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TFog on the Window
A single event can change one's life, for the better or the worse. A single friend, real or imagined, can make it better still.
TheMajorTechie · 2.4k words  ·  12  4 · 315 views

Lisa Garnet has an imaginary friend. She's a pony, because she likes ponies. Her name is Celestia.

Lisa Garnet lost her parents one day, and she was sad.

Lisa Garnet had an imaginary friend, but now she's real.

Lisa Garnet is Twilight Sparkle, in her own little reality.

A 1-year anniversary prequel to Pony-Me.

Group Admin

Wow! JUst......WOOOW!!! Pretty cool! I love imagination! I'll definetely read it!

Group Admin

I just finished reading it. Well done!

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