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Flora Blossom
Group Contributor
TFinal Filly Fantasy
Written as if it were meant for a Final Fantasy game, this is about four ponies tasked to reclaim Equestria's stolen magic as they struggle with their own personal issues.
Amereep · 66k words  ·  27  3 · 1k views

Review: Final Filly Fantasy

Tags: Adventure, Drama, Crossover

Summary: Life may be one of the longest experiences we'll ever get, but it's also one of the hardest. We each have our own personal issues, struggles, challenges, tragedies, and there could be even more ready to drop on us at any given time. 

You will always have to accept what has transpired, you have no control over it. But what you do have control of, is how you'll let it affect you. 

Four ponies will be tested with this lesson as they head off to save Equesria's magic, for they are the only ones left in Equestria that still possess any. 

Review: This story is great. There are only a few problems with punctuations that count as grammar issues. I do love Final Fanstasy it’s the best game I will ever played. Of course when I saw this it said “pick me up. You play Final Fantasy 14.”  Although I still hate stormblood that led to shadowbringers and then endwalker….

Ok let’s get back to topic Final Fantasy is a rich story driven by square enix and I do love the company.  The story so far Is clearly the best one yet however, it does have some flaws with punctuation.  I hope that you continue this and also fix the punctuations down the line as well.

The lore of this fiction is alright in my books.  Although I doubt there will be a pony universe in final fantasy, I think Diablo beat it to it… ( killing zombie ponies to get the mlp grand item for friendship is magic item)  Well, ya never know what Square Enix will do… 

This fiction did pretty well and I hope this user continues it.

However, this fiction is only a 6/10 for me at least above average for the time until it’s completely finished.

My favorite character so far is Tempest Shadow…

Changed of the summary is now fix and changed and now it's an 8/10. One word can change the outcome of a fiction it's pretty true.

Thank you for taking the time to read it and writing a short review on it.

This story is actually only a third of the way done as I've planned 15 chapters to this, but I wanted to get it reviewed now because the word count would only increase over time. You were on to something about this story calling out to you because I was having you in mind at the most likely reviewer to pick it up, which is why I waited until after Halloween before submitting it (you were interested in stories that fit the holiday at the time).

My favorite character so far is Tempest Shadow…

Tempest is the most focused character of the entire story and is the one that comes naturally to me, but I'm planning to give the fellas of the team the center spotlight within the next few chapters. She'll still have her big moments (it's very difficult for an OC to outshine a canon character), but I'm aiming to make Shining Armor to live up to his name and to make Flash Sentry into someone that can be accepted by his haters.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor


Impressive.... sorry for the big late respons.


Impressive.... sorry for the big late respons.

By all mean, late responses always help at bumping this thread back up for other to see. It's also somewhat of a reminder that I need to finish this story.

In a few more days, it'll be a year since the last chapter, but it's already been a few month after a year of being unemployed. Focusing on finding a job and finding the words isn't something I'm good at blending together.

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