Cozy Glow 583 members · 946 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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I was looking up pictures for another thread and i ended up finding this, it was just too perfect not to post

Artist: TZC

Yeah, I can see it. But then again I could also see an argument for Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. The Sorting Hat does take where you want to be into account, and I could see Cozy wanting time be in Hufflepuff, to throw people off.

This is actually very cute. Ponies and wizards mix very well.

I guess it would depend what her "plan" was at the time. As well as how aware she was of the various House reputations.

Yes, she's adorable.

I would prefer if she were in Hufflepuff, mainly because Slytherin is overfocused on and no one would expect a Hufflepuff.

Chrysalis on the other hand would make an excellent Slytherin.

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