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Five college friends were sitting outside in the campus gardens and were chatting about their futures, but one of them was thinking of ways to get back to his kingdom and family.

His name is Levi Ackerman and he has been at East Tokyo University for three years. Levi had become the most popular student because of the ways he looks and dresses. Levi's looks highly favoured everyone's favoured titan slayer from the highly popular anime and manga Franchise Attack On Titan. There was also some sort of allure about him that made all the Brony and Pegasisters on-campus simply go crazy over him. This means his life is very stressful and annoying. Due to all of the attention he garnered, he rarely ever at all found quiet time for his studies or time to figure a way back home.

"Say, Levi... I have always wondered why all the my little pony fans on campus chase after ya?".it is because big macintosh I have equestrian magic flowing through me and as for the attack on titan fans, Its because I'm the real Levi Ackerman and I'm or so the king of equestrian.

“For some strange reason Levi I believe everything you said?" because back in high school, I found a book about rulers of other universes. and on one Page I found a king that looked just like you.

That explains, "so much and why the my little pony fans are always after you and worship you like a god and that's the reason why they always trying to join our club?. There's another reason they the "my little pony fans what to join our club?."

what's is that Levi?.its because all the my little pony fans what to come to Equestria with me and become my
Family bodyguards and servants?. "You know, Levi that does not sound too bad at least you would by giving them jobs most of them don't even have jobs?.

You know, what Iran? that is a good idea and it will make our, club more powerful. Oh and Barney please take these letters to every my little pony club in the country and the world welcoming them to our club?.what about the attack on titan fan clubs can they join too?. Yes, they can?.

After Levi and his lutenist's invites, all the my little pony and attack on titan fan clubs the gild club members grow from.
200 members to"90.000 members and they start looking around for someone who can build a Giant portal gun to get themselves and their grandmaster back to his family and, kingdom.

Them one of Levis lutenists mentions that his uncle has built a Portal door after.

hearing" this Levi and his friends had downtown to meet big Macs uncle Rick Macintosh, after explaining everything to big macs uncle they all get down to work reversed, engineering the portal boor so the user can travel doth ways and in the. meantime, rick macintosh gives his son Morty macintosh the task of inventing a portal pen so that.

All of Levis follows can portal to my little pony universes and attack on titan universes so they can spend the word of the gild and the house of Ackerman.

“How is the reverse engineering going on the portal door?”

It’s almost done. We just have to add some mathematics to the computer then we’ll be done

“How long will it take?”

“Oh, about one hour Levi, wall it is loading anyone up for some Italian food?”

Wall the Portal door is worming up with the mathematical codes Levi and his lutenists and followers head next door to the Big Macintosh brothers Italian.

the restaurant where they drink to all their hard work on the portal door and to celebrate their last day on earth 9.

Say, Levi, "do you think it's time to get back to the lap to see if the portal door uploaded the "mathematical codes yet?.

I think" by now Levi it must be done by now and I think the little feature you ask me to put has been updated as well?.

That's good oh" and Rick I'm making you an honorary gild member and my top inventor and scientist?.
I'm honoured, grand brother?.

After Levi makes, rick an honorary gild member they all head back to ricks lap to see if the portal door is ready.
And to send, texts to all of the club's members to get ready and to start packing up their belongings for the trip to Equestria.

“Excellent news Levi! The portal is ready and some other good news: Japan’s emperor has joined our club. That makes our club members up to-

"80 million? That is very very good news

After the emperor and his family join the gild every citizen in Japan follows soothe.
Afterwards some days Levi appoints brother Michael, as Governor-General of all of Japan but the emperor can stay as emperor. But the governor-general is really in charge.

Thank, " for giving me this job as governor General of all Japan," grand brother Levi?. Your most welcome brother Michael and I hope you do an excellent job ruling Japan?.
I will do my best, "grand brother Levi?.
I hope you do now if you would excuse me I need to get back to Ricks lab?."
See you later grand brother Levi and I will visit you in Equestria in a few months?."

After, leaving brother Michael in charge of Japan and giving him his very own mansion, Levi heads back to ricks lab where he finds a large number of gild brothers and sisters, waiting for his orders.

Good" afternoon brothers and sisters? Hear are my orders, head towards the closest parks and start opening portal doors and as you work through you will find yourself outside of" ponyvile in a florist please stay, there and what for my orders to appear under stoned?.
Yes "grandmaster, Levi understood?.

After Levi gives all the gild brothers and sisters their orders, he heads inside and works right in too the portal, a door without saying a single word, as he vanishes his lieutenants follow after him, they sore the most amazing sight it was not the old castle of the 2 sisters in the background. It was the tens of thousands of levieriam sun and moon stormtroopers, who were or ready bowing down at the feet of Levi himself.

Holy father" of Levi this is what, Levi meant by a big welcome" home party?. I know right" I thought he meant like a party with wine and food?.

As Levis lieutenants were speaking suddenly all of the" levieram sun and moon stormtroopers step left and right to reveal a very long gold carpet and at the top the hill was a very large tent and from somewhere a horn cod be hard as the horn died away three figures. Could be seen emerging from in the tent from what Levis lieutenants.

Could make out they look like gryphon's who were carrying something but from the sore behind the gryphons was the most amazing and beautiful sight in all of the Equestria.

Working" down the hill was Queen Celestia herself and as Levi and celestias eyes met they "start working towards. each other as they got closer they started to speed up in tell they were running towards each other.

And as they meet Celestia' jump into Levis's arms and they shared a loving kiss and will this was" going on everyone was diverting their gaze because they knew how private their king and Queen are.

"Um fellers" I don't think we should be watching this?. I don't think so Iran? but let's divert our gaze like all the soldiers are doing, and to play safe let's put on our black sunglasses?. Good idea Mikasa?.
"Hold lands and ladies it looks like there are about to finish?." It looks like it Armin.

As Levis lieutenants were finishing putting on their" sunglasses Levi and Celestia had just. finished their loveable moment which was very uncomfortable for some, because they had seen" their king and Queen kiss in public before because 98th time they were very Saturn and fear rulers.

"My beautiful queen Celestia"I would like to you to, meet my lieutenants ' from the other world and my hundreds and thousands of my Levieram followers, from the other, world?.well
I would love to meet" all your followers from another world my beautiful King, Levi but where are they all?. Oh, they are on their way ah hear them now.
From "the edge of the woods hundreds of dark green portals stared to open and out from one of them, step. captain"Hange of the 88th, gild sisterhood of South West France and following close by hind her was her deputy captain ymir.

So" this is the magical land of Equestria it does not seem too bad?. I know captain hange it looks so peaceful and green and well ordered and lord Levi has been working hard turning it super perfect for himself and his family and friends and all of his subjects?.

I know ymir? Just look at the size of the welcoming, party who has' come meet King Levi, and what just a minute isn't that Queen Celestia herself?. I think is hange and I think Levi has managed to stop her eating, cakes and she has managing to eat more healthy foods?.

I know "right ymir she has become" strong like an amazonian warrior' and I bet all of Levis family are all built like amazonian, warriors" as well and I can't wait to meet them all and I bet everyone here in Equestria. the watch's fox news and other hardcore stuff?. I know hange? And I'm looking, forward to seeing how badass Equestria is now?.

I know ymir and I bet everyone here is so badass they smoke cigars wall not looking at the cool explosion that is going on in the background.

To be continued on chatter one

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