her to no longer wanting to kill Clint and spare him.

As for Maya? Well, she pull Heel-Face Turn when she learns about Kingpin's role in her father's death and she shot him... although, it's likely Kingpin survive that shot... sadly, she have to kill Kazi, her friend when he refuses to leave his criminal lifestyle for her.

And yes, Eleanor killed Armand under Kingpin's order but despite wanting to leave her criminal lifestyle, she was ultimately got arrested by police.

But don't worry, Clint took Kate and Lucky to his family home to celebrate Christmas with his family... oh yeah! That watch is belong to Laura (his wife) who implied to be a former SHIELD agent.

As for post-credit scene? Not really big but this scene is essentially extended version of Save The City from the first episode but hey, it's worth it!

Group Admin

Goes to show how committed you are to see both programs all at once.

I watched both, and I drew my latest post to coincide with the episode.

Group Admin

Well with one series done, a new series for the MCU is set to come out. In which case being centered on a guy some of us may or may not know: Moon Knight. In a way, from what I heard, he's supposed to be like the MCU's Batman but WAY more intense.

Moon Knight is the guy who believes in this Konshu god. Of course, considering there are gods in the universe, I'm not surprised if he actually exists. Dude basically is many different-minded people in a single body due to a traumatic childhood.

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There's supposed to be a theme of some multiple personality ordeal that he does use according to the comics. In a way it's like, 'What if Batman was more insane?'. First impressions are definitely going to count when we get an idea as to what this Moon Knight character has to offer. MCU is definitely weighing heavily on the mental disorders (Like with Wanda's depression through trying to make a dream town to keep a piece of Vision with her).

Group Contributor

That was a good watch, and I almost expected the wall crawler to make an appearance given they take place around the same season

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Will this be the last we see of Hawkeye and his ventures? Who can say for sure? Even if he's not a full-fledged Avenger member anymore, preferring to remain a solo act, he may make a few appearances in later projects if the situation calls for it. This Hawkeye's definitely better than the version that one Disney show did years back.

Group Contributor

Latest news regarding Mighty Ducks Game Changers

Josh Duhamel from the live Transformers Movies has joined the cast of the series. Duhamel will portray Gavin Cole, a former NHL player-turned-coach who is described as inspirational, charming and hardcore as he is big on the hockey metaphor that applies to life. Looks like they pretty much got Estevez's replacement.

Group Admin

Well sounds better than that one time some 'other' guy replaced Estevez in the third movie. I don't think many fans talk about that guy. Sounds to me this Cole guy sounds like a modern day Benny 'The Jet' Rodriguez (Only its a hockey player).

Group Admin

Oh yes, I saw this trailer a while ago. Actually, this is pretty interesting. I personally 'never' heard of Moon Knight in my life, but it looks pretty badass. Heard this show will cover some pretty heavy material.

Group Contributor

I just watched the two opening episodes of the Proud Family Revival. Not bad, Penny's still got her charm as do her friends, the Proud's themselves are still funny, and Oscar can't catch a break

Group Admin

Saw the first two episodes the other day as well. Overall, they were pretty entertaining and some moments were very funny. That being said, I 'did' notice that the show did have a few quirks. Without giving anything away, I thought that the use with this one character (And I mean one of the new ones) acted one way in the first episode and suddenly it's all good by the second episode without really a sequence in which they really consider what was confronted near the end of episode one. It doesn't make sense when I say it in words, but rewatch that first episode (Especially near the end of it) and you might understand what I'm talking about.

Group Contributor

Yeah I know what character you mean and I agree, it's like things were conflicted in the first ep without any resolve at the end then the second episode begins and suddenly 'nah we're all good'

Group Admin

I really shouldn't complain about this moment, I just feel like there could've at least been an additional scene. It wouldn't have changed the initial characteristics especially with the new character but perhaps she starts to see that perhaps she was wrong to be judgmental about this one person. Although if I will say, some things don't change with this series like how Penny's friends are... questionable at times.

