Programmatical editing 63 members · 8 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Bad Dragon
Group Admin

Did you ever edit your story and said to yourself, "Oh boy, I wish there was a way to automatically..."

If you had an ideal tool to help you with your writing/editing, what exactly would this tool help you with?

Post your suggestions in this thread so that we can implement the features you need in your life.

Grammar and write smoothly :rainbowlaugh:

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7759317 The grammar part is already implemented in the program. It already analyses all your story and checks for any known mistakes. It also suggests how you should fix said mistakes.

As for smooth writing, I'd like to hear more. Perhaps SweetAI Belle's Markov chains could help you out. If you get stuck mid-sentence, the Markov chain will tell you word by word what you might write. Do you think that could help you out?

Other than the usual grammar thing, overused words, cultural cues and idiomatic expressions. If I tell you that 'he doesn't make a stich without a knot' you may not understand what I mean. Another thing I'd like would be suggestions of stronger words. "breeze - gust" along with a statistic of how commonly used is the word.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7759352 The program already offers everything you just mentioned. All you have to do is export all the data you mentioned into a grammar file and the current version of the program will do the rest.

What I'm saying is, we've already implemented all these features you mentioned.

Is there any other thing that you would like this program to do that it currently can't do?

Sounds like I just need to stop being lazy and use it.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7759401 Indeed.

You do bring up the point of public grammar resources.

We could use people like you to add to it. For instance, you mentioned 'he doesn't make a stich without a knot'. The current resource doesn't include that, but it could. If you were to just throw it in there, The program would suddenly support exactly what you want from it. The more you add to the grammar resource, the more the program can serve you.

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