Drama-Free Displaced 32 members · 47 stories
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... drama is a part of life. You can’t just... cut it out. I guess it’s kind of like cancer? It’s a part of you that you hate but you can’t get it out? Iunno.
Anyways, that’s my two cents.
Also the banner is just bad
Edit: wow, making me look like the bad guy by changing the thread name? Real mature. You say you don’t want drama, yet you’re starting it anyways. And don’t try to delete this, I’ve saved the whole thread.


Nothing says "we don't want any of that drama" like using your group's branding to take pot shots at people you don't like

Group Admin

Thank you for knowing exactly which drama-ridden mismanaged shithole-group I'm referring to, even though I never had to mention it by name.

The word Drama is a shit meme because so many people have different definitions of what it means. I just made this group because I wanted a competently-managed Displaced group to help the concept and its writers grow, rather than stagnate and repeat ad nauseum.

I love how you completely don't get the meanings of the words drama and sarcasm. This all makes me wonder how this group got formed.

Oh wait, I know exactly why it was formed. It was formed so you could complain about another group and take pot shots at them. You do realize that your attitude in creating this could be counted as violating some of the site rules, right? And on that, from what I can tell, you can't really take proper criticism. Please learn to take such things with a grain of salt.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Tem

P.S. - Blocking me, deleting my comment, making a nasty remark back, or all of the above proves my point. Please prove me wrong.

Group Admin

Kid, you came in here to piss on the walls, so you can claim my attempt to make a hygienic environment in which writers can discuss their works freely failed. And you're doing this... Why? Because I pissed off your lord and master. Why try and hide that under layers of "Haha x is sarcasm so you don't get to talk about it"? Oh, right, because deep down, you know you're wrong.

Conflict is a part of life. Growing up and learning to handle conflict maturely is a part of life. This "Drama" parasites like you feed on is an unnecessary time-waster.

I don't want Drama.

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