Group Contributor

Yeah to this day I wonder why Penny and the girls are friends with Lacienega when clearly she acts like she's above them

Group Admin

Well here's the thing. According to some research, the only reason Lacienega is even part of Penny's little 'friend circle' despite the fact that she's stuck-up is mostly because... she's Dijonay's friend, and their parents and grandparents are best friends. So yeah... that's partly the reason. Has there ever been an occasion when Lacienega is not so rude and obnoxious to her friends? I admit I haven't watched the entire series so I can't really answer that question.

It's one thing to bring this series back for a follow-up, but I certainly hope it addresses a few questions that has often bothered even the most loyal of followers of this series.

Ooh! Hello Again Poe Dameronđź‘‹:pinkiehappy:!

Group Admin

Yes, this series should be rather interesting. I forgot that guy was in Star Wars.

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Of all the members of the Muppets getting their own show, the Electric Mayhem band get that opportunity. This could be rather interesting. Though I wonder if it would be anything like 'any' journey of a once popular rock band trying to regain their stardom.

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Should make for a rather interesting series. Makes you wonder what Obi-Wan was doing while he was keeping an eye on Luke every now and then. Wonder if Qui-Gon Jinn will be referenced in some form, like what happened in Episode 3.

Group Contributor

Just watched Turning Red on Disney Plus. It's a hilarious and exciting Pixar piece

Group Admin

Already seen the movie at least three times, the third happening just this morning. Hilarity and excitement definitely make this movie a worthy addition to the Pixar family. And already the director has expressed 'interest' in a follow-up, it's just a matter of what.

Meet Marvel's first Muslim superhero and you can see her again in upcoming The Marvels movie alongside with Captain Marvel and Monica Rambeau who all three of them will be the leads of the sequel.

Group Contributor

Not bad. She may not have her initial stretchable limbs for powers, but this looks like it could be even better

Yeah, power change might be divisive choice but I don't mind it.

Although, ignores those Anti-SJWs YouTubers like Yellow Flash 2... those guys always complain anything that have non-white/female lead or use the word "woke" as a way to bash them. :ajbemused:

To me, those guys are bunch of manchild who lives in the basement.

I going to watch Ms. Marvel cause remember the old saying? Never judge a book by its cover.

Sorry for bringing it up but I am very annoyed by those anti SJWs folks. :ajbemused:

Group Admin

This is a huge honor because we don't often get superheroes on that part of the world. At least a chance to see a culture that expands beyond what we typically know. That as the old saying goes, 'anyone' can be a superhero. And besides, the most I've heard from this superhero were those animated specials with her alongside Squirrel Girl. So this is a bit of step-up.

First episode of Marvel's answer to DC's Batman! MOON KNIGHT!!! And oh boy, it was absolutely bonkers!

Steven is the most unreliable MCU character cause he keep getting blackout and doesn't know how he got there or why people around him somehow get hurt? Turn out, he's one of personalities of Marc Spector whom Steven somehow control his body and Marc and Khonshu are like "Give me/him my/his body back!"

Oh! Ethan Hawke is playing Charles Manson-type cult guy who somehow is connected to his goddess named Ammit and is determined to "healing the world" and he views Moon Knight as an obstacle as he have Scarab that he want to get his hand on.

And yeah, there are violence in the show but a bit more brutal and intense considering our lead character is unpredictable and you don't know what he's going to do. :rainbowderp:

I hope we will get more Moon Knight in action on next episode!

Group Admin

The sentence alone could very well determine one of two things with this show. Either Moon Knight is truly Marvel's equivalent to DC's Batman as many fans have stated prior... OR, there's a means that Moon Knight could end up standing out against Batman in some degree. Either way, all the comparisons between Batman & Moon Knight since the latter started becoming more relevant are just screaming for a future 'Death Battle' episode.

Another episode of Moon Knight!

We got to see Mr. Knight in action! Although, not powerful compare to Moon Knight persona... but still, comic-accurate.

I can't believe Disney willing to let Marvel to play up on Cult stuffs since that subject is not family-friendly one. :twilightoops:

Look like Steven Grant will be taking backseat as Marc Spector regains the control of his body as Khonshu send him off to... you guess it, EGYPT in order to find Ammit's tomb before Harrow does after losing scarab to him.

Next week, we're off to Egypt!

Group Admin

I'll be having a watch on that episode sometime later today. But I 'am' hearing things about it.

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