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Flora Blossom
Group Contributor
TThe Adventures End?
Sunset comes back to Equestria after a long journey.
Dragon Shimmer · 83k words  ·  25  16 · 892 views

Tags: Comedy, Slice of Life

Review: The Adventure Ends

Summary: The continuation of the franchise.

“If you haven’t read the past fictions up to now, it's best not to read this one yet.”

Review:  This is truly stunning.  However, how you handle it was not as great.

The idea up to this point which means all 3 fictions total would be 10/10 for just the idea and it is still very interesting to read it is true.  When I say how it was handled.  It means that I have to say the grammar still needs to be clean and when I mean clean I mean perfection.  Perfection may not be you but you're trying to get there at least up to par.  Keep writing as you may but when you finish your latest fiction I would like you to go back and read your fiction… remember fictions are your thing now… it’s time to take care of them.  As a critical reader I do not say a lot to people because they are not quite there yet or it’s just not my type of fiction or it’s just massive grammar errors that made me stop reading throughout their fiction.  (so far I never stop reading fiction throughout my review and feedback career so far unless it’s 100% super terrible incomplete / hiatus.  Because they never finished.  That’s why I score people down for incomplete / hiatus)

However, this is a complete fiction.  (well besides grammar but that can be fixed throughout your day to day life.)

When a person writes a fiction they must cherish it.  Hopefully you can prove that to me in the mere future.

K time to get that water out of my eyes and write this story on it’s review.

This story would be a 10/10 but however it gets a couple down points due to grammar.

I started to think he might have lots of ideas to make stories. That's something that I'm ok with… but rushing it out may not be the best thing in this case.

I have to say that this fiction is clearly a 6/10 for me.

Well, thank you Flora. Anyway, I am making you as an actress though. Hope you don't mind :rainbowderp:

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

I don't mind at all.

All right. See you in my fic, ninja :twilightsmile:

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor
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